Kingdoms in Chaos

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Sage watched as the wall of white appeared up in the sky again. He fell to his knees, sobbing. "NO! NOT AGAIN! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I WITNESS THESE HORRORS?! WHY MUST IT BE THIS WAY?!"
He stood in front of the castle of Keiser Edward just as he and his wife, Keiserinne Sapphire were leaving before they saw him and came over to him.

"Are you all right?" Edward asked. Sage screamed at him before pointing up at the sky. "No! Your world is about to die! The wall of white is going to destroy your world!"

"I honestly thought the Florals would do it more conventionally from what I've been told about them." Edward said, laughing. Sapphire looked at him, unamused. "Edward, we can't laugh at this!"

"Sorry. The question I have is how the hell is this happening?" Edward asked. Sage wiped the tears from his face. "You refused Empress Liy's demand that you submit to her command as your new mistress."

"I said I would in return for keeping my legal power. I would have bent the knee if she would have given me her word first. I wasn't scared, and that pissed her off. I can't help that she relishes in the shaming of others." Edward replied.

"You fool! You doomed your kingdom!" Sage yelled. Sapphire looked at Edward, worried. "Is there any chance you could change this woman's mind?" she asked.

Edward shrugged. "I doubt it, but I'll try."

Hours later, Agate portaled into Soshi's house just as he was talking to Dwight.
"I need your help with talking down the Floral Queen! She declared war on this whole planet!" Agate shouted.

"Oh, lovely. Give me a few minutes as I say my goodbyes." Soshi said as Dwight handed him the rings. Agate went back through. The other heroes from the United States and some of the villains from Pentref were assembled in the lab. Agate ran over to Kama. "He'll be here in a minute. He's just gotta say goodbye to Dwight." Kama punched him. "Idiot! We have no time for this! If we don't hurry, things are going to go to hell!" she yelled.

"Calm down, I'm here. Let's get this taken care of." Soshi said, turning off the portal so Launch Pad could set up a new one for them to head off to the Floral Queen's world.

Empress Liy sat, quietly contemplating her next move until Blue Quartz spoke up, coming up behind her on her right. "I've driven Zack the Zipper into despair and locked him up like you asked. What will we do next?" Empress Liy reached for him, enraged enough at the notion he had to lead him to use the word "we" to her to slug him in the face before a call from Book came up. She let go of his arm and stood up from her seat. "Empress, I have great news! The machine is finished and working!" Book said, grinning.

"I have a question for you, Book. What use can we get out of the necklace here with me?" Empress Liy asked. "His powers can be used to control the emotions of others, why not use them to send people running into the antimatter wall?" Book responded. Liy tapped her fingers on the console, mulling over the idea. "Let's do it. Blue Quartz, you want a world to control? You get four worlds now!"

She put her hands to the sides of his head, channeling her vast powers into his powers and activating them against his will. "Make the people of the four remaining worlds, Earth-J, Earth-F, Earth-M, and Earth-S feel such terror that they rush into the most unpreventable death that I can give them!!"

As she channeled her power into his own abilities, he could feel the emotions of millions and billions, every single heartbeat and every single thought beat against his skull in his mind, causing him to tremble and scream in pain to the point where he could barely even stand up.

Later, Soshi and Agate appeared in front of the palace of the Floral Queen. They rushed to the entrance, fighting against the crowd before Soshi looked around and pointed out the obvious. "Agate, where is everyone running to?" Agate looked behind them, and up in the sky, he could see it! The fray was slowly coming down and everyone was...running towards it. Soshi seemed to drop all reluctance, Agate could only see concern in his eyes. "I'll handle this! You talk to the queen!" Soshi yelled.

"How do you expect-" Agate began, but before he could finish, Soshi hurried off into the crowd. He attacked the fray head on, converting it all into energy he could absorb into the rings. The people around him screamed in fear and anger, as if they had wanted to rush head on to their doom. Soshi shuddered upon making his way back to Agate. "That should buy us some time. Something's really wrong, and I don't like it." He and Agate busted through the door into the palace, past the guards as they tried to stop the two of them. They made it to the throne room, where Queen Nam Sho Jong stood. "So you come here to destroy my world and expect me to talk to you?!" she yelled, pulling out a gun. Soshi was just stupified.
"No! We came here because you declared war on my country, and I want to try to negotiate peace before things get out of hand!"

"I did no such thing! You outworlders came here to destroy my world, and I should very well consider war once I am done with you!" She yelled, attacking them with her scepter. Agate was already starting to panic, having no idea what to do. Soshi picked her up and threw her off before he grabbed Agate and teleported himself and Agate back to the lab.

Upon appearing there, Soshi ran over to the others. "I've got bad news and weird news. The Queen had no clue what declaration of war we were talking about, and just went berserk, and before that I had to put a stop to a wall of anti-matter that almost consumed the planet. The weird thing is that the people were rushing towards it with panic in their eyes and when I stopped it, they instantly tried to attack me or run away from me. I don't know what the hell is going on, but I think we need to get to the bottom of it now."

"Sage disappeared earlier, perhaps the other worlds are facing destruction on their doorstep right now." Night Owl suggested. Soshi nodded. "Yeah, that's clear. But why are the people rushing into it?" he asked.

"I don't think it matters, we're going to need to directly intervene now on four fronts." Dagger said. Soshi interrupted. "Yeah, the problem is, we only know about two of them directly. Also, we have another question to tackle. Who the hell sent that fake declaration of war if the Queen didn't?"

Dagger looked at him indignantly. "I know of the two you're unaware of, I can work with Launch Pad to send some of you to each of those four places while I work on a plan to bring them into the netherverse. I'll need you all to bring metal rods. Soshi, you make those and a few extra as well as help me, Notecard, Launch Pad, and Lighight. There's one other piece of the puzzle we need and that's a speedster."

Pickelhaube raised his hand. "Ich can get Scissors! He must suffice!" Dagger nodded. "Very well. Once you've done that, I want you and Reglissina to go to the Floral world. Is everyone ready to work together to do this?!"

"Absolutely. Here you go." Soshi said, creating fifteen rods of silicon out of thin air. The Cape, Syringe, and Picky, you're heading to the Floral Kingdom. Reglissina and CC, you're heading to the world of the Monsterlands. Agate, Kama, and Night Owl, you're going to the Jewel Kingdom.
Orb, Obliv, and Lone Star Lady, you're going to the Sugar World. That's Earths F, M, J, and S covered."

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