Playboys Don't Fall For Nerds...

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"You guys are engaged?" Parker O'Neill, one of Bryce's good friends asks, his brow furrowing as we make our way to the green after the bachelor auction. "And you never bothered to tell me this while we hung out the other day?"

"It's my fault. I didn't want him to announce it to anyone." My voice lowers as I continue, "Since Bryce is basically my boss, I couldn't risk anyone knowing."

"But now everyone does." Bryce shrugs. "Sorry, man. It's what Giana wanted and I had to honor it."

Parker grins. "Not to worry. I get it. Congratulations, you two."

"I'm so happy for both of you," Parker's girlfriend, ad executive Ava Turner says. "You look perfect together."

"Hey, man. You didn't tell me you were taken when we hung out last week," Kieran McCrory says, playfully leaning his head on Bryce's shoulder. "How could you do such a thing? I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other."

"With you, I need my secrets," Bryce says, rolling his eyes.

As everyone laughs at Kieran's dramatic reenactment of a jilted lover, it's nice to see Bryce laid back and happy. Almost normal, just one of the guys.

"She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." As Bryce brings my hand to his lips, the butterflies in my belly flutter like crazy. So far he's kissed me on the cheeks twice and now the back of my hand. I wonder how I'll react if he kisses me on the lips.

But why would he do that? Our charade doesn't go that far.

"All right, gentlemen, my boss is here so behave," Parker says as an older man with salt and pepper hair completes their foursome. I learn that Dr. Harry Crawford is one of the owners of the medical center where my grandmother had her surgery and he's as down-to-earth as can be. I'd never have known he's a famous local doctor.

As the partners—Parker and his boss playing against Bryce and Kieran—plan out their strategy, Ava pulls me aside. A tall brunette with a dazzling smile, she's class personified and already I want to be her friend.

"Can I just say I love your dress so much. It's perfect on you."

"Thank you." My makeover was certainly an experience to remember. Bryce had recommended I call his friend Harper Peters who showed up first thing the next morning and took me on a whirlwind shopping trip complete with a visit to the hair stylist, a makeup artist and finally a massage and a facial. Oh, and waxing, including my first ever Brazilian.

By the end of the day, I felt like a completely new woman with a closet that can barely hold the wardrobe Harper helped me pick out with no concern for their price tags. In fact, there weren't any no matter how I tried to find them until I remembered Bryce was paying for everything and price wasn't a concern.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror wearing one of the dresses Harper had picked out, I never thought I was in sore need of a makeover but after seeing the results, I have no complaints. With Bryce seeming to look happy to see the new more sophisticated me, I'd call it mission accomplished. Who knows? I may just be able to pull this fiancée thing off.

Minutes later, we watch Bryce hit the tee ball on the first hole. He's a natural when it comes to being around people. He's charming and smart, and from the way people feel at ease around him, charismatic to boot. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine myself watching Bryce in his element—or being part of his circle even.

As news about our engagement travel through the country club, it feels weird knowing people are watching us. Or am I simply being too paranoid?

When the men move on to the next hole, Ava and I return to the dining hall to grab a drink. I'm glad she's sticking with me since I'm not looking forward to running into Bryce's parents just yet. Mrs. Holden saying something about planning the wedding of the century almost sent me into a panic attack. What if she's serious?

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