Rathore Family

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Rudra Singh rathore (ex-king)
Apeksha singh rathore (ex-queen)
(grandparents, retired, loves their family, guilty for their mistake that they did in the past and wish to maintain a good bond with abhiraj which they think is not possible, they always pray for his well being, although they are scared of him they try to be normal with him which miserably fails at the end)

Tara Singh rathore (ex-queen)
(mother of abhiraj, loved her son till her last breath, the only person who showed him the taste of love)

Viraj Singh rathore (chote hukum)
Videhi Singh rathore
(chacha and chachi)
(uncle and aunt of abhiraj, loves him and are truly sorry for a mistake they did in the past)

Shaurya Singh rathore (kunwar sa)
Virat Singh rathore (kunwar sa)
(cousin brothers of abhiraj, loves their cousin brother a lot although he is cold and less talkative, abhiraj is their inspiration and always follows his comand)

Aradhya Singh rathore (cousin sister and loves all of the rathore brothers equally)

Revanth singh rathore (ex-king)
(scared of abhiraj due to his past sins, and try as much as possible to not catch his eyes)

Bhuvana singhania:
(Bua sa)
( a widow , lives with her daughter in rathore palace , greedy and cunning woman)

Nakshatra singhani:
(Bhuvana's daughter)
( invented the definition of bitch , irritating, irrational and illogical, she wants abhiraj to be her husband for maney and power , she is obsessed over him .

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