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"Chief Carr-Hardwood," the police officer guarding the cells stands up quickly, surprise written on his face. Tyson, eyes red from his hangover, glances at his older brother, preparing himself for Elmer's wrath.

"Sergeant Major Carr-Hardwood," the police officer states incredulously. Tyson sends his brother a panicked look. Elmer brought his brothers to bail them out of jail. Nothing good comes from Carr-Hardwood's coming together.

"Captain Carr-Hardwood," the guard clears his throat and wipes his palms on his pants. Tyson can't help the snort that escapes. The Carr-Hardwood's are here for him and his brother but the guard doesn't know that because Tyson and Warren have different last names and skin tones. Warren sighs deeply, wondering why he always gets dragged into Tyson's drama. Tyson never apologizes either, he's oblivious to the problems he causes his brothers by his bullheadedness.

"Sergeant Carr-Hardwood," the guard fidgets on his feet, unsure of what to do with all the high ranking officers in the cell block of the police station. Tyson meets his step uncles's eyes, the older twin Sergeant, named after Elton John. All the Carr-Hardwood's are mean and violent but the twins aren't as bad.

"Sergeant Carr-Hardwood," the guard repeats himself for the second Sergeant Carr-Hardwood twin, named after Elvis Presley. Elvis is even nicer than Elton, not marrying and having no children, that made him have more patience with all his nieces and nephews. Tyson looks down when Elvis pointedly stares at him, telling him he messed up and he's going to pay for it now. It's his warning even though Tyson already knows this.

"I'm here to bail out my stepsons." Elmer points to Warren and Tyson. The guards eyes widen a fraction more. Tyson rolls his eyes at the dramatics. Underneath his apathetic attitude is his fear because Elmer didn't just bring his oldest brother, he brought all his brothers. Tyson is afraid one of them won't make it home alive.

"Yes, sir," the guard leaps to action. Warren finally stands up, running his fingers through his shoulder length curly hair. Then he breathes on his glasses to clean them, trying his best to act casual. Only Tyson can see his shaking fingers. Tyson takes his SnapBack off, folds back his flyaways and sets the hat back on his head. A few taps on the keyboard and the keys are fished out of the guards pocket and given to the Chief of Police.

"Let's go home, boys," Elmer states, his voice steely. He hides the cruelty of his words in the depths of his eyes. The Chief of Police is a smart man, he won't touch the boys in public and only motions for them to exit the cell. Warren throws his jean jacket over his shoulder and warily walks out first. The guard hands him the chains he usually keeps hanging through his belt loops, his wallet and phone. Warren offers him a quiet, polite thanks. Tyson not so accidentally bumps into Elmer on his way passed him.

"Just sign here," the guard points at some papers on the small, rectangular desk. It's proof their belongings were given back to them with nothing missing. Elvis and Elton lead the way out. Warren follows them without prodding from their stepfather. Emil, the meanest step uncle, walks beside him. Errol, Elmer's oldest brother, takes a spot beside Tyson.

"You fool," he mutters quietly enough that Tyson is the one person who hears it.

"Yeah," Elmer laughs as if telling a joke. He has to keep up appearances for his audience. "We're gonna scare 'em straight."

More like beat us senseless, Tyson thinks bitterly. Why does he always think it's a good idea to piss off Elmer? Why does he always punish himself this way? The walk through the police station draws eyes at the known Carr-Hardwood clan marching the two boys out. Tyson wonders why Elmer brought his brothers to the police station. When people see the broken body of either him or Warren, they will be the last ones seen with them.

"Errol, Emil, with me," Elmer says, looking for confirmation from his brothers. It's an odd sight on his face until Tyson remembers that Elmer is the youngest of his brothers. Errol uses body language to push Tyson towards Elmer's truck. Warren glances worriedly behind him before jumping into the backseat of Elton's truck. Elmer left the oldest and the meanest with him for Tyson. It doesn't sit well in his stomach, especially not when Elton and Elvis take off first and Elmer goes in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" Warren asks, dread filling his gut. He wouldn't have asked any of his other step uncles, the twins were somehow different than their brothers. Elmer must know that.

"Taking you home," Elvis replies, sharing a look with his twin. Under their hard exteriors, they too, are worried about Tyson.

"What about Tyson?" Warren hates the way his throat catches.

"I couldn't tell you, son." Elton meets Warren's sad, blue eyes with his in the rear view mirror. Warren decides to follow Colin's lead and pray, pray like he never has before.

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