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"Tyson, Anton," the principal waves them forward. "You can wait in my office." Anton stands up and stretches languidly before sauntering to the small office. Elijah and Thomas both shoot him nasty looks. Georgia can't help but let a glimmer of her panic through to Tyson. Her dad had been called. When he walks by her he casually winks and pats her knee, the only comfort he can give her right now. It's not like she wants more, knowing what she knows now.

"Did they call your dad?" Tyson asks when the principal closes the door.

"Nah," Anton replies, relaxing in a chair. "Mom has a part time job and barely goes. She's a receptionist but she basically lives off of our dads child support and Livio's money."

"That's good," Tyson sighs in relief. "Elmer can't meet him."

"But he can meet your girlfriend and her dad?" Anton cocks an eyebrow.

"Shit," Tyson sighs. He puts his elbows on his knees and face in his hands. He thinks Anton knows about Elmer but isn't positive, his memories are blurry but he does know Georgia and Laura keep the abuse more hidden.

"Or should I say ex-girlfriend?" Anton laughs.

"Shit man, how the hell do I know?" Tyson groans and digs himself deeper in the chair. "Georgia doesn't talk straight. Everything is a riddle I gotta piece together."

They trail off into silence but it isn't as tense anymore. Georgia knows Tyson knows and Tyson knows Anton is done with her. They just have to wait for their parents to arrive. Out in the waiting room, Rita sits beside a stony looking Georgia.

"I'm sorry," Rita apologizes. She folds stray hair behind her ear. She doesn't say anything else, doesn't make excuses. Tyson needed her and she was there for him. Rita knows a child, especially unplanned by a side chick, is not in the cards for Tyson. A teenage pregnancy doesn't meld with her parents either, they just had their seventh son six months ago. In a year, her mom returns to work overseas.

"That's all you're going to say?" Georgia scoffs, anger rising in her heart. Not just anger, rage burns in her veins. Tyson was the good thing going on in her life and Rita with her beautiful body caused him to stray.

"Tyson needed me," Rita snaps impatiently. The secretary gives them a warning look so they both stare stonily ahead. Elijah shakes his head at Rita. Thomas shrugs at his sister and winces at Georgia.

"I'm sorry I hit you." He apologizes, picking at a blackhead on his chin. "I was aiming for Tyson."

"But he ducked," Rita snickers. She slaps a hand over her lips because the giggles do not stop.

"Must have been the slowest punch ever," Elijah adds, joining in on the laughter. Thomas flushes bright red.

Mr. Buckingham is the first to arrive, arms full with his baby, the diaper bag and a struggling toddler. Rita takes her baby brother from her father and Thomas the diaper bag. Their toddler brother, Taylor, struggles to escape their fathers arms. "This isn't like you, Thomas." Mr. Buckingham huffs and sets the three year old down. Mr. Buckingham is where Rita gets her baby blue eyes and light blonde hair. "Getting into a fight, hitting a girl!"

"It was an accident!" Thomas defends himself as his sister laughs. Georgia and Eli can't help but join in.

"It's okay," Georgia tells Rita's dad. "He was aiming for my boyfriend."

"Fighting is just not like you," Mr. Buckingham frowns. He digs a lollipop out of his pocket and gives it to Taylor. It calms the little boy down. "Why, Thomas, why?"

"I, uh," Thomas stutters, covering for his sister. Their parents don't know yet and he isn't throwing Rita under the bus. "Felt like it?" Thomas ends nervously.

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