Full Circle

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Dagger yelled excitedly. "It's starting to work! Keep going!" Soshi smiled as the other cheered and jumped for joy. "I'm going as fast I can, I'd be shocked if the signal-" Zack responded before the signal cut off. Syringe went silent with terror.

Zack continued, unaware of the signal to his earpiece being cut off. "-Didn't cut off. I'm turning it off." he said, before turning it off. "I'm afraid I know what's coming, but it doesn't matter. More than me is at stake. I have to push further. I can feel the cancer starting to get to me, despite my super fast healing. My legs are beginning to ache. It's weird. I don't know if there will be another Zipper, but that's ok. I'm fighting for everyone I love, for the world, for all worlds, for the past, the present, and the potential for brighter futures in the times to come."

Zack groaned in pain. He felt his muscles screaming to stop, begging for respite, but there was no holding this back. He thought about what Scissors had said to him.
That he inspired Scissors to change his ways, to become better. He was always out to inspire hope, and he was happy that he was able to do so for one last person. He tried not to tear up. He pushed faster and faster. Faster than ever before. Faster than any comet could hope to move.
"It's almost funny, right now the end is so close I can smell it. Zoe, I know we didn't always agree, but if you can hear me out there, I'll always love you. Nobody else has been there for me, and I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you to guide you down a better path. Forgive me for leaving the way I am right now, but please understand why." Zack said.

Dagger watched as the energy levels spiked higher and higher. They would have the power they needed soon enough, but then Launch Pad spoke up. "Will he survive this?" Dagger and Notecard just shrugged. "He volunteered for this, and he knew the risks. I desperately hope he does survive." Soshi replied. Scissors nodded and watched with bated breath.

Zack continued to run faster and faster, he started to feel strange until he saw a strange window of energy open up, and then he saw someone. "Scissors?" he asked as he saw Scissors with the others in his costume. "I felt like I had to join-Zack?!" It then transitioned to a vision of Dull Jack, one of Night Owl's enemies. Dull Jack was clearly was mortified. "No fair! The Bronx is your jurisdiction! Get out of here!" He lifted his gun to shoot at him. Zack felt like he had to try to warn Night Owl as he began to rust and his limbs started to shrivel.

"Can't you see the world...it's dying around me! Zoe, where is Zoe?!" Zack screamed, hoping to know something about Zoe before he died. Night Owl walked over to him.

"Where are you? I can help you! Just tell me!" Mr. Feather said, attempting to reach out to grab Zack. Zack reached for him as he was now rapidly crumbling, but just before he could take his hand, the image faded away.
Zack sighed, calming himself down. "There's always hope. There must always be hope, we still have time to do what we need to do in order to save everyone. We must save them all and open our hearts to a brighter future...Good-bye, Scissors, Mr. Feathers, Mr. Book, Lady Lone Star...Thank you for...for all your kindness..." As he spoke, he was crumbling to dust. He died remembering the times he and Lady Lone Star would go out for drinks and talk about bad movies, the time he and Night Owl teamed up to stop someone from robbing a bank, when he gave the Cape relationship advice, and when Scissors pulled him out of the forced slump that Blue Quartz had dragged him into.

The only thing left was his green mask, and blue costume with the yellow letter Z on it.

Dagger watched in nervous excitement as the results were displayed in the lab. All of the four other universes were slowly pulled out of danger, into the pocket dimension with New Earth and the Aether. "All right!" he shouted. Lighight silently raised her hand to Notecard, who gave her an excited high-five. The Cupcake Crusaders, the crowds unreasonably running into the fray in the Floral and Jewel Kingdoms, all stopped to look around in confusion.
The only Earth that seemed to have been somewhat unaffected was Earth M.

"Empress! I was controlling all their emotions, my powers were focused! Billions of souls cried out at once...NO!!" Blue Quartz Necklace yelled, terrified upon the realization of what happened.

Empress Liy stood up and threw her chair at him. He dodged it, and it smashed against the wall. She looked back at her big computer as an alert came out. The four universes she had threatened were being drawn into the netherverse that Calamity had set up, but this time now the heroes were responsible. Her rage subsided, but now she was concerned. She had no idea what to do now. She could only wonder as to the heroes' next plan. She called up Book. "Do you have a back-up plan for if your machine fails?"

"Already working on Plan D should Plan C fail." Book said. Empress Liy smiled. "I can always count on you, Book."

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