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Author's pov :

As soon as she walked towards the mandap in the temple, she saw him standing there looking smoking hot in that white kurta which was given to him, his muscles were popping out of it , she looked around and found all girls drooling over him angering her, but her subconscious made her to stay sane.

On the other hand everything around has stopped for abhiraj, he was mesmerized by her, his determination of making her his and protecting her has increased even more

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On the other hand everything around has stopped for abhiraj, he was mesmerized by her, his determination of making her his and protecting her has increased even more. He gave her his hand to help her climb the stairs, as soon as he felt her touch he felt shivers running down through him but she was still obilivius to this and her complete focus was on the group of girls who were openly gwaking him.

Nishita's pov:

The wedding rituals unfolded in a symphony of tradition and splendor, each moment etched in my memory like a brushstroke on a canvas. As we stood before the sacred fire, surrounded by the gentle glow of candlelight and the sweet scent of incense, I found myself lost in a whirlwind of emotion, my heart pounding in my chest as I prepared to take the next step on the journey of marriage.

As the priest recited the ancient hymns and blessings, i stole glances at Abhiraj from the corner of my eye , my heart skipping a beat each time our eyes met. There was a magnetism between us, a connection that transcended words and deeds, drawing us together in a dance as old as time itself.

And as we exchanged garlands of flowers and performed the sacred rituals that bound us together in holy matrimony, I felt a sense of wonder and awe wash over me, a knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united in body and spirit by the bonds of love and tradition.

But amidst the solemnity of the occasion, there was a sense of playfulness that danced between us, a shared understanding that defied the weight of expectation and tradition. For as we stole glances at each other across the crowded hall, I saw a spark of mischief in Abhiraj's eyes, a hint of laughter that tugged at the corners of his lips and filled me with a sense of joy that I had never known before.

And as the wedding feast began and the music filled the air with its intoxicating rhythm, I found myself drawn to Abhiraj like a moth to a flame, unable to tear my eyes away from the sight of him as he moved with grace and elegance across the dance floor.

With each step he took, my heart swelled with pride and admiration, a sense of wonder coursing through me as I watched him navigate the intricate steps of the traditional dances with ease and grace. He was a vision of strength and beauty, a man unlike any other, and in that moment, I knew that I was truly blessed to have him as my partner in life.

But amidst the revelry and celebration, there were moments of quiet intimacy that stole my breath away, moments when Abhiraj and I found ourselves alone together, our eyes locked in silent communion as we basked in the glow of our newfound union.

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