Flowers of Old

30 1 0

9:50 am
September 23, 2023
Meet-up at CIT

"Adto ta museum" she replied to me.

Just like that, we have ourselves a date. My original plan was to invite her, but she said that, so of course we're going to go at a museum. I was also planning on waiting for her NSTP class to finish so that I can hang out with her, but she said that her friend invited her to drink. I still planned on waiting anyway, maybe I'll just go join them.

Shortly after that message, I headed for school because that's where we'll meet up since I don't know the way to the museum. I arrived and was heading inside the school when she texted:

"ayy ayaw nalag sulod, hapit nako sky walk"

But I was already inside, so I turned around immediately and walked up towards the sky walk. I waited there just a bit before seeing that glow once again, but it was just us on the sky walk. Walking towards me, she waved and I let out a big grin on my face. I asked her "Asa ta sakay?" just to hear her voice answer me. She pointed downstairs to the left side, and I nodded "Okay". I asked her again "Unsa ato sakyan?" because I really wanted to hear her voice and she replied:


Finally, I heard her voice, this is very big happening for me. I nodded and said "ahh, okay okay"

We waited for quite some time, dropping questions on her like "What if dili ta kasakay?" and she'd reply "Kasakay lagi ta". Right after that, we were on a jeepney, headed towards our destination. 

10:30 am

Seated right next to me, in the hot embrace of the jeepney, was Ann. Hair scented with an alluring aroma. Just her presence makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. 

"Tugnaw raba kay ngadto" she said. I laughed and replied "Ah bantog ra ga jacket ka". Wearing a denim jacket on top of a black t-shirt, school ID with no ID just the sling and light colored pants. A brown sling bag she's holding. Looking at her closely now, she has two rings, one on each hand. A bracelet on her left arm. Her features more defined up close. Her jawline, her eyes, her nose, her pretty lips, captivating eyes. 

We talked and laughed in the journey. It was nice.

She said something I couldn't hear as I was engrossed in looking at her. Her laugh is real cute too.

Moments later in the journey, a kid entered the vehicle. Giving out envelopes to passengers and sang something. I gave her a coin, and returned the envelope to her. Ann followed right after, so did the other passengers.

"Ari rata" she said to me. We were at the destination.

10:50 am

"Maglakaw pata padung adto, pero duol raman" 

We walked towards the museum and on the way we saw the Plaza. She asked "Naka ara naka Plaza?" pointing forward in its direction. "Wala pa" I replied, though in reality i just couldn't remember. I felt like I had been there before, but I wasn't too sure.

"Louya nimo oy" she said. 

I laughed and told her "Okay ra para ikaw ako kuyog sa first time nako adto" and she laughed along.

Soon after, the shape of the building holding the museum came into sight. As we turned a corner, we could see the whole of it. "Mao na ang National Museum," Ann muttered.

There were other people but they were on the side, and there also was a bus. Seemed like a tour. We headed in the gate, and it appeared to be close inside. I told her "What if sirado diay ron" jokingly. 

"Hoy, ayaww ba," she replied. I laughed and assured her that it's probably not the case.

Then, the guard greeted us with, "Excuse me, miss, adto lang ta sa entrance agi." I got confused, but we retraced our steps, and it was only then that we saw what we couldn't see before entering. Posted on the gate was the word "EXIT"

We burst into laughter.

Walking in the direction of the real entrance this time. There were people waiting, students. I thought that they might be in a tour, and that probably the museum was reserved for them. "Naa paman sad adto oh, katong museum na ako gi send nimo picture pag last, kato ana ka murag japan" pointing in the direction behind me. 

It was Fort San Pedro.

I told her that we could go there instead if she wanted to, but she was insistent on waiting for the National Museum. I approached the guard and asked "Chief, dili makasud?" they then responded "Oh huwat lang sa ta dong ha kay naa pay ga linya man" indicating the tour bus. 

We decided that's probably better going somewhere else. We walked away and thankfully it wasn't that hot anymore. 

Walking beside the plaza, she said "Sud ta na" and I nodded immediately. I thought it'd be sweet just walking with her around the plaza. I saw so many flowers in there, it was like an enchanted garden. "YELLOW!" I shout in excitement, pointing towards the yellow flower that I saw. "Yellow diay na? Orange mana" She replied. I was confused, I'm pretty sure that it's yellow but she says it's orange. There were many instances where she had to color-correct me, I'd shout a color and she'd correct me. It was fun. All the flowers that we saw was reminding me of her, even though she's right beside me. I didn't want to act like a kid but with her I just feel safe, and comfortable. 

After walking around, we were at the front of the fort. Fort San Pedro, an historical site. A once blood filled fort, now filled with greenery and flowers, and cats. She had been here before, I have not. The important thing is that she's here exploring this fort again, with me.

With only about an hour left before 12, we headed inside. Payed the fee of 30 each, and started this blooming date for the day.


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