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"Thank you for your help, Ross," Serena smiles genuinely at her younger stepson. He whips out a brief return smile before it's wiped off his face by the front door opening. Elmer is home. He doesn't agree that boys should help out in the kitchen, not even to help set the table, which is what Ross had done. Ross scurries off without a reply as Serena straightens her spine in resolve. Isaiah and Jeremiah, who were roughhousing in the living room, make haste to wash their hands before supper. They've faced Elmer's wrath for their slowness multiple times before. Elmer walks passed the kitchen door, loosening his tie. "Suppers ready," Serena smiles stiffly at him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. She knows the routine now. Her husband expects perfection from his wife and sons, story book perfect. Loving wife and obedient sons.

"You get the boys, I'll wash up." Elmer states, complete authority in his voice, words and actions. Serena nods dutifully. Ross and Colin are already seated at the table in their designated spots appointed by Elmer, across the table from each other. Elmer has the two youngest boys closest to him on his left, followed by his sons from his two previous marriages. Warren sits at the foot and Serena sits to Elmer's right, proceeded by Colin and Tyson. Serena is worried. Elmer hadn't come home with his usual work pep, meaning it was going to be a long night of walking on eggshells.

"I'll get them," Ross appears in the doorway, quiet as a mouse. "You forgot the cups."

"Thank you," Serena smiles softly at the conscientious boy. She knew he made the mistake but didn't want to chance his father overhearing. She watches his buzz cut blond hair bob up the stairs before turning to the kitchen and completing the last tasks of their supper routine. It always saddens Serena's heart that in a house full of seven boys, not a peep is heard once their father arrives home. None of them are a step out of line. Ross is back down the stairs first, followed in a silent, single file line. Serena wonders if they arranged themselves from youngest to oldest on purpose.

Colin pockets his rosary and Serena's heart goes out to her youngest son from her late husband. Colin is so much like his father it sometimes daunts her, looks wise Colin takes more after her but personality, character, intellect, that is all Caleb's even though Colin was only four years old when he passed on. Benjamin is next and slyly pockets his phone, knowing his father doesn't appreciate distractions or electronics at the table. He flips his shaggy hair, a small defiance he instigates  his father with every tine he lets it grow long. Elmer doesn't appreciate Tyson's long hair either but doesn't say anything because it is always braided back in seven cornrows, and out of his face; therefore making Elmer's argument obsolete. Tyson is the son that scares her, all that rage inside his mind and heart and body and he has yet to unleash it. Serena is afraid he'll become like his stepfather: abusive to women. He's already been through two girlfriends and as far as she knows, they hate him with a fury. Warren is her golden boy, always looking after his brothers and today fares no better when he slaps his hand over Tyson's mouth, cutting off his very inappropriate and disgusting comment about what Elmer could do to himself.

It's almost as if we are attending a funeral, Serena thinks wryly. Benjamin and Ross are wearing their black slacks, Tyson, per usual is dressed in all black from his socks to his sweats to his shirt. Warren and Colin's jeans are dark washed blue and Warren's plaid shirt is a dark grey with black square outlines. Only her babies are dressed in colours and Isaiah is blue shirt and light washed jeans, Jeremiah green shirt and light washed jeans. Elmer designated them those colours when one day the two little boys were arguing about a red shirt they both wanted to wear.

Then it happens: what Serena fears. Elmer exits their master bedroom at the same time Isaiah and Jeremiah race out of the bathroom, forgetting their father is home. Isaiah is closest to Elmer so he receives the snack that sends him flying into the wall. Jeremiah skids to a stop as his brother crumples to the floor, tears sprouting in his eyes. Serena'a throat closes in on itself.

"You have your mothers brains!" Elmer hisses, stepping on Isaiah's fingers when he tries to crawl up. His large hand wraps around Jeremiah's neck to make him look at his father right in the eye. "You wanna run inside, I'll give you a damn good reason to run." With that, Elmer shoves Jeremiah into the wall and he crumples into his brother. When he reaches his wife, he cocks his arm and throws a massive punch. It spins her in a half circle and she careens through the hallway doorframe into the dining room. All three of her boys stare in anger at the blood now dripping down her chin as Ross looks on in horror. Benjamin just rolls his eyes, unsurprised at his fathers violent temper. It's his normal, there is nothing he can be shocked by anymore. While Elmer is reaming out his wife about her lack of control over his sons, Isaiah and Jeremiah scurry to their seats.

"We're getting new neighbours next door," Elmer states calmly, as if he didn't just accost his wife and two youngest sons. He picks up his fork, staring down the defiance on Tyson's face until the boy becomes meek. "I've volunteered you boys to help out. We need to show them they joined a nice, safe and welcoming neighbourhood."

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