Chapter 11 - "Jack Gelornis"

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As it was getting really late, about 10 or something, I went to about 3 different parks, 2 malls, and walked around a lot of neighbourhoods. I felt like I walked so much, I felt like my legs were going to fall off. I honestly didn't want to tell this to anyone, but I also sometimes get abused.

If I don't finish my work, the belt. If I "bully" people, I get the charger, and it hurts. Sometimes I wonder why my parents act so angel towards other people. I remember I had a little sister when I was about 6.

I was in a car crash and back then I would mostly faint. Back then my parents loved me and my sister. But one time I fainted when my parents were on their honeymoon. I was with my sister, alone. We were playing a game together until I started feeling dizzy. I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

When I got there, I felt light headed, and I saw parts of my vision becoming dark. Was I seriously getting sick now? And next thing I knew I fainted, and everything went completely black. But when I woke up, I woke up in the bathroom. Weirdly, there were some spots of blood on my hands, face, clothes, back then I was terrified. I looked around, and I saw the curtain was partly broken.

I looked down and saw I was covered in blood, did a robber get in? I also woke up with what seemed like a fork stab on my hand, very weird. And I suddenly went to check where my sister was. I went to go check on my sister and realised there was blood everywhere, and there was a metallic fork, stabbed into my younger sister. I remember I stood still, for somewhere around 3 minutes, just looking at her lifeless body. I felt hot and I could hear my own heartbeat. I started hearing my own breath and I felt my mind ringing.

That night I didn't sleep, I cried all night, hopelessly, why did the robber take my sister away from me? I hugged her the whole night, blood staining my shirt and pants. Lately I fainted again, weirdly enough I woke up at my house, was I teleporting? I mean ghosts exist, I guess I could do that too. But I realised I had a few cuts on my hand.

I ran to my parents about them but they refused to help me, I guess they were still sad about my sister. That was 3 years ago, and I had no idea what happened. Today I was in a huge fight with my parents about why they abused me, but they practically threw me out of the house, I wasn't sure about why they were so mad at me, when I lost my sister, I went into depression, but I kinda left it behind and continued my life, yet it still scared me, yet my parents act like I killed her, I would never do a thing!

Why would they think something like that? Obviously I was able to come in, but after that fight, would I want to? I was walking down a dark alley since the road I normally take was under construction. I was able to go another road but that would take me 20 more minutes. But now I realise, taking the 20 more minutes road could have seemed like a better choice.

I also remember I had a friend named Emilia, she sadly died somehow which confused me alot, and even nowadays I think about it. I don't know how she died, how my sister died, or whatever else happened, but weirdly enough, I remember I fainted 3 days before the beach vacation. And I remember I was writing a story since I was bored, but it suddenly went missing when I woke up from my desk.

But weirdly when I woke up, I didn't have any blood on me, no, nothing. Like I just fell asleep on my desk. Anyways as I was walking down the alleyway, I heard a loud boom behind me, it felt like it was only about 20 feet away from me. I turned around and saw an object being thrown at me, and I blacked out, oh no, was it going to happen again? I was going to wake up randomly and someone died? Did I have a curse when I fainted, someone would die and for some reason, I had their blood or something?

But when I woke up, I didn't notice anything. I looked behind me, nothing. But what I did see was that no one far into the city wasn't bothered at all, very weird. I got up and realised that I didn't have a bump on my head, I thought that I would have something like a bump on my forehead, head, or at least something, nothing. Maybe it was a long time after whatever it was? Actually yes! Because when I went to the city clock, I realised it was already 12 AM! I ran home and banged on the door, and I realised it was open and I ran in, just in time to see my parents looking at me with fury, and I saw my dad was holding a belt,

"Where were you, young man?" my mom asked,
"I got knocked because of some guy, and guess what? I fainted!" I yelled at them, I didn't even realise I was going to yell. I guess I was so mad from that accident that I slapped the door shut to my room, and I just started crying out of anger.

Then I saw something, something metallic sticking out of the clothes on top of my closet. I decided to check it out. I got onto my sister's bed and got all the clothes away, a fork. I got it out to maybe put somewhere when a memory flashed into my mind. I was walking down our hall, and I was opening a door, and I saw a glimpse of another person in the room, was that sister?

No, but when was it? As soon as the memory ended, I threw the fork on the floor. No, I didn't kill my sister, I'm not a killer! It's someone else! After a few minutes, I heard my parents going into their room, I decided to go and see what they were talking about, and weirdly enough, they seemed like they were talking about something! It was muffled, but I understood what they were saying, from some parts,

"No, we can't tell him" it seemed like my dad said, what did they not want to tell me?
"Honey we will have to say it at some point, he has to know" my mom said,
"No, maybe when he turns 18, but now is too early. How do you think he will react when we tell him he killed his sister?" my dad said, that left me in utter shock, I was so shocked I didn't even know what to do.

"But we have to do something about it! He fainted today! His hallucinations are coming back from that car crash!" my mom said,
"Look, we can't just send him to a psychiatric hospital!" my dad pointed out,
"Honey, he killed his sister!" my mom told him. I was too shocked to listen to the rest and I ran to my room, and I panicked, hard. What was wrong with me? Now that I think about it, I'm worse than Daniel! I thought. I burst into tears, I'm not even a monster, I'm not a villain, I'm a killer. I heard my parents coming into my room, and I couldn't help but to yell,

"What is wrong with me?" I saw my parents sitting down by me, something they haven't done in a long time,
"You heard our conversation? Didn't you?" my dad asked,
"Honey, we are so sorry. You killing your sister wasn't exactly your fault. You have something called Disruptive behaviour disorders. When you do things you don't want to do, in your case, it happens when you faint, and you have no memory of it. We are so sorry we didn't tell you this before, we didn't think you were ready" my mom explained. I honestly didn't know how to react. At this point, I wanted to go to a psychiatric hospital. I killed my sister, and I killed Emilia, and who knows how many more people I have killed that I didn't even know of!

"Why am I like this!" I yelled,
"Honey, it's not your fault" my mom consoled me. I honestly didn't even want to be alive anymore, I'm a horrible person! I was rethinking the times I called Daniel a killer, no, im the killer. I have summer school, what if I fainted again and killed Sonna? Olivia? Maybe even Ilse? Daniel? I shouldn't even go to school!

But then they did something that they haven't done in years, they...they hugged me... it was so long before I felt their hands around my shoulder, not in an about to be beaten manner, but... in a loving manner. First time in ages I felt loved by my...parents.
I am dearly sorry I wasn't able to upload faster, and that the last time I uploaded was 3 days ago. I have many things going on in my life, again I am dearly sorry.

How was your day? I hope it was great. I will probably stop putting these at the end of my stories so that you won't have to scroll all the way down to get to the next chapter, again I'm sorry.

If you enjoy my story, first I really appreciate it, thank you so much! Second, I would appreciate it greatly if you could favourite/vote o; this story, you don't have to if you don't want to, I am just happy you enjoy my story! And third, guys guess what? 140 views on my last story! Can you believe it? Thank you so much! I am so happy!

I have some bad news. I have many things to do in my life, I'm greatly sorry, but I will have to upload less. I will still be uploading, but like I said, it will take some time.

I hope you will continue with a great day/night, and see you in the next chapter! Again thank you guys for everything!

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