Author Note !!

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Hey there, my gorgeous readers! Did you devour that scorching chapter I just served you? Oh, it was sizzling, wasn't it? Of course, it was! But guess what, my darlings? I've got some exciting news for you. Brace yourselves because I'm about to drop another tantalizing, spicy book just for you. Oh, the choices you have, my lovelies! Which mood will you be in today? 🤪 Will you be running wild with excitement? Or perhaps you'll be feeling a little mischievous? 🏃‍♀️😏🤭 Get ready, because I'm about to embark on this steamy journey real soon. So, my dears, stay tuned and keep those eyes peeled for more updates. Oh, and by the way, you guys are more than just friends to me. You're my everything! So, don't you dare think about going anywhere, or I might just have to play the role of a forever stalker! Just kidding... or am I? 😏😏 But hey, before I go, here's a little sneak peek of what's to come in my upcoming book. Enjoy!

Rosa Martinez, a boss babe who's always been focused on her career and personal growth, was living her best life. She had a job she loved at an art gallery, a tight-knit group of friends, and a passion for all things creative. But little did she know, her world was about to get a whole lot hotter.

One scorching summer day, Rosa was strutting her stuff on her way home from work when she noticed a smokin' hot stranger eyeing her from afar. He had piercing blue eyes, dark hair that was styled to perfection, and a confidence that made her weak in the knees. At first, Rosa thought it was just a passing attraction, but fate had other plans.

As the days went by, Rosa couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. And sure enough, the same mysterious man seemed to be everywhere she went. He was at all her favorite hangouts, every event she attended, and even outside her apartment building. Rosa couldn't resist the pull she felt towards him, but just as suddenly as he appeared, he vanished.

That is, until Rosa woke up to find a buff, tall stranger watching her from the corner. What happened next? Well, that's a story for another time. 😉💋

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