Chapter 17 - "Jack Gelornis"

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I was sitting down after conducting a few studies, which for some reason were conducted pretty far away in some lab the police didn't even know, and I was terrified by the results.

Apparently, the creature, the monster inside of me mutated so much it could now appear whenever. No fainting or anything, it just comes.

And when it's done I have no idea what happened. For me it feels like I'm just teleporting, but in real life I'm going around on killing sprees like I'm in the purge or something. I then see someone appear in front of me after a few minutes of thinking, Mia.

"Mia I need to tell you something, I have gotten out of control!" I yelled,
"What do you mean out of control?" she asked,
"I did some studies and now the monster just...appears whenever!" I warned,

"Wait, whenever? Like no fainting or anything?"
"No! And it's become overpowered, I need help!" I said as everything went black.

(what happened)

I looked at Mia with hopeless eyes, trying to get her to open the door so I could kill my enemies, for some reason they are everywhere! It's insane! Suddenly I feel that same hatred and fury, but this time, it makes me stronger, powerful... and happy. I pounced on Mia and tried to claw her like that stupid therapist, but she was just...I don't know.

"It happened again. Jack! You little thing, I will rip your throat!" she warned, but I didn't take it seriously. Who cares what she did last time? I quickly stumbled to my feet, and by the lighting of the room, and Jack's memory, I could remember that the door was right behind Mia, but I needed to get past her. I saw what she did to Jack, this infimus lousy boy. I decided I could act my way out. I pretend like I get out,

"What the, Mia what happened?" I asked, clearly acting so she would move her lazy butt away from the door,

"Oh, that was quick. I don't know, you just started attacking out of the blue" she explained. I moved her aside, slowly getting to the door.
"Jack, what are you doing?" the pathetic girl asked,

"Nothing, just want to check something" I said. I looked at the outline of the door and if I was correct, I had to pull from the left for it to open. I grabbed the left door's outline, and before Mia expected anything, I clawed it out and made a run for it,

"Jack!" Mia yelled as she ran towards me. I gathered some policemen behind me, but with my speed, I could easily escape them.

I ran behind a corner and ran into 2 pathways, going left, and going right. By how we were driving here, I could remember we took the left route from my perspective, so I went right.

I ran for what seemed like hours, and I saw a familiar house, Olivia's house, perfect target. I saw a tree, and I saw partly of Olivia's room. This was a quick victory! I quickly went to the tree and saw Olivia's room, and to make sure, I saw a hint of her hair colour, brown.

I quickly climbed the tree and to my luck, the window was open, Amazing! I ran into Olivia's room, giving her a scare, I decided to act my way to her,

"Jack? How did you get here?" she asked,
"Not important. I need to tell you something" I said as I got closer. She looked unsure. I saw the perfect timing and I pounced, perfectly landing right on Olivia.

I saw the perfect time and started punching her. I was able to punch her in the mouth and nose, hopefully breaking them. Then as she deflected. I got up and left the room.

I was headed to her kitchen to hopefully find the sharpest knife and end her, right there. I found a great, sharp knife. I first tested it on myself and a huge cut appeared, it was sharp.

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