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Author's pov:

A man ran hurriedly to Mr Patel's house, blabbering that they are going to have a crisis because he saw a young couple doing inappropriate things in the compound of main temple and from what he saw he thinks that they are not married as the girl did not have verimolin .when Mr Patel asked to elaborate what happened, he said he can't with his own words but can show them, the rest of the villagers who heard his shouting also decided to tag on and when they reached to the temple they say nishi without dupatta and a torn sleeve, abhiraj half naked without a shirt, each of them made their own calculations of what happened.

The tranquil atmosphere of the temple was shattered by the sudden arrival of the villagers, their voices raised in anger and suspicion as they surrounded Nishita and me, their accusatory glares piercing through the darkness like daggers.

Nishita asked Mr Patel what happened very politely, to which he replied very rudely by saying that "This generation kids have no shame, they don't have any manners, how can they act this rebellious and see how she is asking as if she didn't do anything, is this how your parents taught you???" infront of everyone,tears started flowing in the mention of her parents. She was deeply hurt because she did not do anything but they are still blaming her but she was hell angry and is not ready to hear herself being humiliated anymore with out her fault.

So she in the same tone asked him "what the hell did I do, that made your narcissistic face shout at me??" .What is the meaning of this?" Nishita demanded, her voice tinged with righteous indignation as she stood defiantly before the throng of angry villagers. But her words fell on deaf ears as the crowd surged forward, their expressions twisted with hatred and fear.then a villager angrily asked her "Who are you calling narcissist and did you not touch that boy there?? ".

she was stunned and understood where this is going so she tried to calm herself down and answered politely that "Ofc I did touch him but.." she was cut off in the middle by another villager saying that they should get her and that boy married right now before their goddess get angry for witnessing such scene and give them crisis. She went blank after hearing the word marriage.

All the while here our abhiraj saw red as soon as he witnessed the moisture in her eyes and the way Mr Patel accused her but before he could reply he heard her replying in a cold and angry voice, he was proud to hear her standing up for herself, his inner voice didn't fail to mention that they would be perfect for each other, angry and cold his main emotions, which he shook away but that stubborn mind of his is reminding him of how much all this is turning him on, every thing about her is fascinating, so he decided to cool himself and watch her crush all the dick heads, but as soon as the marriage topic came he went num for a while, but he composed himself quickly and glance at her to only see her becoming num. So he decided to interfere by saying "What do you think you're doing?"  I demanded, my voice laced with barely-contained fury as I glared at the villagers, she didn't have a problem touching me then what the hell is your problem, we will do whatever we want, who the hell are you to interfere and decide our lives, did you see us doing anything inappropriate?? , no right shut the hell up everyone, she was only treating my wounds."

His words brought shivers down of everyone's spine, but Mr Patel and few others quickly gained their posters ordered for them to get married right now, nishita was still numb, no body was allowing her to explain what really happened, but on the other side abhiraj's inner voice tried to argue with him that he is not like the rest of the men, he don't know how to ask a girl out, how to make her fall in love or arrange romantic dates and so on. As soon as he laid his eyes on her he knew he found his queen, someone he wants to grow old and have kids with so there are 2 options for him reveal his identity and power  and stop this marriage, then have to marry her forcefully or he can continue with his act and get married to her without becoming the villain of their story, he thought that he can not fall in love with her, so she won't be his weakness  and having a heir is profitable to him, she looks smart kind and beautiful, all the features he want in his wife, her feisty side allows her to survive in this world. little did he know about the future. So obviously he being the business person he is he knew he gets more profit by staying num and acting as if he in shock. He taught he was going crazy, a person who doesn't even talk a few words without spitting out his coldness, who have survived thousands of assassination attempts, who can kill his enimies with bare hand, he is doing a fucking drama of being in schock , when in reality if these people saw his art work on his enimies they would pee in their pants, that moment he knew this little girl wrapped him around her fingers.

It was then that she realized the gravity of the situation, the realization dawning on her like a bolt of lightning as she watched the villagers whispering amongst themselves, their voices growing louder with each passing moment.

"They were caught alone in the temple, without chaperones!" one woman exclaimed, her voice filled with righteous indignation as she pointed an accusing finger in our direction. "They must be punished for their indecency!"

The words hit her like a physical blow, the weight of their accusations crushing me beneath their weight as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what was happening. For in the eyes of the villagers, he and I were guilty of a crime we had not committed, our mere presence together in the temple grounds seen as evidence of our supposed transgression.

But even as panic threatened to overwhelm me, I forced myself to remain calm, to think rationally in the face of the chaos that threatened to consume us. For I knew that showing weakness in the presence of the villagers would only serve to confirm their suspicions, to validate their belief that   I and abhi  were guilty of the crimes they had accused us of.

And so, with a sense of resignation settling over me like a shroud, I allowed myself to be led to the center of the temple, where the village elders stood waiting, their faces stern and unforgiving as they passed judgment upon us.

"You stand accused of indecent behavior in the sacred confines of this temple," the elder intoned, his voice grave with authority as he addressed abhi and me. "For your crimes, you are hereby sentenced to be married, in accordance with the customs and traditions of our village."

The words hung in the air like a death sentence, the weight of their implications pressing down upon me like a leaden weight as I struggled to comprehend their meaning. Marriage? To abhi? It was a prospect that filled me with equal parts dread and anticipation, a mixture of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me as I considered the implications of what was being asked of us.

But even as the realization dawned on me that I was being forced into a union against my will, I knew that there was little I could do to resist, to defy the will of the villagers who held our fate in their hands. For in their eyes, abhi and I were guilty of a crime we had not committed, our innocence overshadowed by the weight of their suspicions and fears.

nishita came out of shock and saw him num, but looking at his cold eyes which doesn't give any expression and is scaring all these people to look at them for more than a second, she can easily read them and thought "what is this idiot calculating instead of answering??", she was fed up with accusations and told in a loud voice to shut up and explained everything that has happened, why her sleeve is torn and why is he half naked showing his injury, on the other side he was tensed up and feared that now people know the truth so they may drop the marriage idea and that scared to his core, he do not want to become the villain of their story by forcing her, for the first time after years he felt a new emotion other than anger that is fear, he knew that he was going crazy, he only knew one thing he will have her all to himself. He would do anything for her, she made him feel all the emotions which he taught the he can not anymore, in matter of minutes, she is his the moment he laid his eyes on, she is perfect for him she is the only one who can handle him, he saw how bravely she pushed him, she is epitome of beauty but he taught the she is submissive in nature, if only he knows what his future holds he would never say that but now all he wants is her.

And as the villagers looked on, their faces a mixture of curiosity and judgment, I knew that our lives would never be the same again, that the path we had chosen would lead us down a road fraught with danger and uncertainty

But even as the weight of our newfound union pressed down upon us like a heavy burden, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within me, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume us. For in abhi, I had found a partner unlike any other, a woman who was forced into marriage because she did her duty.

And as we stood there together, our eyes locked in silent communion, I knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, no matter what challenges we may face, we would face them together, united in body and soul by the bonds of fate that had brought us together in the most unlikely of circumstances.
But I will not give up on my life without a fight.

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