Flowers of Old (2)

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11:10 am
September 23, 2023
Fort San Pedro

Hallways, greenery, shrubs, a big tree blooming with white flowers of which I don't know of. It emits vintage. Looking up, there's the a second floor to this fort, the one on the walls. Every turn, I see new flowers, yellow, blue, purple, pink, orange and more.

We went to the left side of the fort, right after you go inside. There's a little pond by the staircase leading up. "Wa manay isda" I said, and she immediately sees one after I had said that "Ara ah, gamay kaayo". 

She reached out and sinked her finger under the water, in response I told her "Naa jud nay mogawas diha sa tubig". She replied "hadlok ka?" and I said "wala lang, basin naa ray mogawas" and yes, I was a bit scared. Shut up.

Beside the pond were the staircase leading up. Before going up, there were flowers, blue ones. Although I think she said it was violet. I took pictures of it and started wondering if, me, always stopping and taking pictures, is annoying her. Maybe I was too selfish, so I said "Sorry, kadiyot rajud ni" and she sat down and seemed okay with it. 

After that, we saw another flower across the pond and took pictures of them before going back to the staircase, had a quick cat stop, and went up. 

Upstairs, there are more companies of greens, flowers and people. I took one second to take a pic of the place and we walked along the wall. 

"Ay batia gi alihan man" I exclaimed after seeing another staircase leading somewhere up blocked by some stuff. Ann said "Di na pwede ara" and I can't help but think what could be up there. Maybe dead people? who knows.

Continuing the tour with the prettiest tour guide, Ann of course, we saw an open window. My delusional mind immediately thought of period dramas or saloon doors. I looked inside and there I could see a mess. Bunch of mess. Looked like someone was living there and left it. It also looked like a crime scene. I called Ann so that she can see and I did not realize how close she would be, to me, to look inside. She was so close that I could smell her hair. I could see her face up close while she's busy looking around.

Nganong gwapa kayka Annnnnnn??? Yawa kaduol tabang
I thought to myself. I got nervous, I started sweating a bit and my heart beating fast. 

I took a picture of the room, acting like I did not just smile in excitement, and said "Mura manig horror".

"Dili man, kay hayag pa. If hapon na guro kay mo ngit2 ni" she responded.

On the side, a familiar view showed itself. A steep slope made of cobblestone, leading down the ground floor and into where the paintings are gathered. "Ari toh ako gi send nimo na pic," and followed with "pero unya nana kay mobalik rata diri" like a sibling showing off her collection of figures, she chimed.

So, we walked past that I saw the tree that I saw upon entering closer, blooming with white flowers. "White oh, nindot kaayo picturan" I suggested. She went ahead and took a picture of it and complained "Daghana sad taw oy, panghawa mo pls". I burst out of laughter as I still couldn't believe she'd get triggered by that, it's cute and it's also funny.

Then, sneakily, while she adjusts her angle, I attempted to take a picture of her. I got caught, and she did not want to continue taking the pic. I told her "dili na lagi ko mo pic, promise" and of course she didn't believe that lie. I attempted the second time and successfully took one, although half her face was covered by her phone, her eminent grace still shows. I love taking pictures of anything I find beautiful, she exceeds that. I showed her the pic and she said "ohhh, nindot raba" I replied "hehe, ikaw man ako gipicturan, nindot jud na". 

11:30 am
Fort San Pedro

"11:30 na" I informed her. She had to be back at school before 1 pm for her NSTP class. I told her that but it she wasn't bothered by it.

"Taas pa oras" Ann responded.

While we were walking, making our way back to where we started. I was just filled with bliss. I want to spend more of my days with her, but I know that it's not good to be greedy. Hopefully next Saturday, we can hang out again.

"Ay balik sa tas agi diay" Ann remembered. We then headed back, towards the steep slope from earlier. 

Upon arriving there, people kept going back and forth the slope. Ann waited for the people to leave the area so she can take a picture. The scenery there was quire nice, hanging branches of a tree on the side by the wall. Varieties of stones on floor, an old looking building too which helped for the aesthetic of the area.

Ann stepped forward to take a shot.

I took my shot too.

With her as the main focus.

She looked back at me, and she was laughing. I don't why she was laughing, but I got her smile on my phone now. I laughed too.

After that, we headed down and towards the building on the side. Now up close at the right side of the ground floor, I saw more plants and trees. There also was an array of tables and chairs set up to be a resting or dining area. Turning left, was the building and inside were paintings. The inside of the building wasn't made to be "good" or so I observed. The paintings consisted of the Spanish colonization, some portraits of people in history and and the center of the room was a Japanese armor—a Yoroi 

There wasn't much to see in there so we headed out the building. Just off to the side of the building, there was a small alley-like space. Inside was a wishing well. 

POZO de la VIRGEN was written on the sign above the well. Looking down the well, it was quite literally a sea of coins. "Pwede raman na makuha" I said jokingly, and she replied "Bitaw, pero di naka kasaka balik". We giggled a lot. We then decided to make a wish.

I wished for- charot lang, Ann is reading this so I will not share my wish. 

*Flick* The coin flew up and soared down the well and into the water, forever staying there until our wish came true.

We took pictures of the space and I also took a picture her. She also took a picture of me taking a picture of her. It was cute.

We headed back towards the pond to stop by the cats chilling in there. There were so many cats, BIG CHUNKY cats. Ann took a picture of one, and again, she was so cute. Took a picture of her taking a picture of the cat, and I saw an opportunity. I called her "Ann" and she turned around right as I took the photo, but she was too fast. Half her face was covered again, tsk tsk. One day, one day Ann.

She then said "Adto sa samin na, picture ta" and I was like "OFCOURSE LET'S GO" in my mind. I was washing my hands in the sink by the mirror and she took a picture, sneaky woman. We took a pic together. At first, looking at myself in the mirror, I realized I looked like an uncle. I was hesitant to take a pic with her and pose, so we took a lowkey pic. She said it was cute, so I'm happy.

After that, we headed out the fort as it was already 11:50 am. 

The day isn't over yet. We still had time, more time with her is always good.

Our next destination would be the church.
A short but meaningful part of the day, and a trip back to school.

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