Polka: Fun Fennec Part 2

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*Polka pov*

After about half an hour, I took Mumei to our meetup spot and saw her being super adorable and hiding behind me as we got to my generators.

"Oh...Oh hi!" The owl nervously said

"Introduce yourselves to Mumei-chan!"

"Lalion, I'm Shishiro Botan!" Shishiron chimed in, hugging Mumei, who was blushing as soon as she was touched.

"Shishiron, stop being so clingy-I'm her wife, Yukihana Lamy." Lamy said

"I'm Nenechi!" Nene shouts

"I recognize all of you," Mumei says.

She seemed really nervous for some reason. I don't get it, but I want her to be comfortable. Mumei pulled me to the side and took a deep breath.

"What do you need?" I ask.

"At this point, this is redundant, but..."

She inhaled once again. "Im cursed. I don't want all five of you to fall for me because then it would feel weird."

"Harems exist...." I claim

"Ame said: You are the guardian of civilization, and you are diminishing yourself. You are beautiful, Mumei. You need to find yourself, and you need to realize that this is a blessing in disguise!" Mumei explained

"Smart woman," I say.

That is all I could say to her; after all, she looks upset.

"Look, as long as you give me Kronmei moments, I can't be mad, and besides, I love you too. That is a fact. You need to stop acting like people can't love you. Your standards of yourself are way too low anyway. I don't understand why."

"It's just... it's just the fact that I'm not perfect like people think I am. I am just silly simple Mumei, and it is just odd for me to think that I'm not just a weird silly."

"Mumei you-"

I was cut off by Nenechi, who rushed over to us and hugged me tightly. I wasn't expecting this and almost fell on my ass. "Nenechi, why did you do that!?" I ask

"Oh, I missed you!" She said

Mumei-chan seemed to not want to be around right now. I guess this is kind of awkward with the affection we all show, or is she still worried that we'll all fall for her?

"Mumei-chan, just so you know, Shishiron and Lamy-chan won't fall for you; they only love each other!" I say

"Are you sure?" She asks

"Yes!" I say.

Mumei-chan was still super unsure, but I don't know how to clarify this even more than I already have.

Mumei-chan stepped to the side, and I sighed as Shishiron walked up to me.

"How do you do it?" I ask

"Oh, well, I guess I'm not overbearing for women. Lamy-chan thinks I'm straightforward; maybe you should try to be more straightforward for her."

Shishiron does have a point. Mumei-chan does seem to have a weird fixation with trying to overcomplicate my words.

"Maybe don't bring up Kronmei so much."

"But I like them!" I say

"I know..." Shishiron said.

"Hey, I can tell you more if you want!" Mumei-chan offered

"Yes!" I shout

"Kronii said: No, I need the perfect scenario because you are perfect, Mumei!"

I nod, "You are!" I said

She glared at me, still unsure about that herself. "Look, how about this? Let's have fun!" I say

"What do you mean?" Mumei-chan asks

"How about we play something, and while we do, you can tell me about the stuff people have said to you?" I say

"Sounds fine..." Mumei mumbles

She was a little weary, but I won't let her out of this right now. She is where I want her right now.

"So about this, I met up with Nerissa, and she was something else!" Mumei-chan laughs

"Oh, really?" I ask.

"We had really odd conversations," she said.

"Like what?" I asks

'"Mumei-senpai... it's not my fault you are so fucking cute; you make it so hard for me not to fall for you~!"

"Nessie, the hot one is you." I reply

"Don't you fucking say that, Mumei-senpai, you are the hottest; you are sexy and beautiful and cute and adorable and pretty!"

"I get it. You think I'm cute?" I sigh.

"Yes, and I love you, so can I ask you to marry me?"

I look at her with wide eyes. "What no!!!" I yell'

"Right after she showed me the video of her being born," Mumei laughs.

"She what!?" Shishiron and Lamy-chan ask

"Nerissa is really wild; she instantly flirts with anyone and anything. I'm happy to be her senpai."

"Wait, did you accept her marriage proposal in the end?" Nenechi asks

"Well, I did," Mumei claims.

"You're living the life I want to sleep with the number of women you have!" Nenechi claims

She made this a prize for Mumei. She made this seem rewarding. Mumei doesn't think it is, but if a friend tells her it is, she has to agree, no matter who it is.

"Mumei-chan, how can we make it so you realize that you have a gift?" I ask

"I really don't know. I would just have to love myself, I guess, and there is no way I will love myself, so you may as well just give up here." She says

"No, I will make you love yourself!" I shout

"Ehhhh, aren't you taking this too seriously?" Mumei asks

"You aren't taking this seriously enough!"

Mumei-chan gulped as she noticed how close I am to her. I wasn't going to kiss her, but she was acting like I was. But maybe if I make Mumei love herself, then as a reward, I can steal a kiss from her.

Hearing about her endeavors is fun, but making someone appreciate and care about themselves takes the cake. I want Mumei to realize how precious she is to everyone and everything around her.

"Mumei-chan, let's do competitive berry picking!" I suggest

"Can we do that?" Mumei asks

"Yeah, you better have a plan..." Lamy sighs

I have no plan, but Nenechi and Mumei are now staring at me, so I have to follow.

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