Self Destructive Behavior

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Lone Star Lady, Obliv, and Orb appeared on Earth-S, in one of the hundreds of Sugar City States during a horrible thunderstorm. Orb looked around. "Dear God, it's the same as what Soshi described. I can feel that the whole world's aura is an overpowering yellow!" Orb yelled.
"We'll have to put the mind magic on hold for a moment! We've got incoming!" Lone Star Lady yelled back.

A chocolate cupcake adorned in a pink wrapper with a white mask flew above them before coming down hard on Obliv. "You have a lot of nerve coming to destroy our world!" she yelled.

"What? We're trying to save it! Whoever you are, you need to know there's something wrong!" Obliv said, fighting her off. Lone Star Lady lassoed her, and pulled her away from Obliv. "Let go of me, you outsider! Nobody cages Chocolate!" she screamed before flying right at Lone Star Lady, who punched her in the face and dropped her to the ground.

"You're insane! It's like you're outta your mind!" Lone Star Lady said before two more cupcakes attacked her. A vanilla cupcake with a red wrapper dropped out of the sky and a blueberry one with a blue wrapper rushed over.
"We're Comet and the Blue Blur of the Cupcake Crusaders!" the vanilla one shouted.
"And from the looks of it, you're going to be black and blue!" Blue added. Obliv tackled Comet while Blue Blur went after Lone Star Lady.

Lone Star Lady attempted to just lasso Blue before dropping him the same way she dealt with Chocolate, but Blue Blur dodged repeatedly. Blue Blur was as fast as Zack, and far more violent, as he punched her straight in the face a couple times before Lone Star Lady caught one his punches. "You fools, we're tryin to save your planet! Is everyone here just full on nuts?!" she asked before punching him in the nose. Obliv dodged Comet's attacks up until Comet finally got a hit on him. Chocolate came up behind him and started attacking him as well. "Orb! Help!" Obliv shouted. Orb ran over and kicked Chocolate in the groin. "Hands off my boyfriend!" She then proceeded to beat Chocolate up while Obliv turned to Comet and began to beat him up. "You morons are going to die, and you're fighting us when we're trying to save you!"

Soshi looked on in shock as Dagger unveiled the machine he had built for this, a giant ring-shaped treadmill. "Hold on, you already built this?!" Soshi asked. Notecard nodded. "He built that thinking he could power the base with Zippy Zoe's super speed if you had cut power off to the reservation." Soshi looked at Dagger with disgust before looking back at the circular treadmill.

"All right, I guess you know this needs to be-*ACHOO!*-this needs to be airtight to work in space and that's where I come in. What are you guys doing then?" Soshi said. "We'll be trying to maintain communications with the teams. Launch Pad, could you open a-" Dagger was then interrupted.

"Don't bother, I don't need the portal if I know what the place looks like and it's here. I have the rings, which will keep me going long enough without an atmosphere to get the job done." Soshi grabbed the treadmill, and vanished with a silicon rod in his other hand. He then appeared on the moon next to the other machine he had been asked to put on the moon. He used the rod like something to channel his powers, pointing it up and manifesting a solid twenty foot tall, 400 square foot, five foot thick iron dome around him before filling the room with oxygen. He then used the rod to connect the machine to the treadmill before teleporting back. He saw Pickelhaube talking to the others, practically screaming in terror. "He was there! And then he was gone! Mein Gott, how can we hope to save the other universes?!"

Meanwhile, Zack the Zipper looked in shock as someone else appeared in his cell. It was Scissors. "Are you Goiky Island's speedster?" Zack asked. "Yeah. Pickelhaube told me Dagger had a plan that involved me. Apparently he, the other American heroes, and the other Goiky Islanders had an idea for a scheme to stop the crisis in it's tracks."

"And so Empress Liy abducted you, realizing that you posed a threat to her in the same way I did. I'm afraid that hope is lost." Zack said. Scissors slapped him. "No! Hope is not yet lost! There's still something standing between her and total victory. Us. I looked up to you and the Cape as role models when I tried to reform myself as a person. You're better than this. You can overcome whatever she did to mess with your mind. I'm here, and I'm not giving up, and I know the Cape wouldn't let you give up either."

