Anya: Sharp Feelings Part 2

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*Anya pov*

Mumei and I got back to my place, and we sat down on my couch. She stared into my eyes. "Care to explain yourself?" She questioned

"Alright, Mumei, I may have a crush on you," I told her.

"I can tell that you do," Mumei said to me.

"What is that reaction? You are supposed to be more shocked!" I told her

"You already kissed my cheek," Mumei said.

"Oh yeah, I did..." I mumbled

"Anya" Mumei said my name in an odd fashion.

"Yes?" I asked.

All of a sudden, Mumei got on top of me and pressed her lips against mine. Her lips were really soft, and she was gentle. The sweetness of the kiss made me ignore how heavy she was to hold up since my small body was supporting her body.

"There, now we're even," Mumei said.

I began to blink rapidly at what she just did. "You-no, I only kissed you on the cheek!" Mumei laughed at my shock.

"You are really cute," she told me.

"So are you!" I said to her

Mumei got back on top of me this time; she supported her own weight, and she pressed her lips against mine again. This was deep and intimate; her fingers interlocked with mine while her tongue slipped into my mouth. She eventually pulled away with a smile. "You are cuter," she said.

Damn, she wonders why the curse is affecting her when she is this seductive and this sexy. Mumei, you are cute," I repeated.

"Do I have to kiss you again, Anya?" Mumei asked

I looked away. "No, you don't have to!"

Mumei looked at me, saddened by my answer. "Why not?" She asked

"Because if I keep kissing you, I won't be able to stop eventually and listen. I need to talk to you about something I need you to do, so it is really important." I said

"Okay, you did say you needed something. What is it?" I asked

"Before that, I want you to tell me, has Kiara mentioned Reine at all?" Anya asked

"Yeah, her, Calli, and Kiara had a fun time in bed together at some point; that is what she told me, and Moona said something about Reine, and Ollie also talked about Reine," I said.

"Alright, what I want you to do has to do with Reine," I said to her.

Mumei nodded. She seemed confused about what I would want, but she was ready to listen and figure out what I needed. I don't know how to put this at all, but there is a specific way I want to put it.

"What is it?" She asked

"It is a very selfish request, so I'm sorry for asking you this."

Mumei waited for me to tell her what I needed her to do. It felt like we were silent for eternity. I was speechless despite needing to tell her what I wanted her to do.

"Anya You don't have to ask me if you don't want to," she said.

"I want you to use your curse on Reine!" I blurted out

Mumei sat there. Her mouth was wide open. "You what?" She questioned

"I want you to use your curse on Reine; make her fall in love with you, please!" I said

"That isn't right. What can I do?" She asked

I nodded. "You can make her love you!" I said

"Why?" she asked.

"Well, I know it is an odd request, but it's because I feel like Reine hasn't really had anyone who has really loved her, and I know you care about Reine as a fellow bird," I said.

Mumei nodded. "But using my curse like that-I can't." She mumbled

"You can; please just try!" I told her

Mumei sighed, and she looked at the floor. "Why should I have to?" She asked me

"You don't have to; it is just a request. I just want to see if you can make her happy. I'm afraid all of these nights are bad for her heart!"

"Wait, but I'm going to leave her as soon as we get too intimate, and plus, I don't know... well, I've begun to consider the harem plan." She told me

"Oh? You are considering, then why not add Reine?" I wondered

"Anya, adding all of Hololive to a harem isn't going to work out!" Mumei said

"Well, isn't that a lot of people's dreams?"

Mumei sighed "it is..."

"Yeah, you can have the harem Ollie always wanted, and you can rub it in her face!" I laughed

"She is already in it," Mumei mumbled.

"Well, you already have almost all of your ID in your harem, so why not finish it off? Besides, after Reine, you'll run into the girl who loves you," I said.

"It is only between Zeta and Kaela." She said

"So tell me, between Zeta and Kaela, do you like any of them?" I asked

"I-Uh... Well," she paused.

"Is it Zeta?" I asked

"Maybe..." She softly spoke.

I began to laugh at what she said. "Maybe" is a good word for it. She likes her "maybe." That is good to know, though she may be happy soon.

"Well, I'm sure you want to see Zeta then," I said to her.

"Well, I like Kalea too," Mumei mumbled.

"Both?" I questioned whether she loves both, but clearly Zeta a bit more. I wonder, though, whether the curse will work if Mumei likes the girl or if it will go off still.

"Yes, I mean, Zeta is really cute and Kaela is too, but Zeta is different for me. I feel like we are very similar and we have just clicked, but since we are in different branches, it will never happen," she said.

"Really?" I sighed but then I had a plan "How about you see if you can use the curse on Reine and I'll set up a date with you and Zeta if you do Mumei" I told her

She began to perk up; that is the motivation.

"You really mean it, you will set us up!" Mumei questioned

I looked at her with a blank expression. She really could just go up to Zeta and ask; she would say yes immediately.

"Yeah, I will," I said to her.

"Oh well, then I promise I will get you results. I want to go on a date with Zeta, so I think it'll be fine for me to use my curse on Reine-senpai." She said

That was a perfect 180. She immediately changed tune as soon as I waved a reward in front of her face. That is crazy.

"Mumei, thank you for following my selfish request, and I implore you not to tell Reine that this is what I wanted," I said.

"Got it!" She told me

I knew she understood, but at the same time, she seemed to be spacing out. Maybe I shouldn't have offered a date with Zeta as a reward for her.

"You should probably go to her place," I said.

"Well, but what is her address?" Mumei asked

"Oh, I'll take you to her," I said to her. Mumei nodded and stood up. She was way too excited now.

"Let's go. I won't go with you all the way until we can see her place, okay?" I asked

"Yes, that is fine," she told me.

I probably am going to regret telling Mumei that I'd get her a date with Zeta, but as long as I can get her to do my request, I guess I'll have to deal with it.

"Mumei, before we go, do you love me?" I asked her

"Yes, I do," she said.

I wasn't expecting her to answer so abruptly and so quickly. I was stunned, but I had to quickly snap out of it as she was already out the door.

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