• VI •

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Author pov

Nurse - Sir.. we did late.. to check up on her brain..

The atmosphere chilled. Never in his life, Reyansh faced such a tragic situation. He always had been the expert but this case took him off guard.. He immediately looked over the screen.. and pinched some equipments onto her head..

The nurses and doctors were running inside and outside grabbing the paraphernalia.. The shocks were given to her..

Time skips
2 hour later

Reyansh released a very heavy sigh of breath when the screen came to normal.. and the beeping sound also closed.. he felt her breathing which gave a spark of happiness in his soul.. her beating heart with each beat gave him sense of delight and joy..

He thought he had to face the worst experience of his life as a doctor.. but he achieved it..

Everyone smiled while he wiped the sweat off his forehead..

Time skips
Next day

Reyansh came out of his cabin and got surrounded by so many people.. he recognised them as the parents of Devishi and father of Abhimanyu along with Abhimanyu himself..

He sighed and opened the file revealing the white papers which were actually reports of Devishi..

Reyansh - Thankfully.. the brain is safe.. one minor shift could have caused her mental sick.. but fortunately everything was done.. in due time..

They all smiled while Abhimanyu was still..

Reyansh - But.. We can't say much more until she herself wake up..

Abhimanyu - You--

He was about to grab Reyansh collar until a nurse came running towards them.

Nurse - Sir.. sir.. please come.. with.. us.. please.. emergency case.. Dev.. Devishi..

As soon as he heard her name.. he yanked back his hand and ran to her room.. the sight in front of him was too much to describe..

Devishi became a crying mess.. she was trying to pull out the glucose drip away.. she was getting more and more panic.. the nurses held her arms to stop her from running.. but she just struggled pleading not to touch her.. she gripped her hairs harshly and cried while struggling..

Devishi - D.. don't t.. touch me.. Let m.. me g.. go.. p.. PLEASE..!! AAAGHH..!!

Reyansh came running towards her and pulled her in a very tight embrace.. she gripped his arm by her tiny fingers.. struggling to get free.. but he didn't bulge.. and caressed her back and hairs..

Her tears caused her shirt to wet.. he kissed her forehead.. and her grip around his arm loosened.. he gently placed her on the bed still leaning.. until her back touched the mattress and her head touched the pillow..

That's when everyone realised he gave her some kind of injection..

Reyansh - What happened to her..??

Nurse - Sir.. we don't know.. I was sitting here until the beeping sound took place.. I called everyone.. but it was too late and she pulled out all the drips along with constant screaming..

He nodded still gazing at her sleeping figure.

Time skips
At night

After the little quarrel between Reyansh and Abhimanyu.. and the meeting of Devishi and her family members.. finally they are home.. except few people..

Reyansh didn't want to take the risk.. so he suggested that he will stay here.. now in the room only Devishi and Reyansh are present.. where Devishi is lost in her dreamland and Reyansh in his thoughts..

He was working on the laptop until he glanced at his wrist watch.. it showed him.. 02:07 a.m.. He sighed and stood to stretch up.. he was about to grab some water.. until he felt someone shadow.. he was about to go in it's direction but Devishi movements snatched his attention..

Her chest was raising up and down.. and she was breathing through nose.. her brows twitched as the sweat dripped off her face.. she gripped the bedsheet and moved her body side to side..

Devishi - N.. no.. n.. noo..

She wide opened her eyes and looked desperately at her surrounding and her brows grew in confusion when she found herself in all the drips and bandages.. she cried and started snatching them..

Reyansh - Hey.. don't do that..

She stood straight.. her eyes went even wider when she saw him.. her facial expression told how scary she was feeling him right in front of her.. she nodded her side to side.. while crawling on bed backwards.. without shifting her gaze from him..

Devishi - N..no.. where am I.. stay away.. don't t.. touch me.. Who are you.. Aaahh..!!

She gripped her head when a pain strike her.. but eventually she flinched when he started coming towards her with slow steps..

Devishi - NOOO..!! DON'T COME NEAR ME.. PLEASE..!!

She crawled even more.. she was about to fall on the ground but he was enough quick to grab her by her waist.. she started hitting him while screaming and crying badly.. her voice wasn't much audible to a person at a distant because of the oxygen mask which she failed to remove..

She cried even harder while trying to get off from his grip but he only tightened more on her waist..


He again caressed her back and picked the injection.. he stopped in the midway to inject her..

Reyansh - We can't inject you everytime.. you need to get a permanent cure..

She didn't listen him while she was just struggling very hard.. but he was strong to make her stay in the position.. he threw the injection and hugged her tightly.. she clutched her shirt while he caressed her ever so softly so that she could feel secure..

Reyansh - No one will help you.. until you help yourself.. Trust me.. I am here.. stop getting panicked.. believe me.. I will never hurt you.. never..

She stopped her struggle and cried harder again resulting her shoulder shirt to wet.. but he didn't care and embraced her even tighter.. he froze for a second when he found her clutching his shirt and ultimately she climbed onto him wrapping her arms around his neck hiding her face in his neck..

Devishi - P.. please help m.. me.. I d.. don't rem.. remember anything..

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