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"Tyson! Sit down!" Elmer jabs his finger at a dining room chair. Tyson swallows stiffly and sits down quietly. Colin and Ross trade nervous glances. Warren kicks Tyson's calf, his warning to knock off the attitude. "The King family will be here any minute and I expect you all on your best behaviour!"

He looks around at all the boys, even the two younger ones but mostly at Tyson. That boy has always been the most stubborn. Elmer raises an eyebrow, waiting for Tyson to answer with the meekness he had shown after he and he brothers taught the boy a good lesson. It's bad enough Tyson is already forgetting that lesson but impregnating a girl that he was not dating while having a girlfriend irked Elmer's dream of perfection in his family members. "Do I make myself clear?" Elmer thunders, his hand slapping the table. Isaiah jumps in his seat.

"Yes, sir," Tyson winces. Apology rises in his eyes but he stays silent. He'd forgotten Erik's one demand so far: pretend to fear Elmer more than he already does. As if on cue, the doorbell rings.

"Tyson can get it," Elmer waves his wife away from rushing to the front door. "It's his girlfriend and her family."

"Yes, sir," Tyson jumps up to do his stepfathers bidding. There is an angry undertone to his walk. Since Georgia found out Rita is pregnant she broke things off with Tyson unbeknown to their parents. It's going to make for one hell of an awkward night. Also unbeknownst, to Tyson and Georgia, is their fathers hushed, tiptoed conversation after the fight. Both men know the truth about each other now.

"We brought dessert," Mr. King gestures to the cake pan in his wife's hands.

"Thank you, sir." Tyson takes the cake pan from Georgia's stepmom. She is a very thin woman, her short pixie haircut makes her seem that much more tiny. Easier to throw around, Tyson thinks angrily. Weak men picking on weak women who don't know their own self worth, or their children's. His eyes skim passed Laura to land on Georgia. She shakes her head at him. Grace waves at him from behind Laura, her safety net from their father. "Glad to see you alive and well," Tyson can't help the sarcasm dripping in his voice. He truly is glad to see Grace well but Laura and Georgia probably have given her tips and tricks on how to hide the abuse. He'd dated Georgia for two months before figuring it out and he lives in a traumatic environment.

"I was hoping to get introductions out of the way," Mr. King sneers at the boisterous teenager as they follow him to the dining room. "But your father and I need to chat with you in private."

"Relax," Benjamin smirks. "It's not your daughter he knocked up."

"But it is the one he disrespected," Mr. King sharply replies. The four females around him all seem to take a step back from the man by his tone of voice without seeming to actually move.

"That's true, sir," Benjamin quickly changes his attitude. Ross and Colin stare at their plates. Isaiah and Jeremiah are failing to make their obvious interest in the little girl subtle.

"Chief Carr-Hardwood, I'd like to discuss proper respect of women in private with your son." Mr. King places a hand on Tyson's shoulder. It raises the hair on his neck and alarm peak in his muscles. The man's fingers rest on a pressure point. Tyson's eyes widen and he looks to his mother for support which he does not get. Serena was not impressed with her sons choices as of late, they reminded her too much of her current husband. For the past three years Elmer has had a mistress and he'd only recently slipped that he now has a son from that woman. "It's not a discussion to have in front of the children. I could use your input."

"Of course," Elmer says smoothly. He motions to the spread on the table, all of Serena's hard work. "Please, help yourselves. Professor King, Tyson, why don't we talk in the basement."

Elmer leads the way, Tyson in the middle and Mr. King takes up the rear. They trot down the steps in silence to the unfinished basement that acts as the laundry room, furnace room, pantry and storage. Elmer leans his tailbone against the dryer and motions for Mr. King to make the first move. The professor wastes no time. Tyson doesn't even see the hit coming. It is a bone rattling punch that lands on his shoulder blade and twists him around. He looses his balance and falls to the floor. Elmer stomps on his chest, holding him in place.

"You will take Pooter and Georgia for a walk once we are done," he states firmly. There is no questioning him. Tyson stares up at him, defiance in his eyes but this time he remembers Erik's words. It isn't hard considering Mr. King is here and Tyson really is terrified. Georgia's dad is a professor, he knows pressure points, he hit Tyson where it would be the most painful without lasting damage. "You will apologize and promise to leave her alone."

"Yes, sir." Tyson responds. Obedience is what Elmer wants and Tyson is going to give it to him. He really is playing the long game now.

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