Chapter 21 - "Sonna Arlond"

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My birthday was today, after 2 days. Today was also the day we were going to the camp. I got my clothes ready with Ilse, but I couldn't find the 2nd flashlight anywhere!

"(German) What are you looking for?" Ilse asked,
"Do you know where the second flashlight is?" I asked back,
"Sorry, no idea. I could look with you if you want. Not sure why you need it. You will be with me, and I already got a flashlight" She said. The time was 8:35 Am, and we were supposed to all meet at RedWing Forest. I got my stuff which actually took a lot of time, about an hour, and I went on google maps, and found the place was 30 minutes away!

"(German) Alright I will read the list and you tell me if you have them" I commanded, and Ilse nodded
"Sleeping bag?" I asked, she looked inside of the 2nd compartment and nodded,


"Yes" she said, taking out her phone and putting it in her pocket,

"No phones allowed" I told her,
"How come?" She asked putting the phone back on her bed as she laid her eyes on me,
"I don't know that is what it says" I explained,

"But what if you need to call someone in case you're in trouble?" Ilse pointed out,
"Alright Ilse, take a look at the time" she looked at her phone and back to me,
"9:16 Am, why?" she questioned,
"And we need to leave in 15 minutes and be there at 10, the car ride is 30 minutes. Now take a look at the battery" I commanded her,

"23%" was all Ilse said as she put her phone back on her bed,
"(German) Pillow and flashlight?" I asked,
"If we have a sleeping bag, why do we need a pillow? Anyways flashlights" Ilse said.

After a while of looking and checking, and we made sure we had everything, we went outside, and guess who we found, Jack.

"(German) Are you serious?" Ilse asked,
"He is there isn't he? Let's go say hi" I told her as I was about to run to him, but Ilse grabbed my hand, firmly,
"You are going to meet him in the forest, let's go," Ilse said. She practically had to drag me to the car since I wanted to help Jack, I guess she hates him...alot.

We got into the car and Ilse paid. Mom wasnt home, I expected her to maybe be home, until I remembered it was a thursday, she wasn't going to be home until 10 Pm anyways, Halfway through the car ride, Ilse asked,
"(German) why are you so into Jack anyways?"
"Because, I want to be his friend...he seems...lost" I explained,
"And you think you could fix that?" she asked,

"Well honestly...I guess. You know what? We will just see him at the park, I shouldn't have tried inviting him anyways" I said, crossing my arms,
"Are you mad at me because I said no?" Ilse tried understanding. Honestly I wasn't mad, I just couldn't understand why she hated him so much, so I asked,
"Why do you hate him so much?"

"Well he annoys me and you, he can go on a killing spree whenever he wants. I just...don't feel safe around him, and I want to protect you too" she said, holding my shoulder for protection, wow, she really was protective, she was actually a good sister, not something I used to watch on netflix how the sisters would bully each other. When we got to the forest it looked...big, very, big, and a thick forest.
"Well, where did she say we should meet?" Ilse asked,

"I think right there, by the waterfall," I said, pointing. As we walked down the path, we heard something, like a cry, it sounded like a kid crying, about the age of 13 too,

"What the?" I asked,
"Come on, let's go!" Ilse said as she grabbed my hand, what the hell was that? As we were walking, I thought about the cry, who was that? We walked more and more until we saw a fire not too far away from us. By now, the time was 7Pm, and I saw the group talking about something,

"(English) Hey guys!" I said happily,
"Hey!" Said Olivia as she told me and Ilse to take a seat. After a while of talking, I was still thinking about that crying girl. Olivia recommended we go hunting, which I found a little weird, a few teenagers going hunting. As me, Ilse and Olivia were hunting, I heard that same crying girl,

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