Under the Blue Moon

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5:40 am
August 31, 2023

"Axel, hoy! Mata na!"

Woken by the screams of hell, still sleepy, I left the comforts of my bed to get ready for school. I took a bath, it was very cold, got dressed and ate my breakfast. "Ga dugay dugay jud siyag kaon oh, unsa na orasa" mom uttered. I finished the morning meal, and took the time to do my hair. 

It was useless. I forgot that I'm going to be wearing a helmet for the ride to school. "Dali na, Axel, kay 6:30 na" dad mentioned. We went outside and took a ride in my dad's motorcycle on the way to school.

6:50 am

We arrived at school, thankfully not late. I checked my phone and saw that it's Thursday today. You would hear a sigh coming out of me, as Thursday would mean that I'm going to be in school up until 3 pm. I headed towards the GLE building, the building my first sub was in, and walked the stairs up until the third floor. Room 301, that is where i had to be for my first subject today. 

Walking inside the room, 6 other people were there. I expected more. I started doubting if I really am in the right room. The room is very silent, you could only hear the white noise. Checked my phone and my friend texted me:

Friend: "Do, asa naka?"
Me: "Nana ko room" 

I waited for my friend, just staring randomly anywhere in the room. More and more people arrived, my friend not present. "Excuse me, naay galingkod diri?" someone asked, and I nodded. Moments later, my friend just entered the room, right before our professor arrived. "Do kapoya do oy, traffic kaayo" he complained straightaway and sat next to me. I chuckled and sarcastically patted his back.

Our classes ran from 7:30 to 10:30 AM, and it felt interminable.

"Thank you class, see you next Thursday. Don't forget about your plates ha" our professor remarked, and the class ended. "Na kaon nata ka kay gutom na kaayo" and I nodded yes, and we went outside the room. My friend, Jake, asked "Asa ta kaon?" and I told him wherever he wants to eat, as I already have my lunch in my bag. We headed towards the back gate, and found a place to eat and buy food in. 

We ate our lunch and waited for the last subject, PE, which was the 1:00-3:00 pm subject I loathed.

1:00 pm

We got lost. 

Me and Jake didn't know where the room for PE was. Until eventually, we found it and headed inside.

"No shoes pre" someone told us. We took off our shoes and I hoped that for the love God, my socks will not stink throughout the room. We sat down the mats, and waited for the professor to arrive. 

Looking around the room, I can see my classmates here and some unknown faces. One in particular caught my attention. Pearl-white skin, short hair, eyes so beautifully intimidating. She had a mask on, which i wished she didn't have. I wasn't planning on staring but I noticed too late that I already was. In my mind "Gwapaha" I thought, and then the professor arrived. She took our attendance.



Her voice was too low for me to hear, she was sitting beside the teacher's table. She raised her hand in unison. It was her, the pretty girl from earlier. I smiled.

Then eventually, after the attendance was finished we proceeded to an activity. The room got split into three batches. Me and Jake in the first batch. We had to do 30 seconds Jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups, 15 Abdominal Crunches, and 30 seconds Squat Hold, each in 3 reps. I took my glasses off because I did not want to see their faces whilst I do this. I'm very weak, I'm ashamed. Minutes later, sweaty and tired, we finished up and it was time for the second batch to do the sets.

Fast forward because I did not have time to watch them, I was too busy gasping for my breath.

Batch 2 ended, and the it is the last batch's turn. She was there, Egola. So I had to watch this batch. She hid behind the back of everyone, but I can see her clearly. This time, she took off her mask and I just fell. She was too pretty. Anyway, where was I? oh right, so yeah, they did the sets and she even had a mistake. Cute.

The class ended at 2:40 PM. I looked around the room for her but spotted her leaving with a boy. I wished I could hear her voice, but I knew I didn't stand a chance. I followed her for a bit, she was waiting for the boy to finish changing, outside the comfort room. I was intentionally walking slow, just to see her, but my friend Jake was hurriedly going home. At the gate, I looked around once more, maybe there's still a chance for me to see her. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen among the flooding populace of the school. Jake and I headed home, her image still fresh in my mind. What a day.

3:20 pm

I threw my bag in my room, changed into more comfortable clothes and turned on my PC. While that was going on, I cleaned up a bit, just a quick arranging of the house. I sat down my chair and opened all my socials. 

I couldn't stop thinking of her, those eyes, I was enraptured by them. I looked her up on Facebook, wasn't there. So I had a thought, what if I find her last name in the members tab of our MSTeams for the PE subject. I went and looked, scrolled and scrolled to find some resemblance to her last name. "Egola" I saw it "Ann X. Egola"  her full name, or so I hoped. Without hesitation, I messaged her there in MSTeams.

I send a waving emoji.
I know, I should've just said Hi.
And I did, minutes later I sent "Hellooo" clinging to that little bit of hope that she would respond later.

6:38 pm, I checked but there was no response. She did not even go online. I started thinking that she might not use her MSTeams often. Then, I had a stupid idea. Creating a form in google and ask questions like "Course?". I thought it was cute and stupid at the same time, but I made it anyway. I sent her the link, again, hoping, that she would see it and tomorrow there'll be a response.

I hoped.

I had no idea what was going to happen next. Fate has its own mysterious ways, or perhaps it's like a mirror. As I waited for her response, I couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected connection might unfold. Little did I know that this simple "Hello" would set in motion a series of events that would change my static days and nights.

5:22 pm
September 1, 2023

And then, she replied.


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