Moving Forward

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Empress Liy returned to watching the monitor, eating a bag of popcorn, disturbed that her efforts to hold back the heroes were starting to falter even without any real effort from the speedsters. She was deep in thought when Blue Quartz began screaming again. "PLEASE, EMPRESS, I'M BEGGING YOU, LET ME HAVE RESPITE! MY HEAD CANNOT HANDLE THIS KIND OF EXERTION FOR MUCH LONGER!"

Empress Liy just sighed in frustration. "I expanded your powers so all four worlds would be drowned in chaos and terror to the point where they wouldn't even think to run from their deaths. You are a pawn, and pawns that break get replaced."

Soshi and Zack the Zipper stood on the moon in the little building Soshi had constructed. Zack stood in the treadmill wheel hooked up to the machines currently holding New Earth and the Aether in the Netherverse. Soshi looked at Zack. "Are you sure you want to do this? This might take away your powers completely if you get really unlucky." Zack nodded. "Yes. There are times where we all have to heed the call to do the right thing. I know you've heard the call and listened, and I know everyone deserves a chance to hear it. Let's help everyone."

"You were an honorable man in the war, even though we weren't on the same side. You're still the same good man as back then. Good luck, my son is praying you succeed." Soshi said.

"I know his prayers will be answered. You might want to go back, now. I've been told about how dangerous heat is for you, and this will generate a lot of heat." Zack said. Soshi nodded, returning to the lab through the portal. Zack feared this was not just going to take away his powers, but that didn't matter. He began to run, faster than a car, even faster than any plane.

Meanwhile, with the others, Dagger was monitoring everything. "We're receiving a massive energy spike from the machine, but it's stable. That being said, it's not nearly enough. You're going to have to move a lot faster. Once you move fast enough, the silicon rods everyone has should start to vibrate, and the buttons on them will glow, urging those holding them to press them if they haven't done that already."

"That thing better be designed for some really fast motion." Note Card said. Lighight nodded. "We can't have it being destroyed at very high speeds."

Soshi just shrugged. "I'm just shocked it's still in one piece."

Pickelhaube and The Cape felt the rods in their hands vibrating with the buttons glowing, and The Cape looked over at Pickelhaube. "Kraut, I think we should hurry up and stick these into the ground."

"Ja." They pressed the buttons and shoved them into the ground before returning to focus on saving the lives of the creepily panicked civilians.

Lone Star Lady noticed the vibrating of the silicon pole in her empty holster and the glowing of the button on the pole. She pressed it and pushed it into the ground just to get it out of the way. She, Orb, and Obliv struggled to fight the Cupcake Crusaders, stuck at a standstill. Orb and Obliv did what Lone Star Lady did, then Orb looked over at Obliv.

"Obliv, I think these people are under mind control." Orb said. "What do you mean?" Obliv asked.
"Their emotions keep changing back and forth, but the rest of this whole area is covered in a massive shifting yellow and red aura, even though there's only us and these people. I can kind of make out Lady Lone Star's and your auras, but other than that, the whole world is either possessed or under mind control. What if one of the people Empress Liy kidnapped is doing this just to attempt to slow us down?" Orb responded.

"I guess she really dropped the ball or she's just hoping that we've been slowed down enough that the world's going to be destroyed no matter what." Obliv before noticing the Cupcake Crusaders fighting to get past Lady Lone Star, clearly looking to take out the rods in the ground. Orb and Obliv joined to help, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. They could really see the panic in the eyes of the Cupcake Crusaders, as if they themselves were starting to realize the absurdity of the situation and just couldn't bring themselves to stop.

"Y'all cupcakes are fixin' to get on my last nerve! We're trying to save your world, and you varmints are trying to charge into your deaths like animals! I almost think maybe we should let you!" Lady Lone Star yelled, punching them all in quick succession. Chocolate staggered, her shy face twisted in anger. "Why should we believe you when you come to our land with no permission?" "Yeah! The only thing we'd believe is that you're invaders out to destroy our way of life!" Comet yelled. Just then, everyone on the teams sent to each of the earths heard a soft, vibrating hum.

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