Chapter 03: Vocal Evaluation

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Naomi POV:

I arrived at the LA Boot Camp for our second day, today was the day of the vocal evaluation. To calm down, all of us were pretty much having a conversation or practicing our vocals. We were even pointing out how JYP had a piano and that he'll just be trying to correct our pitch the whole time. We were all kind of just laughing all the nerves out of us. Although, I'm kind of stressed out since my song choice was Someone Like You by ADELE, before we started the episode I was constantly repeating the lyrics "I wish nothing but the best of you" since I needed to make sure I could sing the lyric and maintain the right pitch without being super out of breath.

JYP then started the episode by saying, "It has to look like you are talking to the viewers, talking to me sitting in front of you. It is basically trying to deliver a story. So, If you let your soul be free, that will be a great performance".

"Okay, let's start with KG".
KG was singing Easy on Me by ADELE, she made me get goosebumps. Her vocals were amazing and I felt the emotions very clearly through her singing. KG somehow makes a song her own while still keeping in the same emotions and message through the song. KG was defiantly main vocal material. KG then was given compliments by JYP and then the first Vocal stone.

Kendall was called up next. She sang I have Nothing by Whitney Houston, I was a bit worried for her because I knew she was having bad allergies and it's really hard to sing with allergies and I could tell she was nervous since her voice wasn't sounding how she wanted it to sound before the episode started. Ever since she started singing it was like seeing a new side of her. Her singing was better than she made it seem, even if she couldn't get it the way she wanted it. JYP found the way she expressed herself amazing and gave Kendall a vocal stone.

Kaylee was singing Hello by ADELE, which I found to be a really challenging song to sing. Like Kendall, whenever Kaylee sings it's like seeing a completely different person. The cute side of Kaylee was gone when she was singing a sadder song like Hello. At the end of the performance, JYP was smiling but no words had came out of his mouth yet. With the feedback JYP gave her, Kaylee then began to tear up. It broke my heart seeing Kaylee start to cry. As soon as she got back to her seat Cristina immediately went to comfort her.

Melissa was called next to perform. She was singing Love by Keyshia Cole, throughout the performance JYP seemed to love what Melissa was doing and showed multiple signs of approval. Melissa was amazing at singing, she was also one of the contestants I considered 'Potential Main Vocalists'. With that, Melissa was the next contestant to get a Vocal Stone.

I was called up next to perform. "Naomi, what have you been working on since the regional auditions?", JYP asked me.
"Well, I've been mainly working on trying to be less stiff and practicing more to make my vocals better".
"So, what song will you be singing for us today?"
"I'll be singing Someone Like You by ADELE today".
"Alright, let's see it then".

I went to the side of the set to go grab a microphone and then started to test it on my way back to the center of the set. As soon as I knew the mic worked and I was ready I gave the staff a thumbs up to start the song.

The song:

As I sang I tried to imagine the scenarios I came up with to make the lyrics I was singing have more emotion to them. It's just a thing that for some reason works for me, anytime I need to sing a more emotional song I kind of make up my own story in my head and imagine what the characters are feeling instead of just singing the song in any way.

At the end of the song, JYP seemed confused.
"Naomi, how did you improve this much? It's crazy, you went from being tense while singing and being really stiff and nervous to performing the song and making everyone feel all the emotions that this song contains. You knew how to balance your breathing while singing way better than at the auditions. Come here", JYP said.
"Thank you", I said as I walked towards him.
"You did amazing today, I'm looking forward to seeing your improvement and growth in this competition", he said as he filled my pendant with a Vocal stone.

Naomi: He told me that he's looking forward to my growth and improvement, so I'll keep practicing harder and harder each time!

Next to sing was Gina, she was also singing Hello by ADELE. Gina's performance was almost flawless, her vocals were so well thought out which suited the song perfectly. Gina also sang the song with emotion, making it way more impactful. JYP said Gina could let herself loose more and she'd be almost perfect and then gave Gina the vocal stone.

Savanna was next to preform, she was singing Easy on Me by ADELE  like KG. I feel like Savanna was subtly showing more emotions as she sang through the song. When she ended, JYP actually asked her to hold onto the mic which confused all of us. JYP then helped Savanna know that she could actually sing the song in the original key. JYP also said that Savanna needed to change her breathing techniques which was holding her back. However, Savanna did not receive the Vocal Stone but now had more confidence.

Mischa also sang Love by Keyshia Cole, and received critiques on her rhythm. Cristina sang If this is my last night with you by ADELE  but JYP said she was wasting too much air. Yuna went next and sang Always be my Baby by Mariah Carey but didn't get very positive feedback. Lexi also sang the same song but JYP said she didn't know how to sing on air. The 4 of them also did not receive any Vocal stones.

Camila was next to perform, she sang I want to dance with somebody by Whitney Houston, It honestly was refreshing to not see a song that was more upbeat and cheerful. Camila's high notes were giving me goosebumps and the way she didn't just cover the song but made it more of her own and added personality into it was amazing. She was now added onto my mental list of the contestants that were main vocal material.

Naomi: Camila's singing was amazing just now, I'm so proud of her.

After Camila received her well-deserved vocal stone JYP went to have another evaluation meeting with the staff for extra stones and the ranking. After the meeting with the staff JYP said that he has one more Vocal Stone to give out. Kaylee then received the stone, which left Savanna, Mischa, Lexi and Cristina with no Vocal stone.

Once my Rank came out, I felt proud of myself. I knew that I did my best and that if I practice more maybe someday I'll make it into the Top 3.

Naomi: I was quite proud of my rank and I know that I tried my best which is all that mattered to me at the moment.

1. Camila
2. Melissa
3. KG
4. Naomi
5. Gina
6. Kendall
Unranked: Kaylee, Savanna, Lexi, Mischa and Cristina

Author's Note:
There's about 1,250 words in this chapter (for anyone who want's the word count). Also, I'm not completely sure if all the songs are the correct names since A2K didn't give the song titles or show a longer clips of the performances for most of the girls who didn't get the Vocal Stone. 


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