Family Affair

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"Oh, those flowers look beautiful," Grandma says when I walk into her room in the nursing home. "And you're glowing. Is there something going on that you're not telling me? Maybe with that handsome boss of yours?"

As I set about to put the flowers in a vase, I do my best to act calm. This is exactly what I feared, what to tell the one person I've never lied to in my life.

To say last night wasn't fun would be an understatement. I had a wonderful time even if Alton Camden said the cruel things he said. His words stung but it's not as if he's wrong. I am in many ways, "the help" anyway. And as long as I keep things as professional as can be, it should be good, right?

Until we kissed and now I'm simply confused.

"We've been working together all week so we celebrated with dinner last night."

Her face brightens. "Ooh. And?"

I shrug. "That's it. Then I went home. Anyway, how is your hip today?"

With the change of subject, Grandma proceeds to tell me all about the physical therapist who comes in to helps her get out of bed and walk farther each day.

"You should go out there and enjoy yourself, Giana," Grandma says as I set the vase of flowers on her bedside table. "Have fun, hang out with that handsome boss of yours and live your life. I'll be okay here."

"It's okay, Grandma."

She sighs. "It's not okay, dear. It's not fair that you have to put your own life on pause because of me. You did that when your mother got sick and yes, she appreciated it but she also wished you'd enjoy yourself."

A lump forms in my throat. She's right, of course. My mom did tell me the same thing while she was battling cancer. It worked out for me then to spend all my time outside of work with her because I wasn't dating anyone. But things are different now. I'm supposed to be engaged.

My phone beeps and as I look at the display, I see a number I don't recognize.


"Is this Giana?" asks an older woman's voice. "This is Priscilla Holden, Bryce's mother. Are you free to talk, love?"

I walk toward the window. How'd she get my phone number? "Yes, I am. Is everything okay?"

She chuckles. "Of course. Why wouldn't they be? Giana, I called because I'd like to invite you over for tea this afternoon. I'd love to get to know my future daughter-in-law better."

Crap. "Um... sure. Where would you like to meet?"

"What about the Main Street Cafe," she replies. "How does 2 o'clock sound?"

"Two sounds great. I'll see you there, Mrs. Holden."

"Call me Priscilla, love. No need to be so formal."

"Who was that, dear?" Grandma asks as I hang up. "Do you have a date?"

I shake my head. "I'm meeting friends this afternoon."

"Hasn't that handsome boss of yours asked you out yet?"

Before I can answer, there's a knock on the door and a woman pushing a wheelchair walks in. "Good morning, Carol. Are you ready to head down to the PT room?"

As she introduces herself as the staff physical therapist, I take it as my cue to say goodbye to Grandma, promising to visit her in a few days. I should have told Mrs. Holden I had other plans this afternoon but a week after we met at the country club, maybe it isn't strange to have your fiancé's mother call to have tea. Right?

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