Chapter 12: Friendship stickers

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Each week for the past 7 weeks, we've been voting on 1-4 people who've been helping us and keeping us motivated. And today it was revealed to us who the top 4 has been. The top 4 were going to be able to go to Seoul's most famous amusement parks, which we've been apparently staying next to at our hotel..

KG: During the whole time we were practicing Naomi always tried to put others before her when she could. She also helped me a lot with my dancing. She would always leave us with a smile on our faces, she's like a vitamin!

We went to Lotte world through the hotel door and as soon as we got in, Camila, Lexi, Gina and I went to the gift shop to go get one of the famous headbands. It was a must-have item for LOTTE World. Gina and Camila chose dog ears and Gina immediately asked,
"Should I bark?" and Lexi just ran and hid behind Camila..As soon as Gina barked I felt the looks that we were getting. I was very embarrassed go say the least.
"Ginaaaaaaa", I said trying to get he to stop with a bit of a playful tone in my voice.
"Should I get this bear headband, the tiger one or the bunny one??"
"You should get the bear or the tiger!"
"Hm? why?", I asked in Korean on accident.
"Why are you speaking Korean Naomi-ya!?", Gina said in Korean while laughing.
"I don't knowwwwww", I replied in Korean.

Lexi and Camila looked like they were questioning what was going on in our minds. Well, that's what they get for being the eldest I guess?

"But Gina why do you think I should get the tiger or bear one?"
"Well, you seem really cute and adorable at first but then once people get to know you you're like really scary and intimidating.."
"yah!", I said softly smacking Gina's shoulder.
"It's true!! I'm sorry!!", Gina said in Korean although I was speaking to her in English.
"wHy aRe YoU sPeAkInG kOREAn GiNa-yA?", I mocked Gina from what she said earlier.
"Okay you two, come on and choose so we can go do things, I'm sure you guys don't wanna stay here arguing in Korean when you could be going on rides..", Lexi said.
"Yeah, let's go and we can go grab some food!", Camila said.

Camila swapped out her dog ears for mouse ears and Lexi went from mouse ears to frog eyes ( am I supposed to explain that). I was debating between the tiger and the bear headband but I ended up with the bear headband. As soon as we got our headbands we went to the snack stores and got churros, corn dogs and drinks.

For some reason, most of the rides we went on consisted of spinning. We did the cave ride where you spin in water, the teacup ride and even the carousel. The lines were so long though, if you think other amusement park lines are long, LOTTE World beats them all, I think we spent majority of our time walking around trying to find the entrance to the lines and in the lines. It was however, really fun to go with the girls. I wish all of us could've came though, Cristina would defiantly want a churro. But I did get to improve on my Korean while we were here.

"Oh my gosh you guys are back!"
"How was LOTTE World?"
"Did you guys have fun"
"These kids were going insane while you guys were gone"

"Naomi! Gina!", Kaylee ran up to me and Gina and hugged us.
"I missed you guys!"
"I missed you too!", Gina & I said in sync and started laughing.
"How was LOTTE World?"
"It was interesting to say the least...Gina said I'm scary and intimidating earlier!"
"GINA?? NO WAY." Kaylee seemed shocked.
"IT'S TRUE!", Gina tried defending herself.
"NOT YOU TOO KAYLEE!", I said walking away playfully.

"What happened-", Lexi said coming over to me.
"Am I intimidating or scary?"
"WHO SAID THAT." Lexi said jokingly. I looked around and saw that it was Kaylee and Gina.
"KG do you think Naomi is scary or intimidating?"
"Well she's intimidating when she performs because she has crazy talent but besides that no-"
"Savanna, what do you think?"
"Naomi is defiantly not scary. She's like my height-"
"Not the height roasting..Everyone else is pretty much shorter than us!"
"Is that my fault??"
"Y e s" I replied as a joke causing a chain of replies.
"yes it is!", Kendall said acting hurt.
"I'm 5'1 and I will be blaming you for that from now on!", KG said laughing.
"yes!" Gina stated matter of factly.
"Savannaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..", Lexi and Camila said.
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!", Kaylee said jokingly.
"That's not my issue to deal with anyways-" Cristina said.

"That's not my issue to deal with anyways-" Cristina said

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Author's Note:
This book is doing so well..T-T Thank you guys for all the support! BTW Who thought it'd be a good idea to put this book in the top 20 of a hashtag with 16.1k books..speak up 👀

800+ words this chapter btw! Also happy late Halloween for those who celebrate! I also may or may not fail my elective because we were planning a PSA video and I didn't put much writing in the script- oops..

How tall do we think Naomi is? I feel like she's probably giving off short vibes but like that could be because I'm short? How short is she??

- Arin the Antiromantic

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