Chapter 6 - "Jack Gelornis"

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When we entered the classroom, I realised that Sonna and her sister, who I think was named Ilse, were in the same class as us! No wonder, so was Giena.

For some reason, I have had the suspicion that maybe Sonna was Mia, I mean she had the same hair, same clothing type, but different skin, being a little lighter.

  But I couldn't exactly confirm that because Sonna said that she didn't know who I was. I was thinking that maybe I was just overthinking everything, perhaps going crazy since I missed Mia. The next thing I know I hear Mia rebirthed into Daniel.

For the whole first class, I saw how Sonna was talking to her sister, Olivia, and Giena. But also maybe Giena just introduced Olivia to Sonna and Ilse, but I needed to find out. When class ended, I went to talk to Sonna, but not a surprise, Ilse was with her,

"Hey Sonna...And Ilse" I said looking at her as she glared at me, maybe she was just trying to protect Sonna,

"Can I speak with Sonna? Alone?" I asked, Ilse looked at Sonna, and Sonna looked back,
"Schau mal, ich werde schnell sein. Ich werde sehen, was er will, und mich umgehend bei Ihnen melden, (look, I will be quick. I will see what he want and I will get back to you right away)" Sonna told to Ilse with a smile. Ilse looked at me, looked at Sonna and nodded,

"(English) be quick" she said, a little harsh. I don't know what Sonna told her sister, but I guess it worked. I told Sonna to come with me, and we went to a place where there was no one, then I began,

"Do you know anyone named Mia?" I asked, Sonna looked at me confused,
"Uh no? Why? Who is she?" she said in her strong German accent,

"She died not too long ago and got rebirthed into a teen I think. Are you sure you don't know who Mia is?" I asked again. She looked around and back at me, and shook her head,

"What do you mean rebirthed?" she asked,
"Never mind, nothing" I said, smiling at her. She then passed me, but did something weird, she tapped me on the shoulder, looked back and smiled. Then she continued walking and took a corner, that was very weird, because I remember Mia said it once to me as a joke, was she Mia? Alright no, she can't be Mia, but can she? I didn't know. When recess came I decided to talk to Daniel about it,

"So you think Sonna is Mia, what makes you think that" he said crossing his arms and giving me a slight smile,

"Well she has the literal same hair colour, well a little lighter but nothing much else to notice about it, and same clothing preferances, not too long ago, she tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a slight smile, Mia used to do that!" I explained,

"Alright, 1, Ilse has the same features, and 2, maybe she likes you, who knows!" he tried to prove me wrong,

"She wasn't blushing, and if Mia did rebirth into Ilse, she wouldn't be giving me death glares now would she?" I told him. I looked at Sonna and Ilse talking together so happily, now I would have gone, but I saw how Ilse talked to Sonna in German, and if there are people all around them who dont know a word of German, I doubt they would. I looked back at Daniel,

"Look, I don't know what to do" I told him,
"Well, if I were you, I would ask Olivia," he said. I thought about it for a moment, I mean how did Sonna become friends with Olivia so fast? But I guessed even if Olivia knew Sonna was Mia, she wouldn't tell me, I mean, they are best friends after all. I decided to risk it and ask her, and luckily, she was alone.

"Hey Olivia, can I ask you something?" I asked her,

"Uh sure. What is it?" she asked,
"Um... this is a weird question but, do you know if Sonna is Mia?" I asked, and she looked like she was going to bust out laughing,
"What are you talking about? What are you going to pull out she rebirthed into me next?" she said on a laughing tone,

"Well Im sorry, but if you didn't know Sonna was Mia, I think you would be so sad that you would stay home on anti depressants, and also, you became friends with Sonna quickly, too quickly" I pointed out,

She sighed, "Look, I miss Mia very much. I loved her as a sister, but..." she stopped, as if she didn't know what to say next, she looked at Sonna and back at me,

"If Sonna was Mia, don't you think I would be with her right now?"
"She is with her sister" I pointed with my head towards them,

"Anyways I don't know what you're talking about, maybe ask Sonna about it, I don't know. Sonna has a sister, she can talk with her all she wants, but I can't find Giena anywhere so I decided to hang alone" She finished with a smile. I decided, since she wasn't going to give me an answer to if Sonna is Mia, then I will have to find it myself.
Wow, I am releasing these chapters at lightning speed! I am trying to upload them as quickly and as much as possible so I could finish this book. I would probably post 1 or 2 more chapters today, and the rest will go for tomorrow and above.

I know the past 3 chapters didn't have a lot to read, but I am trying my best to make them long and interesting. And also, how do you guys think the story will continue by the way?

If you really liked this chapter, or really any of my stories and books, make sure to vote/favourite the book! If you don't want to, that's fine! I completely understand that! I am just happy that my story is getting to more people! The reason I want the votes is to see if you guys like the story, but the way to show that too without having to vote/favourite is just by reading the story! Again if you don't want to, I really understand!

And last, go check out my bestie's book, "The Shattered Faith", if you are a fan of warrior cats, I really recommend you read it! And it's really interesting! I am not just saying that cause I want to, but I really mean it! It's amazing! Go check it out on your free time if you please! And if you could, support her by voting/favouriting her books and chapters! That would make her and I happy that you are supporting her! Again we are beginner writers, and we would very appreciate it if you could vote/favourite our stories! Thank you so much for the support!

And last but not least, have a great day, and see you in the next chapter!

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