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Valentina POV(also your POV):

"I wake up early on Friday, yay! I quickly get ready for work, including brushing my teeth and putting on my casual outfit. Yesterday, I received a text telling me that I got the job, and I was asked to come in early at around 8 for a tour and other things.

As I leave my room, I see my roommate standing outside with messy hair and baggy pants, rubbing his eyes. He greets me by saying, 'Hey, beautiful,' and I can't help but blush.

I respond with a simple 'Hey,' and ask him how he slept. He says he slept okay and then asks where I'm going. I excitedly explain that I got hired for a job, to which he congratulates me. I express my gratitude, and he offers to give me a ride.

I consider declining, but I ultimately accept his offer since it saves me money on an Uber. After waiting for him for 20 minutes, he emerges looking handsome in a fresh suit, nice hair, and shiny shoes. I blush at his appearance since he is a very attractive man whom many girls fall for.

We exchange some small talk during the car ride, and when we arrive at the building, he graciously opens the car door for me. We walk to the entrance together, and as I enter, I kiss him on the cheek
and say thank you for everything.

He replies with 'no problem,' and we part ways."As I'm walking, the same girl from yesterday approaches me and expresses her expectation of my absence. She rolls her eyes and says, "Come on, I'm supposed to show you around, whatever your name is," in a mean and sarcastic manner. Angrily, I respond, "It's Valentina, for the last time," and insultingly call her a "plastic on a stick" in reference to her extensive plastic surgery.

She stops walking, looks towards me, and confronts me by asking, "What did you say, stupid girl? Show me respect!" I sarcastically reply, "Oh, did I say that out loud?" with a pout, followed by a laugh. She warns me, "You don't want to mess with me. I'll make your life miserable." I retort, "You already are," and demand that she shows me around and does her job, as she is wasting my time.

In response, she huffs and resumes walking. She claims, "You won't fit in here. This job is only for pretty girls." I question her statement by asking, "Then why are you working here? Clearly, you're not pretty." Consequently, she abruptly stops and slaps me.

Unaffected by the slap, I retaliate by punching her, but not too forcefully

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Unaffected by the slap, I retaliate by punching her, but not too forcefully.

Unaffected by the slap, I retaliate by punching her, but not too forcefully

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and firmly say, "Stop lying!" She slaps me once again, and as we prepare to fight, Lorenzo intervenes and asks, "What actually happened?" The conversation escalates when I question the validity of her claim that only pretty girls are permitted to ...

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and firmly say, "Stop lying!" She slaps me once again, and as we prepare to fight, Lorenzo intervenes and asks, "What actually happened?" The conversation escalates when I question the validity of her claim that only pretty girls are permitted to work there.

The situation intensifies as she slaps me yet again, but I reach my limit when she shoves me into a person holding a tray, causing it to fall—this incident occurred during the interview yesterday and other formal proceedings. "

She continued to talk nonstop, which infuriated me even more She sarcastically remarked, 'Oh, how amusing that your little boy toy has come to save you.' I reached my breaking point and Lorenzo allowed me to confront her physically.

I grabbed her bun, yanked her down, and forcefully threw her to the ground. I unleashed a flurry of punches, like a boxer in a ring, while she pleaded with me to spare her delicate face.

She kept apologizing, as if her words could shield her from my wrath. But just as I was about to deliver the final blow, like a superhero swooping in to save the day, Lorenzo appeared out of nowhere and yanked me away.

And there she stood, poor Jennifer, with a face that resembled a Picasso painting gone wrong. Her once prim and proper bun had come undone, as if it couldn't handle the chaos that had unfolded. And her clothes, oh dear, they were in such disarray that even a tornado would envy their state.

But the drama didn't end there, my friend. No, no, no. After my physical altercation with Jennifer, she didn't have the decency to shut her mouth. She continued spewing out words that held no meaning, as if she were immune to the chaos she had caused. It was at that moment that Enzo, the supposed boss, stormed onto the scene, bellowing at everyone to get back to work.

Enzo, being the curious soul that he is, turned to Lorenzo for an explanation. And oh boy, did Lorenzo have a story to tell. He recounted the events with such gusto that even Shakespeare would be proud. And there she stood, Jennifer, the "pick me girl" as I liked to call her, listening to every word with a mix of fear and confusion.

Now, my dear reader, let me share a little secret with you. Whenever I get angry, I have this peculiar habit of laughing and talking to myself. It's like my own personal comedy show, except the jokes are only funny to me. You see, I have anger issues and bipolar disorder, but fear not, for I have conquered my BPD.

So there I stood, blood staining my lips and hands, like a character straight out of a horror movie. And what did I do, you ask? Well, I did what any self-respecting individual would do in that situation. I continued to laugh, relishing in the absurdity of it all, while Jennifer looked on in both horror and bewilderment.

And that, my friend, is the tale of how a series of punches, a boss's intervention, and my own peculiar sense of humor turned a seemingly ordinary day into a spectacle worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy.

And that, my friend, is the tale of how a series of punches, a boss's intervention, and my own peculiar sense of humor turned a seemingly ordinary day into a spectacle worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy

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She called me sick, to which I replied, "I know," with a wink

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She called me sick, to which I replied, "I know," with a wink. Enzo then suggested discussing the matter in his office, and both Lorenzo and the girl joined."

1010 words

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