Their Appearance

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||श्री गणेशाय नमः||

Some sages comes and prays mother earth!

समुद्रवसने देवी पर्वतस्तनमण्डले‌|
विष्णुपत्नि नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शं क्षमस्वमे||

Translation ~
Oh Mother Earth, You who have the oceans as your garments and Mountains as your Bosom.
Oh Consort of Lord Vishnu, Salutations to you.  
Please forgive our touch of feet on your holy body (The Earth which is your holy body)

A woman who have black shining hairs and has a white complexion, calm eyes and have flower's necklace and earings with rose like lips and have motherly love in her eyes appears in front of the sages after listening to their prayers.

Mother Earth ~ Your prayer has made me happy. Please say what you want without any hesitancy. I will fulfill your desire.

Sages ~ Mateyy we have to know about the Lord Lakshminarayana. Please tell us their story. You are Mata Laksmi's form Bhoomi Devi. You know everything.

Mother Earth ~ I will narrate you their story.

Flashback :

When the whole world was destroyed their was nothing left in the world. A leaf appears and it converts into a large snake. That snake was none other than the Sheshnaag on whom the lord resides. A small baby with a blue complexion appears and transforms into a youth which was Narayana. He is unborn. He had 4 bhujas holding a lotus, gada, shanka and sudarshan chakra. He was in his yognindra (In yognindra our all body parts are slept but our brain is active). He had not opened his eyes till now. He had a adorable smile on his face. A lotus starts growing from his navel and a man with five heads, white beard and a golden mukut on his head. He was brahmadeva. After him, Shiva appears (This form of Narayan is known as AdiNarayana). They both were waiting for Narayana to open his eyes.
After sometime Narayan open his eyes with a smile on his face.

Mahadev & Brahmadev - Hey Narayan who are we? What is the purpose behind our creation?

Narayan - Hey deva you are Bramhadev. You will be the creator of the world. You will create human beings on Earth. You will be known as the father.

Mahadev looks towards him with questioning eyes.

Narayana - Creation and destruction both are necessary. If the old creation is not destroyed then new creation cannot be done.
The world created by the Brahmadeva will be destroyed by you when the appropriate time comes.
You will be known as Mahadev.
We three will be known as Tridev. A man is incomplete without a women. She is the source of the man's power. We will be accompanied by our wives and they will be known as Tridevi.

Three womes appears besides three of them.
Narayan's Ardhangini is Devi Lakshmi while of Mahadev is Devi Parvati and of Brahmadev is Devi Saraswati. Devi Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune. Devi Saraswati is the Goddess of Knowledge and Music. Devi Parvati is the Mother Goddess. All three of them are the sources of the powers of Tridev.

A/n ~
So here is the first part of the story. Ik its little bit ajeeb but still I will try my best. Please forgive me if their is any kinda mistake. Suggestions are welcome. Next part will be updated soon till then good bye and please give your reviews in comment section.
~ Yours silly author,

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