"What do you suggest we do then?" Zack asked, looking up. "We vibrate our way home, because this is a fight for our homes! I didn't get convinced by Pickelhaube to get involved only so I could give up!" Zack knew Scissors was right. The thing that Blue Quartz was using as leverage to force him into despair, his cancer, didn't matter anymore. What mattered was the cause, a cause he was determined to fight for if there was still hope. He forced the fear, the despair, the loathing, the bitterness, all out of his head. This was a fight for everyone, and that mattered more than anything. He grabbed Scissors's hand, stood up, and they began to shake so fast that they began to fade out of sight. Empress Liy had not heard their conversation, but she did hear the whirring in the air caused by their attempt to escape.
"NO! You two will not thwart my plans! I will not allow it!" she screamed, running in just as they completely faded out of her universe. They were gone before she could do anything, causing her to fly into a rage. She tore the door of their cell off its hinges before slamming into the wall repeatedly as she shrieked with rage. Her eyes grew red, almost burning with anger. She kept up the tantrum until her crown fell off, causing her to have a vision of Lollipop holding a spear, looking at her with disgust. Empress Liy froze, panicked by the vision. She knew it wasn't real, but it was a struggle to force the trauma and fear back down. She picked up the crown before taking a deep breath. She hated being reminded of that day.

The Cape awkwardly waited for Pickelhaube atop the Floral Queen's palace. He worried that something had gone wrong. He was watching in morbid curiosity as the people just ran around and panicked. His super-hearing meant he could hear every single statement, cry, shout, and so on. It couldn't be helped. He used his telescopic vision to watch out for another wall of antimatter as Soshi had spoken of it. That he wasn't seeing it scared him. He might be looking the wrong way, maybe he wasn't looking hard enough, or he might just be getting rusty. He could hear his heartbeat going up.

Just then he saw the wall of white on the horizon. Whoever was responsible was taking another wack at it. He sprang into action, trying to save and stop people from running into it. Just then, Pickelhaube appeared just before springing into action. "Cape! Great news! Scissors has returned, and brought Zack with him!" he shouted in excitement. Cape smiled. "Then we're only counting on Dagger, General Tagayo, and the speedsters! Let's hope they pull through."

Sage, Kama, and Agate knocked on the palace door. Keiser Edward hurried to open it. He had run downstairs with Sapphire upon seeing Night Owl grapple past their window. "Agate. What are you doing here?"

"I, Kama, Agate, and Night Owl are here because Empress Liy is trying to destroy this and a number of other universes, and-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've given me the rundown on that, Mr. Flowers. But Agate is supposed to be exiled. He threatened to murder my wife and son. Keep in mind, he and I and my wife worked together to overthrow a previous tyrant and I initially made him king before he did that." Edward said, the disgust in his voice clear.

"Agate told me about that after he'd been homeless for weeks after arriving in Pentref on New Earth. He's actually gotten married and adopted his niece. I think his time with Soshi forced him to change. Soshi thought he'd be able to help me and Night Owl navigate this place if we needed to." Kama said.

"Sapphire, what's your opinion on this? I'm perfectly happy to make him leave if you want to." Edward said turning to her. Sapphire looked away, then back at Edward. "Edward, be reasonable. He's only going to be here for a day at most. He has a life there he has to return to, most likely."

Edward sighed before freezing up in fear. "Fine. You three finish what you're doing, and leave."

"We'll do our best. We just need to keep the rods where they are right now and prevent-." Kama said just before she turned and saw what was causing Edward to panic. A wall of white. She was afraid too. "Agate, we need to stop any panicked civilians from running into the fray in the belief it's the only good idea.

"Something's trying to force me to believe that, too. But there's no evidence to back it up. I think Empress Liy is responsible..." Edward trailed off again.

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