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Elmer leads the pack that is his family into the station he had worked at since he joined the force. Most on the police force give him a nod of courtesy while a few women turn their noses up. The two younger boys are ushered off with Serena to a holding room, she will be the guardian present in their interviews. Because the rest are over twelve they will be interviewed separately so Serena won't be able to give them hints, clues or nudges to defend him during the process. Detective Rockefeller takes the older five boys to the second interview room while Elmer's brothers converge on him. Because Elmer is under review, they all are as well.

"They better not say anything," Emil scoffs. They all watch the boys being led away. Warren walks in step with the detective, Colin and Ross huddled behind him. Warren had always stepped up to watch them and Elmer was always surprised by it. Serena's boys don't believe in blood relation family only. They treat Ross and Benjamin as their brothers. Benjamin is next in line with Officer Carter. Taking up the rear is Tyson, who makes room for a red headed lawyer they all know well.

"What the fuck is a lawyer from the Fanucci crime family shaking Tyson's hand for?" Errol asks. As Chief and Captain and other high ranking officers of the police force, they know just how powerful the Fanucci family is.

"Oh fuck," Elmer hisses through a clenched jaw. He's just now remembering Tyson's uncle the day he came home from him, Errol and Emil's beating. "Benjamin was right. Tyson's escaping. Through his "Uncle Erik"."

"Capo and godson of the head of Fanucci crime family." Errol states angrily.

"You're a fucking dead man," Emil shakes his head with a bitter laugh. They might all be, too. Tyson glances backwards, a smirk stretching across his face as he waves at his stepfather. Elmer wasn't supposed to find out but this was the best damn way he could have. Detective Rockefeller stops just outside the interview room.

"Only one at a time," she says, sizing the boys up. Colin presses his back into the wall, trying to melt into it. Ross tries to squirrel behind Benjamin. Warren nods at her words, checking on his brothers. Tyson chats languishly with Mrs. Nolan. The sight of the lawyer from Robinson and Cahill has Detective Rockefeller on edge. Why is a Fanucci crime family associate a Carr-Hardwood's lawyer? With how many Carr-Hardwood's on the force, and so high up, could they all be turned? "Will Mrs. Nolan be present for all the interviews?"

"No, ma'am," Tyson answers speedily. He's remembering Erik's warning: respect shown to everyone even if you don't mean it. "She will not be present for Benjamin."

"We have a lawyer?" Warren asks with raised eyebrows. Benjamin stares at Tyson. With his dad and uncles huddled together, watching them, he knows this lawyer means business.

"I'm sorry," Benjamin says, trying to put all the regret into his voice and face as he can.

"Too late," Tyson sneers. After spending another night in lockup thanks to Benjamin, he's being cut off. Benjamin can find his own way to get out of his fathers hands.

"Tyson, give him a chance," Colin speaks up. Tyson is surprised it isn't Warren trying to keep them all together but maybe Warren is fed up with Benjamin's cowardly, sneaky ways as well. "He's just scared. We're all just scared."

"Fine," Tyson sighs. He can't say no to his little brother. Colin barely talks, let alone asks for anything. Detective Rockefeller ushers Warren and the lawyer into the interview room. Officer Carter waits outside with the rest of the boys, making sure they don't discuss what they will be talking about inside the room. Inside Warren refuses to talk, even when presented with all the evidence for the case against Elmer. He doesn't know he will be safe soon because Tyson made a plea deal with Erik Fanucci, godson of the don of the Fanucci mafia. Benjamin is next and he knows he has nothing left to loose so he talks, a lot. About every countless time Elmer has hit them, about throwing his brothers under the bus so Elmer won't hit him. He knows this is one of his last chances to get on Tyson's good side because his father and uncles are afraid of the lawyer sitting next to him. Benjamin is just now realizing that while Tyson is a hot headed mess most times, he has bone chilling cold blood running through his veins. Tyson doesn't admit the abuse when it is his turn, just cockily smirks and respectfully mentions all the times he's been arrested because he's such a juvenile delinquent and loves to pick fights. It's not time yet, to break out of Elmer's grasp. Erik still has some strings to pull for the King girls so Tyson has to play the long game. Nerves hit Colin and Ross and they can't speak, just nod yes or shake their heads no. They do a lot of head shaking because they are scared of Elmer's wrath. Colin prays they can get out. In interview room one, Serena mentions how clumsy she and the boys are and Isaiah nods along. Jeremiah hides on his moms lap.

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