Crazy for Her

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I see Dad's text message when I wake up the next morning and I can't help but grin.

For a man who had initially resisted sending texts as part of his business communication, he's quite proficient with it now. I can remember how much he struggled with it in the beginning, but Dad was always quick to catch up with technology.

Dad: Finally heard from Henry. He approved the project and you officially start in two days. I'm choosing Giana to lead this one WITH you. She's got a good head on her shoulders and even Henry was impressed with her knowledge regarding sustainability concepts and green building design. I've emailed an official notice to you and CC'd her on it.

Smiling, I set the phone back on the bedside table, careful not to disturb Giana who's curled up in my arms, still asleep. My little spoon, her breathing soft and rhythmic. The news will certainly make her happy even if I'm sure it's Henry's objective to make us wait in anticipation.

Did I have any doubts that he'd approve the project? Of course not. Giana did an excellent job and together, we're an amazing team, on and off the boardroom. Yesterday—and last night—proved that.

I type out an email on my phone to Human Resources, letting them know Giana and I will be working remotely today although we need rest more than anything. A full day in bed is more like it, what with us staying up till dawn just talking and taking our time making love again. We're perfect together, as if we were cast from the same mold. Somewhere along the way, we got lost only to find each other again.

I almost set the table back down on the table when another message arrives, also from Dad.

Dad: On a personal note, I like that you're straightening out your life with her around but your mother isn't happy that you two haven't made the engagement official by setting a wedding date and I agree with her. Either you two set a date by this weekend and get the ball rolling or you're pulling a fast one on me.

Shit. A date. We have to set a date.

"Everything okay?" Giana asks when I set my phone on the bedside table.

"Yup. Just reading an email about the Camden project."

She rolls onto her back and looks at me, her eyes wide. "And?"

"Henry approved it, of course. You should receive the official email as well," I reply, grinning. "No matter how he feels about me, this project stands separate from any of that. And because of you, the only answer is yes."

"I have to go home and get dressed for work." She starts to roll away from me but I pull her back.

"You and I are working remotely today," I say, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"We are? Like, really working?"

"That's all HR's going to get from me. I don't kiss and tell," I say, kissing her shoulder. "But that wasn't the only thing Dad wrote. He wants you to lead the project with me. Not under me, but with me."

"Are you serious? Or is this because I'm your fiancée?" she asks, her brow furrowing. "Did you put him up to this?"

I hold up my hand in mock surrender. "Whoa. I didn't put my dad up to anything, Gee. This is all him. You can check my emails if you want. Besides, it's the last thing I'd do, using my connection to him to get you ahead when he himself handpicked you for the job." I pause. "I didn't even know anything about you other than you were one of my assistants."

"You never noticed me?"

Ah, shit. I walked right into that one. "Not in that way, no," I reply. "Everything between us was work but that's not the case anymore. You're my fiancée now."

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