Chapter 10: The Team Evaluation Rehearsals

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Naomi POV:

The second mission of the Korean Boot Camp is the 'Team Evaluation'. I was put on the LMLT or Love Me Like This Team. My team was actually one of the teams with higher individual mission ranks. My team consisted of Kaylee, Savanna and KG. It was honestly weird to not be dancing to a song that used lots of energy, stamina and having a complicated dance break. This song didn't really have a dance break either- it was more vocal based, which I feel like I'm not going to do so well in but at least KG and Kaylee could take the high notes because I know Savanna and I both panicked when they offered us the high notes..

During Dance Practice, we had most of the moves down but the fine details needed tweaking. I learned the dance a while back but I normally don't learn all the super fine details that you'd barely catch, so every time we do a song or dance for a mission I'm always missing at least one detail and it'll bother me. Sometimes my muscle memory kicks in and I learned it wrong so while we're working on the right way, unconsciously I'll be doing the other way I learned it. It was normally KG and I making mistakes and then once I got it down I would stay back with KG so we could both make sure we perfected it. As a team, we even made little names for certain movements to help KG (and sometimes me) remember the choreography.

During our Vocal Training Session, the nerves were slowly starting to get to me. We stayed back a bit in the room to practice and were trying our best to perfect everything. I found it almost relaxing once I got a part correct or the others said it was good. I felt like my practice was working and it wasn't for nothing. The only part I didn't feel confident in was when I sing, "Oh yeah, don't run away, yeah (now, now)" due to it getting somewhat high, which was out of my comfort range. Yes, sometimes and most times I'd be able to hit the note but it just worried me that since it wasn't in my comfort range, I wouldn't do well in it.

In most of the training sessions I've been getting stickers for our books, which made me want to keep up with the work I was putting into it. I knew I needed to strengthen my mindset somehow eventually and being in A2K in my opinion, was a great way to do just that. So at the end of each day that I get a sticker, I look forward to filming myself and showcasing the new stickers I have collected throughout the day.

We also had to come up with a team name. 
"Guys, what should our team name be?", KG the leader asked us.
"What about 'Love us Like that'?", Savanna suggested.
"I feel like it's too basic? I don't know", Kaylee said trying to think of different names.
"We could be 'Team Love?'", KG suggested.
"Team Love?? What kind of intro are we going to do? Us acting like cupids?", I said which made all of us laugh at the thought of it.
"What about, 'Naomi is a clown'?", Kaylee said playfully, which made us all burst into laughter.
"Well we all speak different languages and are different races, right?", Kaylee asked.
"Yeah we do", Savanna said.
"What if we named ourselves 'SP3KTRUM'?", I suggested.
"Omg guys Naomi's reading my mind!", Kaylee said excitedly.
"For our introduction we could do us saying 'Hello we are SP3KTRUM!', and then we say that in different languages?", KG suggested.
"Then we introduce the name of the song, KG can say 'Love', Naomi can say 'Me', I can say 'Like' and Kaylee can say 'This'!", Savanna said.
"Guys, I think we should do this!"
"Me too!"
"Okay, 'SP3KTRUM' it is!", KG said.

We had a day left until the performance and we were doing really well. Our dance was in sync and our vocals have been doing really well. We had the teachers come do last minute tweaks anything they thought was wrong, but they couldn't find anything. We were recording ourselves doing the dance and singing after the staff had left and we felt very accomplished, So by the time it was time to go back to the hotel so we could get rest, we felt accomplished and not as worried as we were. yes, we were worried and nervous still but not as much as we were in the beginning. I went to bed knowing that I had practiced hard and as long as I try my best, the performance will turn out good.

 I went to bed knowing that I had practiced hard and as long as I try my best, the performance will turn out good

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Author's Note:
Exactly 780 words..Anyways a nice short chapter for you all to enjoy (hopefully). What am I going to do once there aren't any episodes left to write for the survival show..And should Naomi be part of the: top 3? top 5? top 7? What do I do :')

Also, please vote on the options for the other book because I'm not sure how I want to write it TT..

Thank you guys for all the support on my first book btw <33
- Arin the antiromantic
(you'll understand the antiromantic part if I ever attempt to write a romantic relationship in any of the future books I plan to write- well and TXT reference soo)

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