POEM: Plead

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I honestly don't know what to write
I am lost  and I cannot concentrate on what's right

This isn't about me
but turns out it will have to be
because I don't know your side, just of me
and I am feeling tense, restless and endless worry

There's no theme
or hidden meaning
I am just writing this to express my feelings
as it is starting to overwhelm my chest

Yesterday felt like a year
We were laughing like crazy, forming a tear
in our eyes
So what happened?  Why the sudden transition into fear?

Yesterday I couldn't think straight
Before it all happened, we were talking, hands clenched
together; you took a picture of the sunset.
You left a mark on my hand, it feels numb
but this is all I have of you now,  
fearing it won't be permanent.

Yesterday I couldn't stay calm
My heart racing like a dam
about to be burst broken by the overflowing amalgam
of emotions; uncontrollable

Yesterday I threw all my worries
Transformed them into words of blurry
Sent them to you in a hurry; Hoping
That you would see them and tell me what's going on

I was blinded, and couldn't think of your side
I was too selfish and kept asking for us to not divide
When you could've been having a problem on your side
I was only looking at myself and realized too late.

Words and thoughts are not the same
Take your time; Where are you?
I understand; You're going to be back, are you?
So, I'll give the space you need; Please don't leave.

Yesterday all I wanted was a response
Yesterday all I wanted to know was what you want
Now I know you want space, but how long? 
This is a first for me, I don't know how to deal with this unsung song. 

I should probably leave you alone
I'll wait, but I won't hope for anything better
I'm sorry for coming in to your life, it was good rather
I hope you get better, happier

I'll always be here

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