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Abhiraj's pov:

The streets of Raigarh were bathed in the soft glow of the raising sun as I stumbled through the dusty alleyways, my body aching and bruised from the confrontation with the goons who had crossed my path earlier that day. Blood seeped from a gash on my forehead, trickling down my face in a crimson stream, but I paid it little mind as I made my way towards the ancient temple that stood at the heart of the village.

With each step I took, the pain in my body seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of purpose and determination that burned like a fire in my veins. For in that moment, as I stood on the threshold of the temple, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be, guided by forces beyond my understanding to seek solace and redemption in the hallowed halls of the sacred sanctuary.

As I entered the temple, the cool silence of the interior enveloped me like a comforting embrace, washing away the chaos and turmoil of the outside world and leaving me with nothing but the sound of my own ragged breath echoing in my ears. It was a welcome respite from the violence and aggression that had plagued me for so long, a chance to seek refuge in the tranquility of the sacred space.

Sir, excuse me ur hand is bleeding there is an injury on your shoulder which needs immediate medical attention, if you don't mind I am a house surgeon and I would like to treat it.

Turning back I saw the most beautiful woman propably in the entire world, she has her long jet black hair done in a braid which reaches almost below her butt with which I would like to wrap it around my hand, a cute button nose, plump pink lips which I wanna suck them till they bleed, a snap of 2 fingers brought me back from my la la land, but looking into her charcoal black eyes I forgot everything around me, she was looking directly into my eyes and was clearly irritated with my lack of response, then she did something that even I never imagined some one to do it even in my dreams.

She pushed me with irritation clear on her face made me sit on the temple rock , she started removing my shirt buttons while her soft and slender fingers are slightly brushing my chest occasionally which is doing things to my body, mainly my little friend down there which is actually anything but little, but I don't think that is intentional as she is oblivious to my effect which amused me. then she removed my shirt while my trace was broken due to the sound of a metal object falling, which we both looked in that direction only to find a villager running back hurriedly as if he saw a ghost, neglecting that I came back to see the beauty standing in front of me, se slowly cleaned the blood around the scratch, which I don't know existed there, she examined that and a very cute frown formed on her face.

her touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins and igniting a spark of something deep within me. It was a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced, a feeling of warmth and belonging that filled me with a sense of wonder and awe.

As we stood there together, our hands clasped in silent communion, I felt a sense of peace settle over me, a sense of knowing that everything would be okay as long as we were together. And as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky above, I knew that this was only the beginning of a journey that would take us to places we had never dared to dream of but I knew I was just fooling myself that this peace can stay with me , I knew that we will never meet again , to remove the frown on her cute little face ,I asked her what happened, to which her response was oh  so you know how to talk, well you need stitches, I have the suture kit but I don't have anesthesia, but you immediately need stitches, there are no hospitals in the surrounding 500 kilometers as our hukum is still constructing them, so I don't know what to do.

She made fun of me, the abhiraj Singh rathore, wow she is one of a kind, to remove that frown on her face i told her to go on with out the anesthesia, for which her eyes shot up to my face from that injury, she gave me a look as if i had 2 heads, she was looking so damm cute with the big doe eyes looking directly into my soul, so I explained to her that it is the only option left, for which she gave me her most concerned look.

She told me that I can hold her if I feel too much pain, little does she knows that I do this all the time, but she doesn't need to know that as I can hold her, I know I am sounding like a pervert but I can't help it, she is making me do things that I never tought that I would do, she slowly started stitching up the wound while hissing everytime the needle touches my skin, while I also continued with my act of being in immense pain and I kept my hold on her waist tightly which definitely came as a shock to her at the start but ignored it later. Every touch sends shivers to my body but this little vixen is giving all her attention to that injury making me feel jealous for the first time ever in my life. She completed her work and must say she is more than excellent in her work. A throat clearing brought back me to the real world, she asked me to remove my hands from her, which I hesitantly did.

She started bandaging that area, while for the first time I wanted to start a conversation, maybe know her name but I don't know how to start, everyone around me always had a scared expression around me but not her, she pushed me, made fun of me and also made me feel things which I don't know that I can and I don't want to embarrass myself more than that I already did by always zoning out so I introduced myself

Hi I am abhi and thank you for treating me miss..??

Nishita my name is nishita, abhi can you tell me what caused the injury???

Hearing her beautiful voice brought me back to my dreamland, nishita is a cool name but what's wrong with me!!!!, abhi seriously like i indirectly gave her the permission to call me abhi, to a stranger, something is seriously wrong with me, suddenly my subconscious want to make an appearance and declare that she is not somebody, she is my ishu, omggg where did this MY come from but ishu??? When did I start to give nicknames , dude she spoiled all the years of programming that I have done to my body within matter of minutes without even glancing at me properly and fully engrossed herself in bandaging now, but way she called me abhi stirred something around my heart, deciding not to embaress myself anymore I quickly answered that I got it from a metal, she doesn't need to know that I got it from a bullet which I doged but left a scratch.
And finally she gave me an injection and while doing so I caught a glimpse of her right hand side sleeve is a little torn and also her dupatta was missing.

To prologue the conversation I asked her how did her sleeve was torn, if anyone was troubling her and the tought itself boiled my blood making me see red, I think she also understood that I was angry so she quickly told that while coming here she was met with a pathfull of bushes of plants with thorns and those tore her dupatta and sleeve as she is inexperienced at walking in such paths cooling me down.

She quickly sat beside me leaving space enough for 4 men to sit in between, while I was going to thank her one more time so that I could hear her voice one more time, we were met with the buzzing sound of many people maybe entire village coming into the temple in a hurry, she stood up immediately, thinking that I lost a chance to hear her voice I sighed oblivious to the fact of how my life is going to take a drastic turn after this.

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