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They are in one of Tyson's safe houses again. He guesses he doesn't need to call them safe houses anymore. They are safe from Elmer, safe from the violent Carr-Hardwood clan. He'd told them to go crazy the past few weeks, money wasn't a problem. They'd all asked where he got the money but he'd refused to trade his secrets. They hadn't believed him before and he still feels it painfully. This house is in an upscale neighbourhood close to Helena's catholic school, in an older part of the city. Each boy has the option to have their own bedroom, Tyson had made sure they would, and now they have extra because he didn't account for anyone dying when they were finally free from Elmer. But Isaiah and Jeremiah still share a room. He'd debated giving Warren the large master bedroom with a massive ensuite because he has a baby on the but ultimately gave it to his mother. She deserves the best for all those years she put up with Elmer while showering the boys with love, even if she doubted their abilities. And he wasn't oblivious to the way Officer Lil Carter looked at her. She needs her own space if she's going to be messing around.

Tyson looks down at his phone and gnaws on his lip. He knows it's useless. He knows that Georgia's contact is the last thing left he has of her but it isn't her number anymore. Georgia isn't her name anymore. He'd made a deal with the devil and barely escaped. Grace, Georgia, Laura and Zoe are free, probably living it up with the extra million Tyson gave Erik for them. He'd been riskier in the stock market, making thousands a day.

Tyson is walking down the grand staircase of the upscale mansion knowing he has to tell his family the truth now. A part of the deal he made with Erik Fanucci to get the King girls away from Professor Ike King safely. He won't tell them about Georgia, even though they keep checking in on him. Only Warren knows how rough his relationship with Georgia was, how it seemed ready to collapse. The part of the deal he made with the capo of the Fanucci Mafia: train under him to become the next second in command to the future don of the mafia. The Fanucci mafia does things a little differently hierarchically. They pass the business down to their godsons. Each future don can only chose one nephew to be their godson. Erik Fanucci is this dons godson and Erik Fanucci's godson is Tyson's newfound friend, Anton Delluci. This is Tyson's last day with his family, starting tomorrow he is a new man in a dangerous world.

Lil Carter and his mom are flirting in the kitchen as they make supper. Tyson cringes. They step away from each other when they see Tyson standing in the archway. "You look happy, mama," Tyson smiles softly and kisses his moms cheek.

"I am," she agrees with a bright smile. Internally she is scared. Yes, Tyson's anger has abated drastically since being free from Elmer but these past few weeks he has never called her mama, like he usually does when there is something serious going on or he feels blue. And he most certainly never kisses her cheek whenever he sees her, especially if they spent all day at home.

"I'm leaving," Tyson says nonchalantly. He needs to be as stoic as possibly because he may have had a rough life but this is the hardest damn thing he's ever going to do. Willingly leave his siblings and his mother.

"What?" Serena balks. She lifts her hand up to tuck his flyaways behind his ear but he backs up. "Is this about Georgia? Tyson, you're only sixteen."

"Georgia's gone, mom," Tyson shrugs. It isn't a lie. "This isn't about her. This is about what I have to do."

"I don't understand," Serena says softly. Her voice breaks. She lost her baby boy from her late husband. She lost her stepson. Now Tyson is walking away.

"It's better you don't," Tyson states, trying his hardest to be indifferent. The tears welling in his mothers eyes make it very difficult.

"Are you in trouble?" Lil carefully asks. He's told the boys to call him by his first name but Elmer's habits have been engrained in their bones. He is Officer Carter to them.

"Aren't I always?" Tyson smiles sardonically. He looks straight at Lil with his next chilling words. "Better tell Warren the truth soon."

"How do you know?" Serena gasps. Lil's eyes widen. Serena had been living in denial and he didn't know about Warren's paternity until recently. No one should know.

"I'm a dangerous man, mom." Tyson says. He isn't bragging himself up. He'd made himself into the kind of man a capo wants under him and now he will be training under that capo.

"Why don't you go get Warren, Serena?" Lil asks. He's been wanting to tell Warren the truth since he found out and now is the perfect time. He also wants her out of the kitchen to talk to Tyson privately.

"I'll bring Tara down as well," Serena squeezes Lil's hand. She wants to pat Tyson's shoulder but leaves it be. He isn't much for physical contact and she doesn't blame him. Tyson smiles softly. He finally has a sister, if the talks about eloping he'd overheard from Lil and Serena were true. Tara is a cute little baby, light brown hair just starting to come in and big, dark brown eyes.

"You're working with the Fanucci crime family," Lil states simply when Serena is out of earshot. Tyson has to be careful. Lil is still a police officer.

"My friend Anton is picking me up soon," he says. Cops would know Anton is Erik's godson but not most people. "I'll still take care of you guys. I'm giving Warren access to the trust funds. Mom is getting a hefty allowance, college funds are set up. You all never need to worry about pinching pennies. Tara is taken care of, too."

"You're just a boy," Lil shakes his head sadly.

"I know I can be quite hotheaded sometimes but I'm pretty grown up." Tyson responds. He scratches his head, notices the headlights flashing in the driveway and looks at Lil Carter one last time. "I'll still be looking out for you all but I can't say goodbye. Your partner is gonna tell you and my mom soon about Rachel Richardson, she wants Elmer's life insurance for her son DJ. That's Elmer's youngest son. Let her have Elmer's whole estate."

Tyson walks away. His mom is in the hallway, holding baby Tara in her arms. He waves at her. Ross is playing video games on the Xbox with Isaiah and Jeremiah roughhousing near him. Ross can't stand to be alone anymore, he rarely ever was, always had Colin by his side. Tyson waves at them, too, even though they don't notice him.

"Thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Warren asks, leaning on Caleb Watson Juniors car, the family heirloom. Tyson wonders if Warren will keep it once he finds out he isn't actually a Watson. Colin's dead and he'll be gone but they have Watson cousins that could take it. "I'm so sorry for underestimating you, Tyson. I love you. I'm so grateful you are my brother."

"I love you, too, Warren." Tyson clutches Colin's rosary around his chest. He's never prayed with it but it doesn't leave his neck.

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