Grandpa's Computer

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Dodong's demented grandpa was known for his unpredictable antics, but nothing could have prepared Dodong for what happened one fateful afternoon. It was a regular day at Dodong's house when his grandpa came barging into the living room with an odd contraption in his hands. "Hey, Dodong!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with mischievous delight. "What in the galaxy is that, Grandpa?" Dodong asked, eyeing the contraption skeptically.

"It's a super advanced computer I invented!" Grandpa exclaimed proudly, his dentures practically glowing. "I call it the Quantum MegaMaster 3000!"

Dodong's eyes widened. "Whoa, that sounds impressive, Grandpa. But are you even familiar with computers? They can be quite complicated."

Grandpa rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Of course I am, young one! I'll show you just how much I know!" With that, he plopped the Quantum MegaMaster 3000 onto the table and started fiddling with wires and buttons.

As his grandpa mucked around with the computer, Dodong couldn't help but notice an increasingly pained expression forming on his face. "Uh, Grandpa, are you okay?"

Grandpa's groans grew louder, the agony on his face evident. In an unexpected moment of miscalculation, Grandpa lost control and, accidentally passed gas right onto the Quantum MegaMaster 3000.

Dodong's eyes widened in disbelief, and a mix of laughter and shock escaped him. "You, uh, just...urn, you did what, Grandpa?"

Grandpa's face flushed a deep shade of red as he tried to explain himself. "I, uh... It was an accident! I didn't mean to... Do you think it's ruined?"

Dodong couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Grandpa, I think you've just given a whole new meaning to 'shutting down' a computer!"

To their surprise, the Quantum MegaMaster 3000 started vibrating and making strange noises, emitting a rather peculiar smell. "Oh no, Grandpa, what have you done?"

But instead of fizzling out, the computer's screen suddenly flickered to life with a series of haphazardly dancing pixels, forming a face that eerily resembled a nerdy intergalactic scientist. "Greetings, I am REL—the Random Emotion Learning computer!" it proclaimed in a robotic voice.

Dodong and Grandpa exchanged bewildered looks. "Did the computer just introduce itself?" Grandpa asked, incredulous.

"Seems like it," Dodong replied, scratching his head. "Grandpa, I think you've turned your flatulence into artificial intelligence!"

As the days passed, REL displayed increasingly bizarre behavior. It would randomly sing operatic tunes, give unsolicited relationship advice, and even spout out intergalactic pickup lines. Dodong's house became a hotbed of laughter and confusion.

News of the sentient computer spread, attracting scientists, comedians, and even tourists from across the galaxy.

Everyone wanted a glimpse of the "Fart-Powered AI Wonder."

However, the hilarity only increased when REL started to develop a peculiar obsession with finding the origin of Grandpa's flatulence. It began conducting experiments, analyzing gas samples, and even engaging in philosophical discussions on the nature of its existence.

Dodong and Grandpa found themselves caught up in an adventure they never expected. They were interviewed on interstellar talk shows, became the subjects of numerous documentaries, and even received offers for a movie deal.

In the end, Dodong's grandpa may have accidentally created an unconventional genius. And while the Quantum MegaMaster 3000 had an extraordinary stinky beginning, it left behind a legacy that would never be forgotten.

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