chapter six: footsie

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i didn't see niki that much for the rest of the day as we had different classes.

by the time the end of the day was over, i was extremely worried about walking home alone incase i'd get lost on the way. i wasn't used to these streets yet, and so there was a high chance i'd end up walking the wrong way and being late.

the bell rang, so i packed up my belongings and headed for the door. students eagerly swarmed their way out of the classroom so that they could rush home. i was last to leave the room due to the heavy crowd.

i began making my way down the corridor, when i was suddenly tugged back by my arm. i stumbled back a little, turning around to see who it was.

"where are you going, huh?" it was niki.

he was stood ever so close to me at this very moment. my legs instantly turned to jelly, those same butterflies returning inside of my stomach.

"home, i guess," i shrugged.

"i was waiting for you outside your lesson, and you walked right past me."

"oh, sorry i didn't see you," i laughed a little awkwardly, "why were you waiting?"

"so we can walk home together."

"have you not had enough of me today?" my face burnt up a little red.

"clearly not," he shrugged, brushing past me, "come on, let's go."

i scurried on after him whilst my heart seemed to skip a beat.

the walk home was silent. i tried to think of something to speak about, but nothing came to mind.

i decided to zone out, keeping my gaze upon the ground in front as i walked alongside niki. i thought back to our p.e lesson when niki seemed so caring towards me. it made my heart race.

my mind had wandered off so far, i hadn't realised i'd stepped out into the road whilst the traffic lights were still on green. a car came zooming past, and it was only inches away from knocking me out clean.

i felt a strong grip wrap tightly around my wrist before harshly tugging me backwards.

"god, be careful," niki sighed, "your dad would kill me if you got hurt."

i hadn't properly taken in what he'd said, due to my eyes completely glueing themselves to the way his large hand was still wrapped tightly around my wrist.

i tried to wriggle my wrist free, but his grip was so strong that there was no point in even trying. he kept his gaze forward, not letting go of me in the slightest.

once the traffic lights finally switched to red, he carefully tugged me along the road beside him. the whole time, my eyes kept themselves glued to his hand. the way his flesh contrasted beside mine caused a hundred stomach tingles at once.

surely it's not normal to feel this way over your stepbrother? our parents are getting married in a weeks time, i couldn't dare allow myself to fall for this boy.

once we'd reached the other side of the road, he finally let go of my wrist.

we made it home just in time for dinner. niki and i both made our way straight through to the kitchen after dumping our bags and shoes.

i sat down beside my dad at the table, whilst niki sat opposite me.

"how was your first day?" my dad asked.

"it was really good," i beamed, "i think i like basketball now."

i overheard niki chuckle at me from the other side of the table.

"that's a surprise," my dad said, "usually you hate sports."

"not anymore," i shook my head.

"i'm pleased to hear that."

i glanced over at niki who was sat grinning at me.

"i taught her," he spoke up.

"that's so sweet of you, niki," akari smiled as she brought over the food, "you're just like true siblings."

"i'm so happy that you're both finally getting along," my dad agreed.

akari sat down beside niki, the four of us starting to eat.

"how was work, my love?" she glanced up at my dad.

"it was alright, we had a new project launch today."

as our parents spoke with one another, i couldn't help but flicker my eyes up to meet nikis from in front of me. he'd already been watching me as he ate, which caused my face to blush up dramatically.

soon, he broke eye contact. only a few moments later, the sound of his feet shuffling around from underneath the table could be heard.

just then, his feet came into contact with mine. it was only a little bit, so i couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or if he genuinely hadn't realised. there was only one way to find out.

i shuffled my own feet a little further forward. although his eyes remained upon his food in front, i noticed a small smile slowly appearing on his face.

gently rubbing his feet up against mine, our lower legs had practically been intertwined from beneath the table. our parents were sat only inches away from us without a single clue as to how their kids were playing footsie underneath the kitchen table.

my heart had never raced this fast before. it was thumping so hard from within my chest i thought any second now it would explode.

my thoughts were soon interrupted.

"the wedding is a week today, i hope you're both excited," akari smiled over at me and niki.

nikis feet instantly removed themselves away from mine once his mother spoke.

i nodded in response to her comment. i watched as my dad reached a hand out to hold hers from on top of the table.

"we'll be a proper family," he smiled lovingly.

my eyes flickered over towards niki who's smile dropped instantly.

i was overjoyed for my dad and akari, but, i also felt a sudden pang of guilt. how was i supposed to see niki as my step brother, when clearly this new forming crush only seemed to grow with each moment that past.

it was obvious to me that there was something happening between us. i felt as if he knew so, too. but, we both knew it was completely wrong, and that caused us both guilt.

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