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Valentina POV(also your POV):

As Lorenzo and I took a leisurely stroll, my thoughts drifted to the comfort of my home, where I could finally let my tears flow. It seemed as though the world was against me and my beauty, leaving me feeling unloved and alone. Suddenly, Lorenzo noticed my distant and melancholic demeanor and asked if I was okay.

Irritated, I replied with a curt nod and continued walking. To my surprise, he stopped me in my tracks and gently guided me back to where I belonged. Avoiding his gaze, I heard him say, "Look at me, my dear." With a firm grip on my face, he spoke sternly, "I understand your anger, but please don't take it out on me." He said angrily

(I couldn't help but blush at his touch, he was so handsome 🫦) As our eyes lock, I offer a heartfelt apology and hug him tightly, shedding a few delicate tears on his shirt. He strokes my cheek gently and says, "Don't let anyone or anything steal your joy or block your path to greatness, okay?" I'm so grateful that I can only manage a mumble of thanks, and he gives me a sneak peek into what's to come.

Our paths quickly separate, and now, on my lunch break, I'm deep in conversation with my new pals, Carlos and Rosalina. Laughter ensues as we share our shared yet disparate life experiences. Suddenly, an unfamiliar face intrudes upon our camaraderie, relaying the boss's request for my presence. Obediently, I acquiesce, briefly excusing myself from my new friends. Purposefully, I stride towards the office, lightly knocking on the door. From within, I hear the familiar voice beckon, "Come in."

283 words

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