chapter nine: bridesmaid dress

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i didn't see niki much for the rest of the day as we had different classes, although once again he waited for me outside of last period so that we could walk home together.

"how was class?" he asked as we left through the school gates.

i shrugged, "same as usual."

he fell silent for a short second as if he was hesitant on telling me something.

"i spoke to liv today," he finally said, "i tried to end things with her, but she wasn't taking it."

i felt a little bad that i didn't help him out when he'd asked me to, but i knew that it was wrong.

"so you're still together?"

"yep," he sighed.

"at least you won't see her over the weekend."

"she's going to the party tomorrow, she'll be all over me," he rolled his eyes at the thought of it, "but of course... if you're all over me, then she obviously won't be."

"niki, shut up," i told him.

"you always act as if flirting with you is illegal," he kicked a piece of rubbish across the path as we walked by, "i dont even like liv anymore, so it's not like there's anything wrong with getting close to you."

"you're my step brother, i think that says enough."

"so?" he questioned with a calm face.

i scoffed, "don't you get it? our parents are getting married in less than a week."

"whatever," he sighed, "you're no fun."

"excuse me?" i stopped walking, "all i'm doing is trying to not go against our parents, and you say i'm not fun?"

"i was joki-"

"no no no, you're trying to mess up our parents lives. you need to stop," i interrupted him.

"that's so hypocritical coming from you," he scoffed, taking a step closer to me.

he was so tall. his figure towered over me like i was nothing.

"how the hell am i being hypocritical?"

"because..." he lowered himself down to my height, "you've got a huge ass crush on me, you just won't admit it."

i swallowed hard. i quickly brushed myself past him, but he grabbed ahold of my arm and yanked me back towards him.

"we're not real siblings," he said, "when you really think about it... there's nothing wrong with liking each other. what are our parents gonna do? put us up for adoption?" he laughed at his own joke.

"i just don't think it's right," i mumbled, glancing down at his feet in front of me.

all of a sudden, his hand came into contact with my head. softly, he brushed a strand of hair back behind my ear. it instantly made me flinch, snapping my gaze back up to meet his.

"i like you, you like me. there's nothing we can do about it, people are gonna have to suck it up," he smiled warmly.

i didn't even know how to respond.

"anyway, let's go," he said, brushing past me and continuing on our walk home.

i felt a little dumbfounded, but i quickly scurried on after him.

after reaching home, akari told me that my bridesmaid dress for the wedding had turned up. excitedly, i made my way through into her room to try it on. she'd said she didn't want my dad to see it yet as it was supposed to be a surprise on the day.

it was a pretty pale pink colour, with jewels and laced floral designs scattered across its silky material. akari zipped the back up for me, before telling me to go look at myself in the mirror.

my eyes widened once i spotted my reflection. i looked beautiful. running my hands down the dress, i couldn't help but gasp at my complexion stood before me.

"it looks pretty on you. do you like it?" she asked.

"i do," i nodded, giggling.

all of a sudden, her bedroom door swung open.

"mom, where's my char- ...oh..." niki had barged into the room without warning.

he stood frozen in his tracks, gawking over me and my appearance. his eyes slowly trailed down towards the lower hem of the dress, before shifting back up to my face.

"wow..." he breathed, "i mean, um, sorry, i should have knocked first."

"no no, it's okay," akari smiled, "she was just trying on her bridesmaid dress. doesn't she look wonderful?"

nikis throat vibrated from gulping so hard. i couldn't help but grin at his reaction.

"she looks... perfect," he mumbled, completely hypnotised.

widening my eyes at him, i warned him to not say anything more due to the fact akari was standing right beside us.

"oh, i mean..." he shook of his trance, "it looks shit."

he laughed at his own joke, making me roll my eyes.

"niki, don't be mean!" akari scolded him.

"have you seen my charger anywhere?" niki quickly changed the subject, "i've been looking for it."

"well it's not in here, go search your room."

"i've already searched my room," niki groaned, before turning back to me, "have you got it?"

"no," i shook my head.

"yes you do, liar," he walked right up to me, a small smirk resting upon his face.

"no i don't, i haven't taken it," i took a step back.

"stop troubling your sister and go search for it yourself, niki," akari sighed.

"whatever," niki mumbled, walking back out of the room.

that night, once again niki allowed me to sleep in his bed with him. i was contemplating on denying the offer this time, because of what happened the night before. but, my back was screaming out for a comfortable bed to sleep in.

climbing in under the duvet, niki put his phone down and rolled over to face me. it only made me roll back over again, leaving him staring at the back of my head.

"rude," he mumbled.

"go to sleep."

"i don't want to sleep," he said, "i'm not tired."

"well i am."

"stay awake with me, please," his voice was so soft as he spoke.

turning my head, i was met with his huge brown eyes which i seemed to have fallen madly in love with.

"please," he repeated.


"i want to talk to you."

"about what?"

"stuff, i guess," he shrugged.

i decided to fully roll over and face him, but doing so only caused him to shuffle even closer.

his face was so close to me, to the point i could actually feel his breath lightly hitting against my face.

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