Subaru: Ducking In Love Part 2

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*Subaru pov*

"Subaru, you are cute, you know that?" Mumei asks

I looked at her, confused by her sudden praise. "I suppose so," I say.

She clearly didn't know I felt uncomfortable currently; just the feeling of being hit on wasn't one I particularly liked.

"Subaru-senpai, can I be transparent with you?" Mumei asks

"Sure," I tell her.

"I've been cursed, so every woman that has been around me has fallen in love with me, but right now, when I'm with you, I'm not feeling anything; I don't feel like I'm in love with you right now." Mumei says

I stared at my kouhai and squinted angrily. "Am I supposed to be happy about that?" I asked.

"If you want to be!" She giggles

"Okay, let me think as to why you wouldn't be in love with me. Well, I'm not that cute." I tell her that suddenly I tripped, falling over onto the bed in an awkward position. I looked up at Mumei, who was blushing profusely after seeing me trip.

"That was cute..." She murmers

"Eh?" I shout

"That was so fucking cute," Mumei says.

"I fell over!" I shout

"Yeah, and it made you look very feminine." Mumei said

Feminine? Is that why she doesn't feel anything? She wants me to act more like a woman since I'm too boyish. She got bored. "I-I'm a girl too." I mumble

"Oh?" Mumei perked up, clearly intrigued by me saying what I had just told her, and she walked over to me.

"You are a cute girl..." She boldly said she leaned in to kiss me but ended up slapping herself. "I can't..." She pants

She clearly managed to give herself some self-restraint, so she has to have done this before.

"How many people have you slept with?" I question Mumei tilted her head and cleared her throat.

"All of EN... All of ID... Haachama-senpai, Mel-senpai, and Choco-sensei..." She says

"Wait, you slept with Moona?" I ask

"Correct..." She mutters

I suddenly felt an interest in Mumei; she somehow hooked up with Moona, something I haven't been able to do because she always has someone else she is into at one particular moment.

"And Choco-sensei!?" I question

"Her too..." Mumei sighs

Although I'm not particularly shocked, I expected her to have spent some time with Matsuri, but Choco-sensei is normal; she is the type of person to sleep with everyone. "You are something else; how did you do it?" I ask

"Like I already told you, I'm cursed by women falling in love with me, but actually, I decided I want you, and I don't want my curse to affect you!" She shouts

"What!?" I question.

"I said I want you!" She shouts

She grabbed onto me, and I felt my body heat up. She is being so bold that it is flustering me. She is really being aggressive, and I actually really like this for some reason. She is making me fawn over her now.

"Mumei, get away!" I tell her.

She began to back up. "Am I too forward?"

"No, it's working!" I tell her.

"Then why?" She questions

"I'm not ready to be seduced like this. I'm feeling a little bit odd about this. You know, you are really cute and you are actually making me happy, but being in love isn't something I really want to do." I say

"Why were you so interested in me hooking up with Moona?" Mumei asks

"Because... I... I... like her."

"You love her?" Mumei questions

"Don't say love! I love Ayame, and Luna-tan, and Choco-sensei, and Moona, and-"

Mumei cut me off by kissing me suddenly. "Shut up..." She growled angrily. I got major Alpha energy from her, which made me shiver.

"Mumei?" I whisper

She punched herself in the face and snapped out of her trance, like, "Subaru-senpai, sorry." She sighs

"No! No need to be sorry!" I tell her.

"Why?" She asks, "I lost it. I went overline."

"You just followed your heart, and if you want to be with a woman, then you are free to do so. Not that I really understand why anyone would need to be with this many women." I claim

"I don't either." She tells me

"Then why are you collecting a harem?"

She groaned, "For the last time, I'm not!"

"For the last time?"

"Subaru-senpai, everyone has accused me of making a harem, but I promise you I'm not." She tells me

"You literally are making a harem, though, and you seem fine with it unless other people mention it," I say.

"I am not fine with it, Subaru-senpai!"

"I want to be in your harem," I lie.

"Okay!" She blurted it out.

We both fell silent. "Not collecting a harem?"


We both had nothing more to say to one another, and I felt my heart begin to race for no reason.

"You're into me, right?" I ask

"Very..." She replies

"You want to have some fun?" I ask

"Wait, everyone is here!" She tells me

"And your point?"

"We can't-I promised Choco-sensei besides Lui-nee is here, and I want to see her before she leaves!" Mumei shouts

"But if you leave, then you will kill the mood, and I won't want to hook up with you after this!" I say

I decided that I wanted to unleash her feral side if she showed me this more aggressive side before. I'm sure I can knock it out of her if I keep trying to pull it out.

"Subaru-senpai, I can't..." She says

"But you can!" I tell her.

She looked at the door, and then at me, she exhaled sharply and bit her lip roughly, "Subaru-senpai, I know what you want... I say

"What?" I question

"You want me to act like how I did with Sana and Shiori." She said

"I have zero context..." I tell her.

She shook her head and just kissed me. I managed to convince her.

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