Chapter 20: First M/V shoot is now complete

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We were all chilling in the bus with all the supplies to do our hair and makeup, I was wearing the same outfit as 2 days ago for my solo scenes, baggy, black pants and a cropped, baggy, white, graphic t-shirt along with a plaid black and white jackets tied around my waist. My hair was in a ponytail with a few strands in the front escaping the hair tie, framing my face.

When we were all done we went to go watch KG film her scenes, in front of the public eye. She was in front of random strangers on the street and not actors, acting like she was busking. Once she was done filming her solo scenes we had to start filming our group scenes.

"Kaylee don't hurt Garry's eye!" I said, watching her stick her whole hand into the fan/ac thing. 
"It's okay, I'm only gouging his eyes out!" she said cheerfully, making us all laugh.

Once it was time for our group shoot the director said, "Okay, so you guys just come and hug KG from this side and then have fun while she plays music". Very broad directions- We basically have freedom to do anything.

I was so embarrassed acting in front of both a camera and people; specifically strangers on the sidewalk, walking by, since we were kind of acting a little crazy, just a taaad bit crazy.

"Help- that was so embarrassing!", I said walking while covering my mouth, attempting to hide from the world.
"Says the introvert herself guys" Lexus said, making us all laugh.

After a bit we were changing back to our blue jerseys for our finale group dance scene. The sun was blazing, the fact that we were practically in the middle of a sidewalk also did not help- 

We would shoot once, monitor once or twice then shoot once more, and then monitor again. This cycle was repeated so much throughout the whole M/V shoot, I understood why shooting music videos were so stressful for idols, they want everything to be perfect, not human. 

I'd also love to note, anytime you were in the sun and wanted to show charisma or show how great your stage presence is, just give up. It's not going to happen the way you want..The sun will make you blinder than my grandma who can't see a single thing without her glasses. 

Anywhos, the takes turned out great and we were done filming our first ever music video, nerve-wracking, right? I hope it turns out good..

Anywhos, the takes turned out great and we were done filming our first ever music video, nerve-wracking, right? I hope it turns out good

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Author's Note:

wc: 436

This was a really short chapter but anyways, I want this era to be over with and done, I'm so far behind from where they are now. Like can you believe VCHA is having their first comeback already? "Only One" should be releasing today..or tomorrow perhaps? AND I'M ONLY ON THEIR PRE-PRE-DEBUT ERA. I STILL WANNA WRITE ABOUT THEIR MUSIC-SHOW LOG. HTJFRHEJKDFHJCNDVNSUDHG7WEYY 

Anyways, slower updates on this book because I may or may not have a writer's block and not want to watch a bunch of videos and then keep pausing to write about the scenes..SO Please support my new book, 'SSICK'; which is a Stray Kids female added member book. The book is apart of a whole "series" of future added-member books I have chilling in my drafts. The book is currently getting updated every Tuesday, meanwhile any random chapters (like Xing's playlist to be an example) or even chapters for this book will upload on Thursdays. 

Again, I'm so sorry for the super short chapter, I just want to finish this dang era and maybe even skip over 'Ready for the World', just so I can catch up to "Only One" when they're done with that era, I've just assumed that I'll always be an era behind lol.

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