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"Thanks for the help," Tyson reaches out to shake Anton's hand. While Tyson had been busy fixing the wall, only knowing how by the housing class he took at school, Anton had been working on the kitchen chair he smashed. Tyson knows he'll have to pay for a new kitchen chair and a professional drywall job but this will work for now. He doesn't have enough money saved to hire painters and buy all the booze back for Livio. Twenty kids drinking is crazy expensive.

"No problem," Anton shrugs his shoulders. Then he grins wickedly. Tyson can't help but be reminded of himself. "I was gonna owe you a Hail Mary but whoever jumped you took care of that urge."

"I ended up all the way across town," Tyson says, adding some boyish impish ness into his tone. Leo and Anton look at each other, confusion on their faces.

"But you were arrested," Anton drawls out. He sits on the chair, testing it's sturdiness out. He'd watched YouTube videos for the fixit job. The chair wobbles but holds his weight. It's good enough, they have more than enough chairs for the four people that live here. Besides, he and Leo only live here every second week.

"At this police station," Leo adds. He claps Anton's shoulder, complimenting his younger brothers work.

"Caught a ride with the wrong person," Tyson shrugs flippantly. He's good at telling little white lies in order to hide the truth.

"But your uncles picked up Warren," Leo frowns. This is where Tyson will have to watch his words and remember his excuses.

"My stepdad is a cop," Tyson shrugs, inhaling sharply because of his broken rib. "So are all his brothers. They didn't like that I punched a cop."

"The boys in blue always stick together." Leo says sagely, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Just like you Delluci's do?" Tyson raises an eyebrow as he drops the bombshell of information. Leo coughs in surprise, Anton holds his fist out for Tyson to bump.

"Told you he'd put it together," he elbows his brother, holding his palm open for Leo to deposit money in.

"Leo is the good doctor twenty years younger," Tyson rolls his eyes. "Not hard to put together."

"Our stepfathers last name is Pasteur and our moms name is Marti. Leo legally is a Marti and I go by Marti even if I'm a Delluci on the birth certificate." Anton explains. He strolls to his stepfathers liquor cabinet, trails a finger on the now locked glass and pats the spot where his favourite drink is sitting. He sighs sadly yet dramatically. "Now I'm gonna have to buy my own." He shoots Tyson a pointed look.

"About that night," Leo ventures. Tyson sighs impatiently, knowing where the questioning was going. Leo is a lot like Warren that way. "Why did you flip out?"

"Georgia," Tyson answers simply. Why lie? The two boys are pretty much strangers. It won't hurt to tell them, make them his confidants. They'll be getting to know him on his terms, on what he chooses to reveal.

"Girls," Anton rolls his eyes flippantly. "Always trouble."

"That's because you're a player," Leo retorts. Tyson understands the role between the brothers better at their interaction. Leo is the good boy and Anton the bad boy. Warren tried to be the good boy but all of Elmer's sons are bad through and through. "You wouldn't have so many screaming in your face if you didn't cheat on them or sleep with their friends."

"Shit! Georgia!" Tyson hangs his head and rubs his eyes. Elmer still has his phone. She hasn't heard from Tyson since Thursday night, when he got hammered. Tyson looks up to Anton, already knowing Georgia would see right through Leo's friend request on social media. "Can you find her on snap?"

"Already did, bro," Anton smirks. He pulls out his phone and checks his messages, smirking wider at what he sees. "Damn, your girl moves fast. I take it y'all broke up?"

"I have no clue," Tyson shakes his head with a frown. He'd thought Georgia was different. Finding another man to make him jealous was Beatrice's style and ultimately why he ditched her ass. "Elmer has my phone until I'm ungrounded."

"You really pissed him off," Leo says to make conversation with Tyson. He'd prefer to hang with Warren but Livio and Elmer both hadn't wanted Warren or himself helping Tyson fix his out-lash. He tries to talk with his hands to Anton but his brother is texting with a flirtatious look on his face.

"Guess who has a hook up?" Anton sing songs, waving his phone in Tyson's face. The girl he'd been snapping is none other than Georgia, Tyson's girlfriend. "We're meeting up tonight." Anton says with a grin, happy to get laid later. "You shouldn't trust a girl that steps out so soon. She won't be there for the hard times."

"I'm sorry for his idiocy," Leo sighs and shakes his head at his brother.

"Whatever," Tyson shrugs but his hands curl into fists, showing his anger. Georgia was the good thing in his life and now she's leaving because he got drunk and smashed shit up. Warren is right. He needs to control himself better.

But it's okay. If Georgia wants to play that way, so can he. His friend Rita owes him a favour.

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