Chapter 16 - "Sonna Arlond"

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I felt really bad for lying to Jack, with his disorder and everything. I felt like it was just giving him more stress he had to deal with, but it was either that or everyone knows my truth, and I will do anything to make people believe that I wasn't Mia. But since Jack wasn't supposed to get out for another month or something, I felt like it was safe to tell him.

"So...why did you...lie?" he asked, I didn't know how to answer. I had so many things I wanted to tell him, so many reasons I wanted to tell him, but they all seemed, wrong. I decided to go with my best bet and probably the best reason to give him,

"I lied because...everytime I thought we could talk, just us two, I would always see Ilse at the corner of my eye, glaring at you from afar, and I couldn't just tell you I was Mia because then Ilse would hear it.

And I was afraid if Ilse knew, she would never treat me the same, or treat me like a scumbag. Back at the park I...I felt so much emotion I forgot myself. I saw how Ilse got burned and I forgot about everything" I said, and I saw Jack's expression turning from confused, to understanding.

I felt bad for lying about myself, but I had to. I had no other choice unless I wanted Ilse to know I was a ghost in the past.
"Can I ask you something?" Jack asked, and I nodded with a slight smile,

"When I get out of this place, can you tell your sister, well, the girl that hates me, Ilse, to tell her you to hang out? She could be there too" he recommended, I thought about it for a while, I did ask Ilse about it, and she said that she wasn't going to let me or herself see Jack,

"I will see what I can do," I said with a smile. I suddenly saw Jack twitching, and I got back a little, he squeezed himself more together, like into a ball,

"This room is making me...crazy" he said, closing his eyes, did he pass out again? That was the 3rd time today! Alone! Did we stress him out that much? And why didn't the disorder work in the past?

"Jack!" I yelled, running up to him and shaking him awake, a minute later of shaking, he woke up, and glared at me, he was in the trance,
"Jack! Snap out of it-" I was interrupted with him getting up and trying to attack me, I was a ghost, so his hits were going through me, but it was a terrifying scene. I ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders,

"Jack! Snap out of it!" I yelled, but he wasn't listening to me, and kept trying to hit me.
"JACK!" I yelled, for the first time he stopped and looked right at me, I believed he didn't escape the trance, because he hasn't fainted yet, but he started to twitch and glared at me and growling,
"Snap, out of it" I said, harshly, and for the first time in his trance, he actually spoke to me,
"And why should I listen to a brain wreck like you?" he growled,

"Cause I can do something like this" I said showing him my hand, and a second later, I disappeared and reappeared,
"Get out of his body, or we will have problems" I warned,

"Funny magic trick, I can do whatever I want, dare me" he dared, I grabbed him by the collar and I showed a motion to throw a punch, and for the first time, he looked scared, I looked at my hand and I realised, it had particles floating around it, and I realised that was my telekinesis, I looked back at Jack,

"I won't hesitate" I warned,
"I will come back" He said he suddenly shifted backwards, as I was still holding his collar, I wasn't sure what he meant by "come back" but I didn't see Jack faint, so I pushed Jack I stretched out my hand, the particles following and lifting Jack off his feet by his neck, so he couldn't breath.

"Mia! Mi-" He pleaded, I realised he was 7 feet off the ground, and I realised the creature left, for now, and I realised Jack was...Jack. I quickly let go, accidently making him land on the floor, luckily, it was soft enough to not land him any problems, as he was struggling to breath,
"What happened now?" he asked,

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