The Case

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Later, Empress Liy watched on her monitor as she watched Earth-F descend even further into panic before she heard a voice. It was Keiser Edward. She teleported herself to his castle, where he and his wife were holed up in. Edward's presence seemed to push away fear in the air. "Why aren't you afraid?" she asked.

"I'm very afraid, I just shove my emotions deep down where they don't cause trouble. But that's not what you're here for. I talked it over with my wife, and you were right. I wasn't taking you as seriously as I should have. I'm sorry." Edward said before standing up and kneeling to her. Empress Liy smiled. "That's more like it. Your wife is clearly intelligent if she urged you to rethink this. And so I will consider sparing your world if for no other reason than I do find you intriguing."

"Consider?" Sapphire asked, still frightened by Empress Liy.

"I'll-Who the hell is that?" Empress Liy asked upon looking out the window after sensing a portal opening. She could see Kama, Night Owl, and Agate right out there.

"Give me a minute, someone's clearly trying to sabotage my plans." Empress Liy said before jumping out the window, causing Edward to burst out in laughter. Sapphire looked at him in disbelief. "What's so funny about that?"

"She just jumps out like she's still on ground level, it's weird to the point of hilarity." Edward said.

"You're honestly tough to understand sometimes." Sapphire said. Meanwhile, Empress Liy stopped short of the ground, just to hover over both of them again. "The masked man must be from Earth-N, you must be from here, and the woman is clearly from the Aether. The vibrations are all wrong with you both, though."

"Whatever. We're here to stop you in your tracks! You're going to burn for what you're doing!" Agate said. Kama simply drew her katana before attacking Empress Liy, who grabbed it and used it to throw Kama to the ground. "You're not even remotely capable of winning. Just sit down and let me kill you so you suffer less." Empress Liy said before Agate attacked her with a blast of fire to the back that knocked her to the ground.

Agate ran over to her, attempting to hold her down. Kama got up, and attempted to finish Liy, but Liy forced everything to pause before she pushed off Agate, and then resumed time before she threw him at Kama, knocking both down before she began walking up to them as they got up.

"I can read your mind, Agate. Your thoughts overflow with the fear of the death of your country. Edward has prevented that already. He seems to be every bit the man you're not. He's a fearless leader." Empress Liy said. Agate attempted to blast her with fire, but she blocked it with her hands. "I can do this all day, Agate!" Just then, she was attacked by Sage, who attacked her in the back with his magic. Where there had previously been tears and shame in his eyes, there was only rage.
"So can I! I will stop you! If I can help it, I will not give up!" He ran over and punched her repeatedly before she fell to the ground before Sage forced her to stay down. Just then, Kama ran over with her wooden bo.
A massive wooden pole, waiting for someone to impale. Liy was drawn back to when her world's Lollipop almost killed her with a spear before deciding Empress Liy was unworthy of death. In a brief moment of pure rage, she acted out of instinct. She punched Sage in the face, knocking him off and grabbed Kama's bo before it could make it to her face. Kama channeled her magic into the bo, setting the end of it on fire. Empress Liy screamed in pain and let go just as Agate put his hands on her face and began to burn her just before Kama attacked her with her bo once again. Empress Liy vanished before she could be killed. Night Owl pressed the rods into the ground before noticing the buttons on each of them and pressing them.

Book watched on her own monitor as Pickelhaube appeared in Scissors's apartment. "Scissors! Wir need your assistance! There's a machine that has been built to save multiple universes from annihilation that requires a speedster to power it to function to its full capacity, and we need you to power it because you're the only one who can!" Scissors walked out of his bedroom, covered in a towel. He was unhappy to be interrupted. "Oh, for god's sake. I thought I told you not to involve me in these kinds of things."

"Scissors! This is life and death! If those worlds die, we are next! If you cannot bring yourself to do this, you've already done the job of the monster behind this for them! You're quite literally our only hope!" Pickelhaube yelled as he grabbed and shook Scissors. Scissors looked down, sighing. "Fine. I'll do it. Let's-" and then Scissors vanished upon Book pressing a button, his towel falling to the floor. Pickelhaube's jaw dropped as he fell to his knees. The stunned helmet screamed. "NOOOO!"

Book turned off the screen, laughing. "They can't have any hope now."

Meanwhile with Empress Liy, Blue Quartz Necklace groaned. "Empress...please, let me stop! This hurts so much!" Empress Liy just laughed. "You wanted one world to control, and now you have four! You got what you asked for!"

As he screamed, one could imagine looking into his eyes and seeing four worlds in each eye. A horrifying sight for just about anybody.

Checkerboard Cookie and Reglissina appeared in the city state of Encrossia. The first thing they noticed was a distinct lack of panic. They were then approached by a member of the police who was a donut. "Who are you two, and what is she doing outside of Abnorma?" CC brushed herself off. "I'm from space, and my friend here has told me that your city is guilty of segregation. So, I'm here to put a stop to that. Now, go bother someone else." she said before taking the officer's gun and covering it in a chunk of ice. The policeman just ran away, too scared to do anything.

"If nothing else, this should be really easy. Just set up the silicon rods, and go from there. Personally, I don't think we should be interfering in things we know nothing about." Reglissina said. CC nodded. "I know that, Liquorice, but it's fun to scare the crap out of these kinds of people." She shoved the pole into the ground, with Reglissina following suit before both saw the buttons on the rods and pressed them. Then Book walked up behind them. Her robotic eyes were cold and inhuman. "I'm not sure what you think those rods will do, but it won't make a difference. You two won't make a difference." she said as they turned to see her. She pulled out a gun, and fired it at Reglissina, who blocked the bullet with her magic.

"Good luck hitting either of us. Just scurry off with the rest of the police." CC said. Book laughed. "I'm not with them. Besides, I'm fairly well versed in magic too." She blasted her with a blue cascade of energy. CC screamed, doubling over in pain "What's...happening to me?" she screamed as Reglissina dropped to her knees to look for a wound of some kind. Book grinned. "This spell plays with your nerves. Imagine being electrocuted all over your body with the pain of a gunshot wound." Book watched in shock as Reglissina stood back up and turned to her. CC stood up, fighting the pain.

"All right, you robot witch...let's dance." CC said, attacking her with an ice blast. Book blocked it again as Reglissina backed away, causing Book to laugh. "That's right, you sugary coward! Run! You've got the weird legs for it!" she said before running at CC. This put all of her attention on CC, giving Reglissina the chance to circle back around and sneak up on Book. CC dodged a blast from Book, and just kept dodging until Book began to punch her until CC grabbed one of her hands and froze it in a block of ice. "I heard stories about you in the object shows and visited the old show-grounds in a field trip. Your counterpart on my Earth, Harriet Lee, went on to become a history teacher once the kingdom was revived. I guess Yoyleland is dead on your Earth." CC said. Book began hitting CC with her ice covered hand before forcing it to melt with her magic. The two traded blows as Book began to talk, speaking without pausing for breath whatsoever.

"The old government is absolutely long dead. Liy entrusted me with wiping out the remnants of the old nobility, and GB and TB died the most brutally. If Freesmart and Empress Liy have taught me one thing, it's that cruelty is power."

"It is no such thing." Reglissina said, blasting Book in the back. Book was knocked down against the arms of CC, who attempted to freeze her completely. Book pressed a button on a belt around her waist. "I have no intention of getting caught up in the anti-matter wall. Good luck surviving." she said before vanishing.

Crisis of The Worlds: Weathering The StormWhere stories live. Discover now