Arrogance and Overconfidence

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The priesthood of Normid gathered around a central fire. The head priestess wore a black hood over her face, the shadows as a result of the flame's light almost resembling a wicked smile for a priestess.
She spoke a prayer in Latin and then looked at the others.

"We have faced numerous storms which none of our prayers to the almighty gods have resolved, and the secular state can certainly not stand up to them forever. Our power is truly threatened." she stated.

"How hateful is the truth to our heavenly cause." one of the other priests said.

"Absolutely correct, Sibling 14." the head priestess responded. Before they could respond, Empress Liy appeared, hovering of all of them.

"I want you theocratic fools to listen and listen well! Your lives, and if you truly care about them, all the lives of your citizens and your monarch depend on it! I am the one behind the storms and the quakes, and I will make them stop for a price."

"You dare present yourself here, witch?!" the head priestess yelled.
"Hahaha! I am no witch, I am a goddess!" Empress Liy laughed before snapping her fingers and causing a brief but terrifying earthquake alongside the vanishing of the head priestess. Her clothes fell to the floor. The other priests and priestesses gasped in terror, a few even fainting.

"As objects of an ordinary sort, you hold no privilege over those with animal like features because I can wipe you all out with just a snap of my fingers. Elijah would call to you and ask if your Gods were asleep or on a journey. However, I won't mince words and will tell you they are false. Fall to your knees and I shall be this city's new goddess. Otherwise your world will die." Liy responded.

"And what will happen to the king?" one of them asked. Empress Liy grew more impatient with them. The scowl on her face showed how much she just wanted to gut them all, but knew she had to put up with them for a few more moments.

"I will work that out with the king." Empress Liy briefly vanished and reappeared with the king in tow, dropping him on the floor.

"Your Majesty, these incompetent theocrats wish to know what will happen to you if this city adopts me as it's real goddess. So let me tell you to your face and their faces what will happen. If you refuse me, I will destroy your world. I am already wrecking it with storms and earthquakes, and could easily stop it if you bow to me.
You will be spared, as will your family and their families. The Unterfolk, as you call them, could look to me as a liberator and I am the only thing that is preventing them from killing all of you as your world dies an agonizing death. You have hell to look forward to if you do not kneel and allow me to be your new goddess." Empress Liy emphatically repeated.

"The priesthood is in charge of that decision. I would gladly declare allegiance to you but I haven't that authority." the old king said. Empress Liy looked to the priests. "Will you show reason and bend the knee or show true madness in standing against me?" she asked, gripping her hand into a fist and raising it into the air.

All of the priests gave her a thumbs down. Empress Liy laughed. "So be it. You fools die." She then snapped her fingers and they all exploded into a mess of bloody gears and drenched white cloth. "Your Majesty, enjoy the rest of your life!" She then vanished.

In the Jewel Kingdom's capital city of Juvelia, Keiser Edward sat in his castle writing legislation. Just then, Empress Liy appeared before him, floating above him in the same way as before with the priests. Edward wasn't intimidated. Edward had dealt with monsters before, and his mind was a maze of dulled emotion. "I have another chair if you want one." he said, his tone completely apathetic.

"Spare me the pleasantries. I demand your submission to me. I am Empress Liy, your new goddess. I have caused the red skies, the storms, and the quakes. and I will only make them stop upon your submission. Otherwise, I will destroy your world. You are a wise king from what I have seen of you, so I expect you to make the right decision." Empress Liy responded. Edward shrugged. "Then you know this place already has an emperor and empress, and my citizens expect tolerance. A tolerance I don't believe you have."

"You would dare speak to me that way?" Empress Liy yelled before hovering over and picking the emerald locket up by his string. Edward tried to pull himself free more out of annoyance than any fear. "A wise emperor questions everything. I liberated my people from tyranny three years ago. My wife and children certainly won't accept you if you kill me, and the people certainly won't. So I suggest you put me down and we talk like civilized people about this proposal of yours." Empress Liy threw him down in anger, dropping to her feet.

"I would think you considered those who speak the same language as you to be your civilized equals." Edward said.

"No, my world needed to be brought to heel. Civilization needs to be protected and enforced. Your kingdom is just a unique and pleasant surprise." she responded condescendingly.

"It sounds like you might chalk it up to this land's mainly Norwegian heritage." Edward said.

"Yes-wait, no! You cannot convince me that is the only factor that makes the difference. That's nonsense!" Empress Liy yelled.

Edward laughed. "This is a real cultural thing you have to be aware of as a ruler. So if you want this new domain of yours to be stable after I submit to you, I suggest you leave me in power. You could be considered a hero for stopping these disasters, and you would be genuinely worshipped. My approval would absolutely bolster it, and all you need to do is leave my legal authority untouched."

Liy looked at him only for him to look her back straight in the eyes, unsure of whether to be impressed or perturbed by his indomitable courage and confidence. It was almost as if Edward couldn't feel fear. She knew he was telling the truth. She could see it in his mind. She wanted to give in and save herself the trouble. But this man was stubborn, he held himself up as her equal. He had to be made an example of.

"A different person would accept your offer. I will not. I am a goddess, and I will only accept sincere submission." Empress Liy said, spitting at his feet.

"You've clearly done this kind of thing before, but I won't beg and plead for the forgiveness of a sociopathic demon." Edward said.

"It takes one to know one. You still have time to recant." Empress Liy said before vanishing.

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