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Valentina POV(also your POV):

I strolled into his fancy office, ready to dazzle him with my charm. He confirmed that he had summoned me and dropped the bombshell of a change. Apparently, he wanted me to be his right-hand person, with an office conveniently located nearby. As if that wasn't enough, he even had the audacity to instruct me to use the intercom whenever he needed me. Talk about high maintenance!

Naturally, I was miffed. I mean, I was perfectly content with my current office setup. So, I mustered up the courage to express my preference. But, oh boy, did he shut me down! He dismissed my opinion faster than a cheetah chasing its prey, making it crystal clear that my likes and dislikes were irrelevant. Buzz killer alert!

Feeling frustrated and slightly defeated, I stormed out of his office and sought solace in the comforting presence of my friends. Bless their souls, they came to my rescue and helped me relocate my belongings. I owe them big time!

With their support, I reluctantly started working in my new office and promptly attended to his never-ending requests through the intercom. It's safe to say that I became the master of multitasking, all thanks to that little device. All of this was quite the stress-fest, especially on my first day. But hey, no one promised it would be a walk in the park.

Thank goodness it was finally Friday, and I could see the light at the end of the workweek tunnel. Lost in daydreams of my epic weekend plans, I was rudely interrupted once again by the intercom. Seriously, was this some kind of twisted game?

I rolled my eyes and begrudgingly made my way to his office. Surprise, surprise, he had more tasks for me. Before I could even utter a word, he dismissed me like yesterday's news. Determined not to let this get me down, I stormed out of his office, feeling a mix of annoyance and frustration.

I dove headfirst into my work and miraculously finished everything by 10 o'clock. As I glanced at the clock, it hit me like a ton of bricks - the office was a ghost town, except for the cleaning crew. Looks like I was the last one standing, or rather, sitting.

After completing my shift, I nonchalantly sauntered through the desolate alleyway. Little did I know, the eerie silence would soon be shattered by blood-curdling screams that sent shivers down my spine. Intrigued by the disturbing commotion, I cautiously concealed myself behind a putrid trash can, desperate to catch a glimpse of the unfolding horror.

To my dismay, I bore witness to Enzo, a malevolent figure, mercilessly berating a man who was already on the brink of death. The dim, flickering lights cast an ominous shadow over the three shadowy figures accompanying Enzo, making it impossible to discern their identities. Enzo accused the battered man of betraying their clandestine secrets to the authorities, deeming him worthy of a gruesome demise.

However, instead of swiftly ending the man's suffering, Enzo opted for a more sadistic punishment. He callously forced the man to watch as he methodically eradicated each member of his innocent family. As the man's desperate pleas for mercy grew tiresome, Enzo silenced him with a bone-crushing blow.

With a chilling glare, Enzo aimed his firearm at the man's trembling head, issuing a chilling warning to all present about his absolute abhorrence for dishonesty and treachery. In a single, swift motion, he pulled the trigger, unleashing a deafening blast that reverberated through the night, jolting me to my core.

Overwhelmed by terror, I involuntarily whimpered and leaped in fright, inadvertently capturing the attention of Enzo and his malevolent cohorts. Our eyes locked in a moment of sheer terror, and in that split-second, I knew I had to escape. The sound of gunshots echoed behind me as I sprinted frantically towards the foreboding woods, my heart pounding in my chest, consumed by a bone-chilling fear.

 The sound of gunshots echoed behind me as I sprinted frantically towards the foreboding woods, my heart pounding in my chest, consumed by a bone-chilling fear

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Hiding behind a tree, I trembled in fear as Enzo's voice echoed through the air, taunting me to come out. My heart raced as I covered my mouth, praying for safety and hoping to avoid capture.

 When Enzo finally passed by, I bolted towards my car, desperate to escape

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When Enzo finally passed by, I bolted towards my car, desperate to escape. Driving away as fast as I could, I finally reached the sanctuary of my home. But even there, I couldn't shake the feeling of terror that Enzo's threats had left behind. I scanned my surroundings, locking the door behind me with shaking hands, and wondered if I would ever truly be safe again.


Guess what? I've got some sizzling news for you! I've finally decided to unleash my book upon the world. Brace yourselves, because from now on, I'll be spicing up your weekends (or every other weekend) with some tantalizing updates. I hope you've been devouring it with delight so far, and I can't wait to keep the story sizzling as it unfolds.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your scorching support and for joining me on this thrilling journey. Your feedback and encouragement mean more to me than a thousand sunsets. Oh, and if you could lend me a hand by voting, I'd be forever grateful. You're the hottest readers around!

So, get ready for an electrifying reading experience ahead! But before you dive in, my gorgeous babes, I have a burning question for you: Do you want another chapter? Cast your vote and let me know in the comments!

With all my love,


933 words

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