Chapter 12 - "Sonna Arlond"

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I woke up and realised it was 4:44 Pm, lucky number, and wow I slept for that long? I mean no wonder I fell asleep around 12 or something. I looked at my right and saw Ilse breathing weirdly, as if she was crying, so I decided to reach out to her. I got up and sat by her bed.

"(German) It's about Emilia, isn't it?" I asked as I hugged her.
"It's not only about Emilia, I'm worried about your safety, I don't want you to be..." and her voice trailed off. I understood what she was talking about,

"When did you wake up?" I asked her, changing the subject,
"11:00 Am" she answered, I was surprised she was crying for 6 hours straight. Then I heard someone come in,

"Oh good morning darlings. Ilse? Is everything ok? Oh my what happened to your leg?" My mom said, looking down,
"Yesterday there was a huge fire at the school. We don't have to go to school for a-" my mom interrupted me by saying,
"There was a fire at the school and no one notified me?"

"I thought they did," Ilse pointed out.
"You burned yourself in the fire? Oh my god!" mom said, and her phone rang,

"Oh are you serious! I have work right now! Well I hope you two get better, my work gives me so much work, I can't even stay at home. I will have to come home at 10 everyday because of this. I hope you 2 get better and I'm incredibly sorry. When I have time I will do something" and she quickly answered the phone and ran away.

I suddenly got a phone call myself! Wasn't really expecting it. I got up and went to the phone, hm, I thought, unknown number? I decided to answer it, and a voice spoke,

"(English) Hello Sonna" Said the voice. It sounded a little hurried and sad, like someone was crying,

"Hello? Who is this?" I demanded
"It's Jack, look you might wonder how I got your number, and that is not important, but just so you know, I don't really want you to see me. If you do want to see me, run as soon as you see me faint" he explained. I had so many questions in mind, what does he mean 'run'?

"What do you mean?" I asked,
"Look I don't want to explain it, just so you know, run when I faint" he said as he hung up. That must have been a joke, but he sounded so serious for some reason, was he this good of an actor?

But his words confused me, and how did he even get my number? I felt so tired I decided I wanted to sleep even more, I guess it was a thing that your brain gets comfortable sleeping for a long time, but when you wake up it's sudden for the brain.

I woke up in an unfamiliar bathroom, I was even more weirded out when I got up and I looked in the mirror, it was me, in my own body, in my Mia body. I slapped my hand and pinched it to make sure it was real, and it was either a real thing or a lucid dream.

I got out of the bathroom and looked to my left. I saw someone shutting the door in anger, this wasn't my previous house, nor my 'now' house, nor Olivia's house. Where was I? I decided to go with my faith. I left the bathroom and entered the room. And to my surprise, I found Jack! He was cuddled in the corner, crying, what was going on?

"Jack?" I muttered, he looked up, and the second he saw me, his eyes widened,
"M-Mia?" he asked, " I thought you got rebirthed!" he pointed out,

"I mean I honestly don't know how I'm here myself. Wait, why are you crying?" I questioned,
"Uh, can I tell you something?" he asked, I decided to sit down to listen to what he wanted to say, I mean I wouldnt think I would really see Jack cry so hard, the last time he cried was when Fred and Michael punched him, and he barely even cried! So I was wondering why he was finally crying suddenly.

"I have something called Disruptive behaviour disorders, or for short DBD. For some reason I got it when I was in a car crash. It affects me in a way of fainting. Whenever it faints it kicks in" he explained. I thought about it for a moment, wait, so that is what he had be telling about his fainting,

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