Hanging In The Balance

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Sage knelt beside the body of Calamity in despair. "Gone...You knew you were going to die, why did you allow it to happen? Now everything is gone except us. Except me..." Just then, Reglissina awoke only to begin crying as she saw the body of Calamity. "No! It can't be true, I dreamt that this happened, but I see that it did. I would never have done this...not unless I was being controlled."

"Controlled? Who could have-" both were interrupted by a recorded video message that began to play. They looked over in shock, initially thinking that his voice was coming from his body, then to the screen of his computer.

"Reglissina, if you can hear me, do not cry over what you have done. I was aware of your brief fall to the control of another. I knew what was going to happen. You had no choice in slaying me. But in doing so, you fulfilled my last request. There were worlds to be saved, but my machines were not completely ready. Still, I had to move quickly and so I arranged my death to be at the moment I activated my machines. My body died, yet my power and essence still remained. Killing me released all of it.
Energy which would do more than just jumpstart the machines I have set up. It is a mad scheme, and yet it may work. Hear me out, for I need you still. Out of my power and essence, I created a netherverse to draw the Aether and the universe of Earth-N within itself for the time being. They survive for the moment, but in my haste to save them, all time has become one!
I've used some of my energies to calm the populaces of both, but because my hand was forced, the machines were not properly tuned, thus both universes are likely still in danger. The vibrations which separate the universes are beginning to slow down, and causing them to slowly merge. I worry but am not wholly sure of the risk, but if my concerns are right, they will eventually occupy the same space at the same time and destroy each-other!

I recorded these words before you came, and I want to say farewell. I have faith in you and all the others." At that point, the screen turned off. Sage and Reglissina were completely stunned.

"He let me kill him in order to save everyone else...he was hiding out here in fear of his own life, yet gave it up when fate called upon him to do so..." Reglissina broke down further into tears. Sage was left in stunned silence.

The cloaked figure exclaimed. "Damn! The moment I was going to win, he ruined it! But still, he only delayed the inevitable. If they won't submit, I will wipe them out. But we still have four other Earths we need to deal with in the meantime." Just then Zack the Zipper walked over to them.
"Where am I and who are you two?" Zack asked. Blue Quartz Necklace looked over at him. "Who's this guy?" he asked. The cloaked figure sighed in anger. "That is Zack the Zipper. I captured him because his powers would allow him to travel between dimensions without any help, which is trouble I don't need."

"Talk about me like I'm here!" Zack yelled before walking up to the cloaked figure and around to her face before punching her right in it. Her hood and cloak fell off, and he got a good look at her.
She was a light blue light switch, almost periwinkle. She wore a red cape and a golden crown. She punched him right back. She was very much taller than him and she sent him to the floor. He got up before his jaw dropped.

"Oh my God, I recognize you! You're Reverend Reily! Why the hell are you doing this?" Zack asked, horrified at the sight of who he thought was a Christian being the one behind this. The light switch broke out into laughter. "My doppelganger from New Earth being religious in anyway is the funniest thing I have ever heard. No, I am from another Earth, the one all of us are standing on right now, and I am the Almighty Empress Liy!"

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