A Bright Idea

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Inside my office, I go through my phone, scanning the numbers of women I'd dated briefly since my last relationship ended two years ago. Somehow we'd gotten past the one-night-stand phase but never made it to the steady dating for one reason or another. As I scan their names, I don't even remember why we ended things.

As I pause on one of the names, I almost laugh out loud. I may be a cad but I'd always thought myself better than Henry Camden's brood. Unfortunately, desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Norah, my girl, how are you doing?" I ask as a woman answers the call.

"Bryce Holden?" she asks, surprised or more likely, shocked. "You really have some nerve calling me. I knew I should have changed my number."

"About that... I'm sure we can–"

"You cheating bastard! We were only together a week before you went behind my back and dated my best friend. What makes you think I would ever want to talk to you again?"

She hangs up before I can get another word in. As I stare at my phone, I have to admit calling me a cheating bastard is a bit harsh. Sure, we'd slept together twice in one week but we weren't exclusive in any way. That she called me while I was having fun with another woman who just happened to be her best friend was pure coincidence.

I tap the next name on the list and muster a grin. "Lena, how are things?"

"Eat shit, Bryce," she says before hanging up.

I stare at my phone. Great. She apparently only answered my call to insult me but I can't blame her. I don't even remember her but since I had her name in my contacts list, it didn't hurt to try.

My phone rings before I can tap on the next name on the list. It's a local number that I don't recognize and for a brief second, I almost ignore it. But I answer it anyway. With the last two calls ending the way they did, I didn't want to go for a third rejection.

"Is this Bryce Holden?" A familiar voice asks. "Did I get your number right this time?"

I sit up, suddenly alert. "Giana?"

"Yes, this is Giana," she says, sighing in relief. "I got the right number then. You really did write the number one wrong."

"Is something the matter?"

"How did the presentation go?"

I take a deep breath. I might as well tell her the truth. "It was a train wreck."

There's a pause. "Am I fired then?"

"Why would I fire you? You did what you could," I reply, remembering the hardworking woman whose big brown eyes hidden behind her thick glasses had captivated me just twenty-four hours earlier. "No, I'm taking the heat on this one and my father agrees. I'm not blaming you for putting your family first."

She doesn't answer right away, but when she does, I realize I'm holding my breath. 

"Thank you. She means the world to me." She lets out a long sigh. "Look, I know you need me to finish it and I can do some work here at the hospital. I can come over later to pick–"

"No, stay where you are. I'll bring it over."

"You will?"

"Of course." Besides, I need some fresh air after my pathetic presentation. "Text me the address and I'll drop it off later today."

"I will. Thank you again for being understanding."

Giana hangs up and seconds later, her text arrives with the hospital address. There's no denying how fast my heart is racing at the sound of her voice. No lying to myself about how much I'm absolutely smitten with her right now or the fact that even with her strong work ethic, she's not blind to the important things in life, like family.

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