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Georgia leans her back against Tyson's chest. Her boyfriend is sort of a loner but a group of people surround him, his two brothers, the Marti boys. Benjamin's friends Harvey and Eli. Her sister Laura and Laura's friends Freya, Anne and Hallie. The only one she doesn't like here is Beatrice, Tyson's ex.

Anton smirks at her, slowly checking her out. She can tell her face is on fire and buries it deeper into Tyson. As far as she knows he doesn't know and she plans on keeping it that way. Sleeping with Anton was a petty mistake.

Georgia was having a good day, especially after spending last night with Tyson and Grace. He'd shown her a few combinations, told her to shadowbox for practice. She'd even hung out with Helena, the girl from the party the night Tyson got stupid drunk and was arrested. She seemed nice. But seeing Beatrice sitting on the other side of Tyson on the picnic table soured her mood. And with Rita sauntering up, her eyes set on Tyson, Georgia's day and mood are just getting worse.

"We need to talk," Rita says. Georgia sneers at the gorgeous girl, jealousy making her mean. Her pretty ombré coloured hair, those big blue eyes, model tall and skinny body with curves in the right places. It isn't fair. Laura already warned her Rita was flirting with her boyfriend and wanting to talk to him in private flared red flags.

"I'm kinda busy right now," Tyson's voice is relaxed but Georgia had felt him stiffen. Tyson was already angry that Beatrice was here. Exes that ended on such bad terms like them shouldn't hang out with the same group of friends. It's not like they're really his friends, he's just here for Georgia and his brothers.

"She's the other woman, Georgia." Beatrice snickers. Tyson shoots her a withering look. Rita was only the other woman because Beatrice stepped out first and Tyson was just giving what he got.

"Shut up, Beatrice," Rita snaps. Georgia finally sees the panic in her eyes. Rita is scared. "It's important, Tyson."

"It really can't wait?" Tyson asks. With his eyes, he points to Georgia. His girlfriend doesn't know about Rita and he plans on keeping it that way. Rita's brother, Thomas, glares at Tyson.

"What'd you do this time, Tyson?" Benjamin scowls. Then he smirks and cracks his fingers. Harvey and Eli stand up to follow him. "We'll leave so you can have privacy."

"Rita," Tyson says stiffly. His world can't come crashing down after one of the smoothest, best nights of his life. "Now is not a good time."

"You knocked her up, dipshit!" Thomas yells in exasperation. He throws a punch that Tyson ducks and his fist ends up hitting Georgia's face, right on her eyebrow. Her head twists and she falls from the picnic table in a daze. She never thought she'd be punched at school. Laura rushes to her sister.

"Tyson, don't!" Warren warns too late. Tyson leaps from his spot, tackling Thomas to the ground. His left hand struggles to block Thomas's fists and his right hand throws swift, hard punches. Eli decides it's a good time to get revenge on Tyson for his sister and jumps on his back, wrapping an arm around his neck. Harvey tries to jump in to stop the fight but Benjamin holds him back. Tyson getting in a fight means he's getting a beating tonight, not the rest of the boys. Tyson twists his body, struggling out of Eli's hold before flipping him over his shoulder, conveniently landing on Thomas. Anton steps on Eli, holding both boys down. He smirks, fully relaxed in the violence. His godfather is a capo, has introduced him to a little violence.

"Let's go," Benjamin pulls Warren away. Tyson's oldest brother shakes his head in defeat. Tyson will never learn. Harvey and Leo follow them. "We can't get caught in his mess."

"I'm sorry," Laura jerks out of Georgia's grasp. That's what makes Tyson's girlfriends eyes water, not the punch, not her boyfriend knocking up another girl but her sister leaving. Laura is the perfect daughter, rarely does she ruffle their fathers feathers. Freya runs after Laura and the rest of the girls all walk away because a teacher is coming. Only Anton stays with the four in the fight, ready to back up Tyson.

"It wasn't supposed to come out like that," Rita groans. She shoots her brother a dirty look. "I told you I could handle it."

"To the office, all of you!" Tyson glares at Thomas and Eli and offers his hand to Georgia. She slaps it away.

"Don't be a hypocrite," he rolls his eyes, hand still held out. Georgia gapes at him.

"You knew?" She asks incredulously.

"Anton told me before he left," Tyson answers. The tall boy fist bumps Tyson, stepping in front of him to create a barrier between him and Elijah.

"You let him?"

"You mean you let him?"

"Was Rita before or after Anton?" Georgia narrows her eyes at Tyson. He laughs, holding back the pain in his heart.

"I have to talk to Rita," he says. He catches up to his friend and wraps an arm around her for Georgia's benefit. "Thank you."

"She doesn't deserve this," Rita looks at him sharply. "She's not Beatrice. And you owe me big time. Everyone is gonna think I'm a big hoe again."

"This was for you, too." Tyson retorts lightly. "So people won't find out who your real boyfriend is."

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