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"Benjamin!" Elmer hollers from downstairs after the doorbell rings. "Get the door!" Benjamin huffs but complies. His dad is already in a bad mood because of some work thing and is downstairs berating his two youngest sons for the mess they made. At least so far he's only yelling at them and with company at the door, that's all it will be.

"Oh, hello, sir," Benjamin steps outside and closes the door. Two police officers who look vaguely familiar are standing on the steps. Benjamin can't remember if they had been from one of the few domestic violence calls from the neighbours or the ones that arrested his stepbrothers. "How can I help you?"

"Detective Rockefeller," the female officer states. "We're here doing a wellness check on Warren Lawrence and Tyson Watson."

"Wait here," Benjamin says, looking at them from under his burgundy brown eyelashes. A wellness check on his stepbrothers doesn't add up. Someone snitched on his dad. He's betting it was Tyson. Elmers oldest biological son knows better than to let cops into the house. "I'll go get 'em."

Benjamin walks inside, locks the door and runs to the basement door. His dad is just closing it. "The cops that arrested Tyson and Warren," Benjamin tells his father, making sure to stay clear of his arm range. "Doing some sort of wellness check."

"Go get 'em then," Elmer says disdainfully. He'd tried convincing the Pasteur's and the boys' arresting officers to press charges but neither did. It irked him that people were taking it easy on those two. Clearly they didn't know the boys need strict routines and swift punishment to realize their mistakes and learn from them.

Benjamin trots up the stairs and walks to the bedroom Elmer makes him share with his stepbrothers. Warren is sitting on the window ledge and spins around to sit inside. Elmer doesn't like him sitting on the ledge, it looks like Warren might jump. Tyson is laying with his back on the floor, chest heaving and sweat sliding down his face. His shoulder is still in pain and swollen from Mr. King and he has yet to stop by the Marti's for Dr. Delluci to take a look at it. "Cops are here for you both," Benjamin states with a mean smirk on his face. He doesn't tell them why because he wants them to think the worst.

"Shit!" Tyson sits up and wipes his face with the hem of his woman beater. A million thoughts race around his mind. Someone found out about his inside guy on the stock market and connected all his fake companies together. Thomas or Elijah could have pressed charges for the fight. Maybe they thought he stole money to have a lawyer like Mrs. Nolan on retainer. He'd retraced his steps to the place Elmer had left him and did some serious property damage but he didn't think anyone would be too concerned about it. The place was in a rough neighbourhood and already quite rundown. Did Livio Pasteur decide to get the cops involved? He hired carpenters to fix the wall but hasn't received money from his stocks to pay for all the alcohol.  

"What do they want?" Warren asks, jumping down from the ledge and running his hands over his black hair to smooth it out. He looks over his outfit, smooths the wrinkles and buttons up his red and black plaid shirt. With Elmer being a cop and his stepfather, he knows to straighten up before talking to any cops. Appearances matter, as well as the vibes he gives off.

"It's the cops from when you were arrested," Benjamin hides a laugh when Tyson swears and jumps up. He grabs a sweater from the closet and jumps out the window, quickly scaling the oak tree. Warren huffs irritably. Of course he is running, what else can they expect from the up and coming delinquent of the Lawrence-Watson-Carr-Hardwood clan? "They're just doing a wellness check," Benjamin snickers. He and Warren walk side by side through the hall and down the stairs. Benjamin veers off to the living room while Warren walks to the front door and steps outside, making sure it is closed behind him.

"How can I help you?" He asks politely. In the backyard the family mutt, Pooter, lets up a racket. He must have spotted Tyson running away. Elmer hates the dog but thinks it makes the family seem normal, his idea of perfection.

"We're checking up on you and your brother," Detective Rockefeller states, her voice gentle towards the abused boy.

"We're good," Warren stiffens. Elmer probably has his ear pressed against the door to listen to the conversation.

"Where's your brother?" She asks, her eyes noting Warren's stance. Fear hidden in the tension, a forced relaxed aura. Warren stuffs his hands in his pockets, rattling the chains looped through his black leather belt.

"Took off," Warren laughs with a shake of his head. "Thought you were here to arrest him."

"No," Detective Rockefeller laughs as well. "We're actually here to arrest Chief Carr-Hardwood."

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